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"Investing In Vietnam is really of great accomplishment"

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At the end of 2004, I am lucky enough to have the opportunity of interviewing the Vietnamese consul-general to China, Mr. Tran Duy Hai

Q: Mr. Consul-general, would you please give me a brief introduction to the Vietnamese economical trade status in the year of 2004.

A: OK. Vietnam was confronted with various difficulties in 2004, but her economy has still kept fast increasing tendency anyway. The economical increasing rate of this year reached 7.7%, while the secondary and tertiary industry had the even fast increasing with the rate of 8.4% after the readjustment of economical structure.It is worth to be mentioned that the service industry had a portion of 36.5% in the total economical production value; it's a much higher portion indeed.

As for exporting, in 2004 we have also got a remarkable achievement of USD $ 26 billion that increased about 29% comparing to the year of 2003.This increasing rate should be the highest figure in the recent 8 years. The exporting products are mainly marine lives, rice, rubber, textile, etc.In addition, the exporting market, which aims mainly to EFTA, USA, Japan, and China, has also been extended continuously.

Q: What about the economical & trade relationship between Vietnam and China?

A: Comparing with other trade partner, I am afraid China should be the biggest trade country for Vietnam.The total trade amount of the two sides reached USD $ 6 billion in 2004, of which USD $ 3.7 billion was from China to Vietnam, USD $ 2.3 billion from Vietnam to paring with the year of 2003, this amount of Vietnam increased by 45%, and so the target of exceeding USD $ 5 billion of bilateral trade in 2005, which was settled by the leaders of these two countries, has been achieved one year earlier.

Up to October of the year 2004, with a total investment of USD $ 403 million, the number of investment projects of China in Vietnam reached 305.Only in the period from January to October in 2004, China settled 57 new investment projects in Vietnam with a total investment of USD $ 64 million.During the past some years, China had continuously extended its investing efforts on some old investment projects in vietnam such as Thai Nguyer Corp., Habac Nitrogen FertilizerCorp., etc., and some other even new investment projects are under negotiation.

At present, since Vietnam is right in the way towards market economy like China has been, many investment projects are carrying out in enterprises of the two sides.The both sides of Chinese and Vietnamese leaders have the same viewpoint that the potential of bilateral trade cooperation is very big.Therefore the two sides are taking their great efforts to exploit new space for cooperation, and to promote the development of bilateral economy trade together.

Vietnam has the trade deficit in the Vietnam-China trade.The products exported to China are mainly agro-products, beverage, coal, crude oil, and rubber, etc., which occupied a 1/3 portion or some of the total Vietnam-China trade amount; while the products imported from China are mainly machine equipment, chemical fertilizer, and textile raw materials, which are decided by the investment projects of China in Vietnam.Leaders of the two sides have made the common understanding that we should take bilateral efforts to reduce the trade deficit on the Vietnam side.

Q: According to your opinion, what superiorities does Vietnam have in the field of investment environment?Is there any aspect that need to be improved?

A: In the aspect of investment environment, Vietnam has the major superiorities behaved as follows:

1. We have steady politics and good social security condition.This condition is of great importance especially when the world is under the shadow of frequent international terror activities.Viewing from the condition of investment environment, I think Vietnam should be one of the safest countries in the world;

2. We have favorable geographical condition. We can offer the investors with very convenient services on aviation and navigation;

3. We have very rich natural resources. Besides petroleum and natural gas, we also have abundant resources of mineral deposit, forest, and agriculture;

4. Since Vietnam has a population of 82 million, its market potential is great enough.Vietnam has an important status in 10 countries of ASEAN, and so she will exert her great effect.Especially, under the high-speed development of Vietnam's economy, the purchasing power of Vietnamese market will certainly increased a great deal;

5. Vietnam has an abundant labor resource in addition, and the Vietnamese labor used to have much higher education and provide in low payment;

6. Vietnam is continuously improving its investment policies and environment, while the improving is right orienting to making track connection with the international world, and so to make the investment policies and laws more transparent and more public.In addition, Vietnam is now making efforts to accede to WTO, and has carries out the negotiation with 6 countries.The negotiating with other countries is also conducted successfully.It is estimated that we can make the acceding to WTO in the year of 2005.If Vietnam can successfully accede to WTO, I am sure that this country will have much big affinity for all investors;

It is certainly too, that Vietnam still has some businesses need to be improved: for instance, the administrative approval procedure is a bit complicate and over laden; the corruption & degeneration are still existed. Departments of Vietnamese government are tackling these matters with great efforts.

Moreover, in my opinion, the infrastructure of Vietnam needs to be further improved.So, the Vietnamese government is adopting many ways now to make full use of the in-land capital, and to conduct the program of ODA projects (refers to official projects supporting by the government), and to introduce foreign investment as well.

I'd like to sum up my opinion in a few words, that Vietnam does have favorable investment environment, and so investing Vietnam is really of great accomplishment.

Q: Could you give me some status information concerning the economical trade development of Vietnam in Guangxi in the recent years?

A: Sure. Vietnam and Guangxi used to keep very close reciprocation in all fields.The lands of Vietnam and Guangxi are connected just with routes and rivers, so the traffic is very convenient by highway, railway, seaway, and by air as well.It takes only 6 hours from Nanning to Hanoi by high way; and 35 minutes by air.In fact, most of the economical trade cooperation between China and Vietnam is conducted by means of through Guangxi.The total trade amount between Guangxi and Vietnam occupied a 1/3 portion of the total trade amount between China and Vietnam.So, when our premier Phan Van Khaivisited China in May of this year, he had raised a proposal to the leaders of China, which involved the imagine of establishing two economy corridors and one economy circle (the so-called ″two corridors & one circle″).The two corridors refer to the Kunming―Laojie―Hanoi―Haifang economy corridor and the Nanning―Liangshan―Hanoi―Haifang―Guangning economy corridor, while one economy circle refers to the circle that includes Hainan province, Guangxi autonomous region, and 10 coastal provinces in the northern part of Vietnam.It is no doubt that once the ″two corridors & one circle″ are established, both Guangxi and Vietnam will gain enormous benefits from it, and will greatly promote their development on economy and trade.As I know, the leaders of Guangxi have also shown great interest on this imagine of ″two corridors & one circle″.In June of 2004, the vice governor of Guangxi, Mr. Li Jinzao, and the Guangxi entrepreneurs delegation of 150, which was led by him, paid a visit to Vietnam.During his visiting, Mr. Li Jinzao presented his valuable opinion on this imagine, and raised some further ideas in addition.For example,he suggested that after the Nanning―Pinxiang express highway was completed, in the area between this highway and the Liangshan―Hanoi express highway an industry zone should be set up; a thermal power plant might be constructed in Fangcheng of Guangxi by using the coal supplied from Guangning province of Vietnam; and a cooperation project is favorable to be arranged in Baise, etc.The visiting of Mr. Li Jinzao has precipitated the signing of 24 items of cooperation agreement between the enterprises of the two sides with a total amount of USD $ 136 million.In the other hand, the further development of the economical and trade relationship between Vietnam and Guangxi has been well behaved in the first China-ASEAN Expo, which closed just now……Vietnam hopes that, through this channel―Guangxi, our country will attract not only the people of Guangxi but also the more people from other provinces of China to invest in Vietnam.

Q: Well. Mr. Consul-general, I will then raise another question concerning the status of Vietnam's investment in China. What enterprises Vietnam has that put investment in China successfully? And what are the reasons, which caused the successful result?

A: At present, the most successful investment enterprise we have in China is the Binhtien Imex Corp., Pte.,Ltd.I think their success was owing to that they knew the demands of China's market exactly, and so knew the relevant policies and laws on the China side; and what's more, they understood the developing tendency of politics and other relationships between the high leaders of China and Vietnam.

Q: What fields do you regard that are much worthy to invest by Chinese enterprises?

A: In recent years, the structure of investment, which provided by Chinese enterprises, in Vietnam changed a little.In the very beginning, the Chinese enterprises used to put their investment mainly in service industry, e.g. hotel, restaurant and so on; but now they begin turn to the goods production.The Chinese investment projects in Vietnam that comparatively have much superiority are the following: machine building, textile, agriculture, processing, and electronic products, etc.

Q: I wonder if you have some opinions or suggestions on this first Expo?

A:Certainly. I think this first Nanning China-ASEAN Expo was really very successful.As I know, China had got enormous achievements in this Expo on the field of investing and introducing capital, while the more important is that the Expo had built a cooperation platform between China and the ASEAN countries.

As for Vietnam, I think the successful holding of this first China-ASEAN Expo has strengthened Vietnam's confidence on Guangxi.In this Expo, Vietnam booked over 100 booths, and 100-odd Vietnamese enterprises joined the Expo or participated in various seminars or summits.As I know, in addition there were many enterprises that didn't go to the Expo with the Vietnam delegation but by their own way to seek the opportunities for cooperation. In this Expo, the signed projects by Vietnam's enterprises reached an amount of USD $ 114 million in total; while the products sold in this Expo achieved USD $ 0.1 million; so, it was a very big commercial opportunity indeed.

In my opinion, the successful of this Expo was behaved mainly in the thoughtful reception program, greatly improved city's infrastructure, and the fresh and bright appearance of Nanning City.

Q: What do you think of the tourism resources of Vietnam?What rather hot scenery spots do you have?Could you make a brief introduction?

A:Sure. The number of foreign tourists to Vietnam came to 3 million in 2004.The reasons that make Vietnam be able to attract tourists are the following: she has both the land scenery spots and on-the-sea scenery spots; her warmhearted people are good in entertaining guests―this is more important; the procedure for passing the custom and going through the certificate affairs are both fast and convenient; and there are seaway, e.g. the sailing from Beihai, and high way, through Dongxing and Youyi Guan, for tourists from Guangxi to Vietnam easily.

I also think of that, both Vietnam and Guangxi have great potential on tourist resources.For example, you, Guangxi, have the ″Landscape of Guilin″; we, Vietnam, have Xialong Bay―the so-called ″On-the-sea Guilin″.If we connect these two ″Guilin″ to form a special touring route, I am afraid this route will certainly be a golden touring route. (laughing)At present, the hot touring scenery spots in our country are: Xialong Bay, Ho Chi Minh City, Haifang, Hanoi, Dale, Shaba and so on.In addition, in order to strengthen the bilateral economical and trade cooperation, it is favorable to integrate the tourism with commercial investigation, because they do have the internal relation.(Translatcd by Li Yintang)