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China:Moved the world

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In the Tsunami that the Indian Ocean earthquake caused, what the disaster-stricken countries suffered could be said the unprecedented disaster. When the countries all over the world promise to stretch out the assistance one after another, china took action rapidly,it contributed money, goods,materials and the succor experts were sent to rapidly. True feelings of sharing in trouble, sharing the weal and woe together with the disaster-stricken countries which China demonstrated in this action, have move all the world.

Disaster: the great calamity seem never happened before

The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake was an undersea earthquake that occurred at 07:58:53 (local time) on December 26,2004. The earthquake generated Tsunamis that were among the deadliest disasters in modern history.The earthquake originated in the Indian Ocean just north of Simeulue island, off the western coast of northern Sumatra,Indonesia.The resulting Tsunamis devastated the shores of Indonesia, Sri Lanka,India,Thailand, even reaching the east coast of Africa.

At least 159,700 people are known to have died as a result of the Tsunamis and the count is still taking place.

Relief agencies report that one-third of the dead appear to be children. This is a result of the high proportion of children in the populations of many of the affected regions and the fact that children were the least able to resist being overcome by the surging waters.

In addition to the large number of local residents, up to 9,000 foreign tourists (mostly Europeans) enjoying the peak holiday travel season were among the dead.

China: Start the emergency system

Burst of disaster, affected each Chinese heart. At 26th the same day of President Hu Jintao, telegraphed to the heads of the countries as Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Maldives, Thailand and Malaysia, etc. expressing deep condolence sincerely to the victims. Premier Wen Jiabao telegraphed the head of government of the countries concerned and expresses sympathy and solicitude separately too.

Meanwhile,Chinese Government starts the emergency system rapidly. On the 26th, Chinese Government announces immediately: Offer the goods and materials and spot exchange of 21,630,000 Yuan tothe relevant disaster-stricken countries.

But no one thinks, death toll the disaster caused would be geometric soaring. When the Tsunami shock wave began to expand to the whole world, various countries realize, this may be an unprecedented catastrophe in the history of mankind.

Because of this, Chinese Government reconsidered its own rescue plan. At the night of December 29, foreign minister Li Zhaoxing held the joint conference of related departments such as Ministry of Finance, Department of Commerce, Ministry of Public Health, Bureau of Seismology and military promptly. By a wide margin at the meeting, the Chinese Government agreed to increase the goods and materials and spot exchange to the disaster-stricken countries.

The Premier: The true feelings move the world

On February 31, Premier Wen Jiabao met the envoys of disaster-stricken countries and some international representatives to China in Ziguang Pavilion of Zhongnanhai, he expressed that China would add to the disaster relief fund of 500 million Yuan on the basis of helping in the past, at this moment, China has contributed money in total value reaching 62 million in U.S. Dollar.

Wen Jiabao says,″ to this burst of disaster, the Chinese people pay close attention, and show deep sympathy too. I represent Chinese Government and the Chinese people, represent President Hu Jintao, and in my own name, express deep solicitude to the countries concerned and the people again, express profound condolence to the victim.″ The genuine and sincere words of Premier Wen Jiabao, let every envoy and represent visibly moved.

Indonesia suffered from disaster this time is the heaviest. After the disaster takes place, Chinese Government sends the rescue group there immediately. The Indonesian Ambassador to China said to Wen Jiabao: ″To the fraternal emotion that you express, wethank very much. That encourages the disaster-stricken people a lots!″

Every envoy and representative are unbosoming the words from the heart one after another:

″The aid from China comes very fast, and at the right time.″

″Expressing the most lofty compliments and the most sincere thanks to Chinese Government and the people.″

″I would like to be on behalf of the general secretary of the United Nations, express gratitude to the Chinese Government for the important leading role that it plays in providing disaster relief.″ ...

″The response China makes to this disaster is very fast, establishing a very good example.″ the official of world Health Organization say,“I thank Chinese Government very much for offering doctors to WHO rescue groups, and making our rescue action take smoothly.″

On January 6 this year, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao attended the special meeting held in Jakarta for the ASEAN countries, and delivered the important speech ″Sharing in trouble and rebuilding the beautiful home″

Premier Wen Jiabao says with deep feeling, ″the earthquake and Tsunami of the Indian Ocean are affecting every Chinese heart. We wished to share your pain and sadness of losing relatives, friends and compatriots, we will continue trying our best to help you combat the disaster and rebuild your home. All Chinese people, the people from various countries in this area and even the people from all over the world will share the trouble with you, and go through the hard-time altogether.″ The Premier's solemn commitment makes the representatives moved visibly. Maldivian president says: In the difficult moment, Chinese people stay with us always, and give us enormous support; the foreign minister of Sri Lanka says: The aid from China comes so fast and in the right time, we can feel the strong friendship from the Chinese people profoundly; Anan, the general secretary of the United Nations says, as a developing country, China can offer the help on a large scale to the disaster-stricken countries, that's a great significant; an official from Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia says, ″Chinese Premier is the only foreign state leader who passes on the supplies to our victims by his own special plane, what he has done makes us deeply moved.″

Guangxi: loves converge into sea

While the Chinese state leaders make the examples on the international arena, the local contribution upsurge sweeps across the whole nation too, the organs and the masses are contributing money numerously and munificently, their purposes are the same: helping the people who are suffering in the disaster.

As the permanent host of the China-ASEAN Expo, Guangxi has succeeded in holding the first EXPO in November of 2004, and gained high commendation from ASEAN members unanimously. Along with the Free Trade Area of China-ASEAN setting up, the communication between Guangxi and ASEAN member states will be more and more frequent. After Tsunami took place, the safety of the people in the disaster area is affecting the heart of Guangxi people, too. Recently, under the leadership of leaders from the Party and the government, the masses from all walks of life in Guangxi offer their contributions actively, their loves to Tsunami victims fully displayed the international humanistic spirit of Guangxi people.

By January 10, the whole contributions had reached 4,137,000 Yuan (RMB), these funds will be passed on to the disaster-stricken countries through Red Cross of China.

This is the call from the bottom of heart, and it is the love devotion without hesitation, so long as everybody has a bit to dedicate, the world will turn into a beautiful one! (Translated by Casey Chin)