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摘 要:2016年5月6日,日本首相安倍晋三前往俄罗斯黑海城市索契与俄总统普京举行非正式首脑会谈。俄日重启首脑会谈是两

>> 奥运中国行:美俄日首脑“素描” 日蒙举行首脑会谈 或将合作解决朝鲜绑架日本人问题 论“联俄制日”外交的形成及其对《中俄密约》的影响 美俄“首脑热线”风云50年 接地技术浅谈及其在电力防雷中的应用分析 日俄首脑通话确定普京年内访日谈及争议领土问题 浅谈会谈交际礼仪 台日渔业会谈:让步还是诱饵? 建筑渗漏原因浅谈及控制 太和岭口会谈的重要影响及其历史意义 美英俄日四国现行高考制度综述及其特点分析 俄白哈关税同盟贸易效应及其影响 日印德巴首脑会抱团谋“入常” 浅谈十月革命前的俄日渔业关系 浅谈及时解决问题的几点做法 电力工程造价管理的浅谈及建议 俄日北方四岛争端对东北亚军事斗争格局的影响 影响詹姆斯的五次会谈 示威游行影响中日高层会谈 领土争端考验俄日关系 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.

On Russia and Japan Summit Talks and Its Influence

LIU Zenan

(PLA Foreign Languages Institute, Luoyang 471003, China)

Abstract: 2016 years on May 6, the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to the Russian Black Sea resort town of Sochi and Russian President Vladimir Putin held an informal summit. Russia and Japan to restart the summit is the interests needs of the two countries to expand strategic space, break the deadlock, strengthen economic and trade cooperation. During the talks, the two leaders discussed the territorial and peace treaties, trade and economic cooperation as well as international practical issues that play a positive role to improve bilateral relations for the development of bilateral relations and create a good atmosphere.

Key words: Russia Japan relations, summit talks, Putin government, Anbei cabinet