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摘 要:普通高校体育课程改革取得成绩的同时还存在一些问题,通过文献资料、调查研究等方法,审视当前我国普通高

>> 普通高校体育课程教学的问题与对策研究 当前普通高校体育课程在教育方面几个问题与对策 普通高校体育课程模式的创新研究 普通高校体育课程资源开发利用现状与发展对策研究 普通高校体育课程教学与大学生体育需求的比较研究 普通高校体育课程异变的原因与对策 浅议普通高校体育课程改革的成就、问题与对策 基于人本主义教育理念下普通高校体育教育的思考 普通高校“三自主”选课与体育课程改革的实践研究 普通高校体育课实施分层教学的现状与发展对策研究 普通高校体育课程理念及价值取向研究 普通高校体育课程研究综述 普通高校公共体育课程设置现状及改革对策研究 吉林省普通高校体育课程改革发展趋势及对策研究 关于普通高校体育课程改革的思考 对新课程标准下的普通高校体育课程资源的研究 我国普通高校体育课程改革的现状及对策 普通高校体育课程改革中存在的问题和对策分析 普通高校体育课程教学改革与创新研究 普通高校体育课实施“三自主”教学现状分析与对策研究 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:.


The Research on the Lack of the Ideas of People-oriented Education in College Curriculum of Physical Education and the Countermeasures

SUN Hong-tao,ZHANG Qiang-feng

(P.E department,Hunan Normal University,Changsha,Hunan 410081,China)

Abstract:Lots of achievements have been made in the curriculum reform of college P.E. But at the same time,there are still some problems in the reform of the college curriculum of physical education. We research the college curriculum of physical education,and consider the lack of the ideas of people-oriented education by the methods of literature reviewing and investigation. Then we discuss the causes for the lack of ideas of people-oriented education. Finally,we put forward countermeasures for strengthening the ideas of people-oriented education in the college curriculum of physical education in the course of guiding ideology,curriculum structure,curriculum evaluation model,the relationship between teachers and students,and so on.

Key words:college;the curriculum of P.E;the ideas of people-oriented education