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My experience when I was in the UK

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I never planned on joining a study tour abroad during my summer break.I was beyond excited for my short semester abroad in the UK.I packed my suitcase, unpacked, and repacked again until it was under 40kg.The morning I left I said goodbye to my parents at the airport gate.The beginning of my short semester abroad was a full 24-hours of firsts.It was my first time traveling with a bunch of friends, first international flight, first taxi ride, finishing strong with my first night in a British flat.

Luckily it was also the first day of some of my strongest friendships.I met other international students who were there as well for the study tour.That first morning, we helped each other get accommodated.There is a strange sense of unity when you realize less than a day ago you walked away from all of your friends and family, all of the comforts of home, to embark on a journey oceans from any sense of familiarity, your completely on your own, and they are just like you.

Through the lectures I had attended, I realized that the British school system is stricter, more competitive, and it is taken much more seriously by the students.There was a lot of reading to do, and small group discussion.I can honestly say that I was challenged in my classes abroad, but a rigorous course load is still an important part of any study abroad experience.Moreover,I also found Britain charming and hospitable; rich with culture and history and natural beauty.I used my semester in London to see as much as my meager savings would allow.I traveled extensively by train throughout the UK and Ireland and even managed to afford a trip to mainland Europe in those few months.

Balancing social life and school life is hard no matter what country one is in.However, I think that it is important not to overlook the good times in pursuit of good grades.While I did achieve high marks in my courses, what taught me the most overseas was interacting with other people.Studying abroad is all about learning by doing and in order for that to happen you have to immerse yourself in multiple aspects of culture I came back from Europe a completely different person.I had new perspectives, an open mind, and an insatiable case of wander lust.I think that every university student should study abroad.I have come out a stronger, more confident, globally minded person, not to mention had a ton of fun, and I hope that everyone will take advantage of their opportunity to experience that through the study tour.

Through the few months I had I the UK, I had concluded some of my awesome thoughts about the UK.

Perfect Reasons to Study in England…

The depth of academics.Undergraduates are often exposed to lectures and topics that they wouldn’t find at home.

There is a rich sense of culture, history and friendly people who have unique sense of humor.

An amazing diversity of cultures, languages and foods.

Surprises in England…

The classes are more challenging, as you are expected to learn on your own and demonstrate a semester of knowledge in ONE paper/exam.This can be especially challenging for American students, who are used to being graded and turning in work throughout the academic year.By connecting with your UK peers and participating in group study sessions, you’ll be better adjusted to understanding how the academic system works.

The culture is completely different than what I expected.You just might be surprised at how different and will think twice about making inaccurate assumptions.

The food is like what my grandmother makes for Sunday dinner.

Things You Will Love After a Study Abroad in England Experience…

Football (soccer) C As the most popular of worldwide sports, football is played by over 250 million players in over 200 countries.There are over 40,000 clubs in England alone, so you’ll never be at a loss in finding a team to support or a match to attend.

Curry C The variety of curry dishes in England are immensely popular, and for good reason.Curry has been recognized as an integral part of British cuisine, and you’ll likely see dishes served in restaurants and homes all throughout England. Expand your own palette by trying out a new dish and new spices whenever you can.

British Comedy C The Brits and their comedy are well-known for dry, biting and intelligent humor or ‘humour’.

Things You Still Won’t Understand After a Semester in England…

The Royals C The British Monarchy traces its origins back hundreds of years, so it’s no surprise how ingrained into British culture it is.Although the political powers of the Monarch are much more reduced than years past, there are still ties between the British people and The Royals.Look at how many people tuned into the Royal Weddingbetween Prince William and Kate Middleton (who, by the way, each did a gap year and went abroad).You can’t say people weren’t interested.

Bangers and Mash with Mushy Peas C This quintessentially English dish can be found in pubs up and down England.The combination of mashed potatoes, sausages and onion gravy may be hard to understand but it hasn’t deflected from its popularity.

It is impossible to underscore how valuable the exposure to different lifestyles, cultures and languages was for my educational and personal development at that time.It was a critical time of exploration and maturing; of learning self-reliance and money management.In addition to making lasting friendships, my short study abroad experience informed my continuing intellectual and personal quest to learn about other people, places and cultures.I would not be working in foreign affairs now but for that important and timely opportunity.For those reasons, when the time comes, I am motivated to pursue my further study in overseas in the near future.Not to forget, to thank everyone who had made my study tour a memorable and meaningful one, especially my beloved parents who have been very supportive to me.