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英语的课堂导入是英语课堂教学的主要环节之一。良好的课堂导入既可以调动学生学习的积极性,激发学生学习的兴趣,又能集中学生的注意力,优化课堂效果,进而提高学习效率。结合牛津版初中英语九年级上册U6 Reading 1教学案例分析,笔者对初中英语课堂导入环节有效设置实施给出如下建议。


Step1 Lead―in:


(1)How many kinds of TV programmes can you see?

(2)Let’s see different types of TV programmes.

(3)Please look at this picture. Can you guess what are they doing?


(1)As we all know,the German football team has won 2014 the World Cup in Brazil. The programme about this match has been covered live.

(2)Now,a TV programme called“ the Voice of China”in Zhejiang TV station is very famous. Many Asian pop stars will attend this programme.

(3)Have you voted for your favourite star?

(4)What’s this woman feeling?

(5)There’s a TV guides from the newspaper or the Internet. Maybe it’s about daily or weekly round-up which introduce TV programmes.

Step 2 While-reading:

1.Firstly,please use the Reading Skill―“Skimming”. Reading tip: Go through the title,the first or last paragraph to catch the main idea. I’ll give you 2 minutes to read the whole passage freely,and then discuss the form in pairs.

2.Secondly,Let’s come to another Reading Skill―“Scanning.”Reading tip: Please read the passage quickly and silently only to find specific information. Millie made some notes of Saturday’s TV programmes. Help her check them. Write a T if a sentence is true or an F if it is false. I’ll give you 2 minutes to finish it,then give me your answers.

3.Now let’s read Part 1“Sports World”,please pay attention to “ Careful reading ”.

4.Part 2 is about “Beijing Music Awards”,I will give you a form,please work in groups of 4 in 3 minutes.

5.Ok,let’s come to Part 3 about a horror film if you get scared easily,please don’t watch it!Give you 3 minutes to fill in the blanks.

6.Choose the best answers:①B;②C.

7.Part 4 is about “Tiger Watch”,please read this part silently in 1 minute and give me your answer:①B;②C;③D.

Step 3 Post-reading:

1.Which programmes do the Ss like? I’ll let you read the statements,then give me the most suitable Saturday’s TV programmes.

2.Although we all like TV programmes,do you think spending too much time watching TV you like is right?

Step 4 Look at this picture,what is the boy doing? Maybe he is a“couch potato”.(couch沙发;potato土豆,引申为“电视迷”)Please read this suggestion― Don’t be a“couch potato”!together loudly.

Step 5 Conclusion and Homework.



(1)通过多种途径如图片、视频等,环环相扣,引发学生对TV programmes的兴趣,营造阅读氛围,创设教学情境。






