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摘 要:“手艺”是人类造物艺术活动中涉及面较广的一种现象。“手艺”的概念是非定义性的,没有非常清晰的界定和概念,然而,

>> 泰州小学生课堂学陶艺制作 感受传统手艺魅力 传统铁匠手艺了得 中国传统手艺 手艺的“寓言” 托尔斯泰的手艺 母亲的手艺 手艺的智慧 灰飞烟灭的手艺 手艺的价值 手艺的黄昏 战略的“手艺” 《手艺的思想》 冬闲忙着学手艺 外婆教我学手艺 去远乡学手艺 游走云南学手艺 老手艺的动漫战衣 老手艺的新鲜魔力 值钱的是手艺 手艺的极处是人生 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l,2005-05-28。








Art Phenomenological Study on the Three Pairs of Domains in Traditional "Handcraft"

WANG Wen-jie

(School of Art, Nantong University, Nantong, Jiangsu 226007)

Abstract:"Handcraft" is a phenomenon which involves various aspects in the artistic activities of human creation. The definition of "handcraft" is not definite, without clear boundary or definition; however, it has rich denotation with the use of the hand. It refers not only to the skills in certain kinds of artistic activity (such as handcraft, artistic hand and traditional folk hand skills), but also to the art works produced with these skills. Meanwhile, "handcraft" also contains the essence of traditional creation art, in which "hand" and "mind", "skill" and "approach", "understanding" and "tasting" are three scopes of "appreciation and application". By analyzing these creation phenomenon in the phenomenological approach, we can interpret the inner relationship of the three pairs of scopes completely and effectively, and reveal its inner laws and existential significance from the "handcraft" phenomenon itself.

Key Words:art; handcraft; hand skill; technique; aesthetics; scope; phenomenology