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当马来西亚热带植物公司的Rajen M.博士谈到这个问题时,他总是显得胸有成竹,他把现在的这种情况称为“贝壳现象”,沙滩上五颜六色的贝壳固然美丽,但是海里的珍珠更有价值,因为只有珍珠才照射出耀眼的光芒,这就是草本萃取技术。









其中,生物谷(BioValley)就是马里西亚政府的一项重要举措。与马来西亚多媒体超级走廊(Multimedia Super Corridor,简写为MSC)一样,生物谷作为生物科研机构和公司的中心,将为投资商提供良好的投资环境。马来西亚国家科学技术创新部部长Jamaludin Jarjis表示,政府或许会在税率方面采取一些吸引投资者的优惠措施。


私营企业将成为这个计划的主力军,为生物谷提供良好的基础设施建设。由于对生物科技产业有充足的信心,各个企业纷纷制定各自的投资计划。其中包括TH-NSTC公司负责计划在森美兰(Negeri Sembilan)的投资项目@enstek。这里面积大概有2000公顷,是一个工业和科技的中心,包括一些无污染工业如生物技术、信息通信、高级制造业等相关行业。TH公司的执行官Syed Mohamed Syed Ibrahim认为,生物技术行业对于国家经济增长有着极大的推动作用,是这些公司选择生物技术公司作为商业伙伴的原因。

热带植物 、Felda农业服务公司和Stevian生物技术公司都将入驻科技园区。热带植物公司将发展马来西亚首个多草本植物萃取工程,Felda 农业公司则侧重于生物学的培养和克隆技术,并将投资兴建一座价值2500万林吉特的生物技术实验室。Stevian 生物技术公司也将参与研究和发展,并建造健康性和营养型并存的天然香料生产基地。除了这些公司以外,这个技术园区还将与生物技术企业如MHC和UiTM的Chemical Engineering Pilot Plant(CEPP)进行战略性合作。CEPP将建造@enstek内最大的专业性草药产品萃取和化学加工研究生产中心,同时这也是仅次于日本的世界上最大的生糖加工中心。

Malaysia Going After The Pearl Of Biotech Industry

Being in the mega biodiversity league with 12 other nations has not made Malaysia's achievement in biotechnology something to crow about.

While countries with advance biotechnology have long been in the high end of the industry and conquered the world with the extraction of herbs for better value, Malaysia is satisfied playing on the low side of the field.

Most of the biotech activities in the country still centre on turning the herbs into powder form and sold in capsule or blended into juice.

Chief Executive Officer of Tropical Botanics Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Dr Rajen M. is very philosophical in describing current state of Malaysia's biotechnology status.

He likens the scenario in the country to that of ″a sea shell on the shore.″

″We are excited by the sea shell with different colours. The real pearls are in the ocean. One pearl there could be worth more than all the sea shells -- that is herbal extraction,″ he said.


Dr Rajen said herbal extraction is the technology that Malaysia should undertake if it wanted to leapfrog into the world herbal industry worth US$50 billion.

He said there are many herbs that are unique to Malaysia which is the fourth largest producer after China, India and Indonesia.

Uniquely too, Malaysia is the only place in the world where herbs used by the Chinese, Indian and Malay, like ″pegaga″ (centella asiatica) and ″kacip fatimah″ (labisia pothoina) have been ″cooked″ for the last 500 years.

Malaysia's other unique attribute was that its biodiversity was not only in the flora and fauna but also in the people.

Malaysia is the only place in the world where three races -- the Malays, Chinese and Indians -- live in one place.In doing research on a certain drug, for instance, in China, the medicine works for the Chinese but if the product is tested on other races, there might be some adverse reaction.So, by coming to Malaysia, you can do testing on the Malays who represent the Malay stock, the Chinese for those from mainland China, and so also the Indian.The local herbal industry is said to be worth between RM4 billion and RM5 billion a year.

The sector is expected to contribute about five percent to the Gross National Product by 2020.


The fact is, Malaysia's push to get onto the biotechnology bandwagon is not a recent effort.Over time, it evolved and to become the latest national project and new engine of growth for the country.The government is looking into various ways to accelerate the development of biotechnology like formulating specific laws and creating a new agency to manage the industry.

Many universities in the country had been or are putting their academic infrastructure in place to meet the challenges of the biotech development.

Besides, various physical infrastructure like the BioValley are being put in place as a hub of biotech companies and research institutions to carry out their activities.

The project, similar to the country's Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC), may provide incentives currently offered by the United States, Europe, China, India and Singapore.

Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Datuk Seri Dr Jamaludin Jarjis said the perks might include tax incentives and pioneer status.

The task of providing infrastructure for the industry was well complemented by the private sector which has full faith in the potential of the industry.

One private sector project is @enstek, an integrated township in Negeri Sembilan, being developed by TH-NSTC Sdn Bhd.


The entire township, covering an area of more than 2,000 hectares, will be the industrial and technological hub which will function as a hotbed for high technology -- non-pollutant industries encompassing biotechnology, information technology, advance manufacturing technology and other related technology.

Chief Executive Officer of TH Properties, Syed Mohamed Syed Ibrahim, explained the reason behind the company's drive in choosing the biotech sector as its industry partner.

″...simply because we feel that this industry has the potential to contribute significantly to the economic growth of the country,″ he said.

Three companies -- Tropical Botanics, Felda Agricultural Services Sdn Bhd and Stevian Biotechnology Corporation Sdn Bhd. -- are already in the techpark.

Tropical Botanics would be operating Malaysia's first multi-herb extraction plant there while Felda Agricultural, which is involved in tissue culture and cloning, would be opening a RM25-million biotech laboratory in April next year.

Stevian Biotechnology Corporation is involved in research and development, and manufacturing natural sweeteners with functional, sensorial as well a health and nutritional properties.

It's plant at @enstek will be the largest ″saccharides sweetener-centric″ operating outside Japan.

Besides these companies, the techpark also has strategic collaboration with biotechnology partners in the likes of MHC and Chemical Engineering Pilot Plant (CEPP) of UiTM.

CEPP would set up the largest research and development (R&D) centre in @enstek specialising in the extraction and chemical processes of herbal products.

With all the facilities on the line, Malaysia should be poised to enjoy the pearl of biotechnology from the ocean of the country's resources.