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The Status Survey and Development Research of the Fifth Honghe Prefecture Minori

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Abstract. The use of literature, questionnaires, interviews, statistics and other methods, to investigate and analyze the status quo executive coaches to teach the traditional sport of honghe prefecture fifth national minorities, the results showed that: Currently engaged in Honghe Prefecture Minority Traditional Sports Coaches construction is weak; lack of organization and management; business training opportunities for coaches rarely; occupational structure of age and teach national sport unreasonable enforcement, national equipment, technology and methods to guide backward and aging. Recommended further push forward the work of the various minority traditional sports, sports coaches to establish a comprehensive system of training and management systems minority traditions, strengthening further the development of traditional ethnic sports Honghe Prefecture.

Keywords: Honghe Prefecture; coaches; Status; fifth Minority Traditional Sports Analysis

1. Introduction

Traditional national sport is the national characteristics of the original ecology of the national sports culture inherited form of expression. National sports executive coaches to teach not only directly affect the level of national athletes technical level of play, but also for the development of traditional sports, inspire the national spirit, strengthen national unity have a certain impact. With the widespread social progress and development, as well as national traditional sports, traditional sports will be part of the national athletics oriented direction, while maintaining the essential characteristics of traditional sport itself has a basis towards become more competitive equalization, the open; more scientific techniques, tactics and training methods, standardization; management system (including contest rules, regulations and other control mechanism) to perfect and rational direction, and in order to shun National Traditional Ethnic Minority Sports should development trends of the project to develop the law of the country's ethnic minority traditional sports frame of reference, to be in the county of Honghe Prefecture, the city's traditional minority sports coaches to guide each project to a higher level.

2. Subjects and methods

2.1 Study

Traditional Sports Honghe Prefecture in 2013 will be the fifth minority September 12 to September 16 in the city and the old city of Mengzi held randomly selected to participate in the fifth session of Honghe Prefecture (thirteen counties, cities) Minority Traditional The seven sports will contest will be divided as tall racing, racing shoes, blow gun, crossbow shooting, small boat, gyro, ethnic style wrestling coaching staff 50.

2.2 Research methods

A total of 50 questionnaires were returned 49 questionnaires, of which 47 valid questionnaires, the effective rate was 94%.

Content on this research, methods, means, questionnaire design issues such as the validity of the experts consulted on the coach were randomly selected interviews.

3. Results and analysis

3.1 Investigation of Honghe minority traditional sports coach

survey shows that 25-year-old coach who accounted for less than 4.25% 26 - 34 coaches who accounted for 17.02% 3 5 - 44 years of coaching staff accounted for 36.17% 4 5 - 54 years of coaching staff accounted for 42.55%, 5 5-year-old coach who accounted for more than 0.00%. Visible, the age structure of the fifth session of Honghe Prefecture minority traditional sports coach who has the will of the young, promising ideal. In addition, the fifth session of the Red River State Traditional Sports Coaching staff survey found that minority educational structure, a college education accounted for 6.38% of undergraduate education accounted for 93.62%, accounting for 0.00% graduate degrees. Description The Fifth Honghe Prefecture Traditional Ethnic Minority Sports Association (Contest) team coach who has a good quality cultural foundation, but the lack of qualified personnel.

Occupational structure and coaching staff working life is a direct impact on the future development of the national traditional sport. The survey found that 6.38% of the coaches who are local universities physical education teachers, physical education teachers in high-accounted 57.45%, 36.17% Sports Bureau cadres; coaching staff accounted for less than 5 years 4.25% 6-10 years accounted for 14.89% 11 - 15 years accounted for 34.04%, accounting for more than 16 years of 46.81%. This suggests that the traditional sports coach who Honghe Prefecture fifth minority coaches engaged in a long number of years of work, the practice of accumulation, most coaches have a wealth of experience to guide the spot, there is a potential for Coaches.

The survey found that cutting coaches for highly skilled computer operations accounted for 14.89%, accounting for only 80.85% simple operation, the operation will not be accounted for 4.25%, indicating that the current coaches on computer is not very difficult, got information on the network upgrade. In addition, the survey also found that only 76.59% of the coach by the State Sports Council member, State Ethnic Affairs Commission, the organization to get the game new rules, of which 23.40% is obtained from the person before the conference tournament. Coaches attend a business training for three years or less 12 76%, while three or more years before attending a business training accounted for 87.23%; This indicates that only coaches who hold the Games came to understand the rules of the National Games sports-related changes in the information. In the 21st century, technological progress and social development today, a lot of knowledge update soon, coaches after working environment is relatively stable and occlusion. Learning activities is to achieve Coaches enhance support, is to help athletes achieve superior athletic performance, if not the necessary training, will inevitably lead to the guiding ideology behind and aging, dynamic equipment, technical methods of knowledge.

3.2 The main problem of the Fifth Honghe Prefecture traditional ethnic sports coaches’ work

A survey shows that the Red River State Coaches traditional ethnic sports management basically in a disorganized state, there is no point to determine the training unit, there is no regular business coach who share their knowledge, no coaches work files, etc., although some projects to build a cooperative unit, but that is a small number. Therefore, in the teaching work as executive coaches transferring learning coaches, equipment, dynamic, technology methods, there have been many loopholes.

Through interviews understand that counties, cities lack a unified management system, method of study and training people send confusing, there have been varying degrees of human relations, selected training and learning is the county, city sports bureau cadres or civil cases Bureau cadres, Most of the real coaching is coaching high school sports teacher counties, cities, so coaches in coaching since mastered slightly less regulations and rules affecting the improvement of Honghe Prefecture traditional sports coaching overall level of minority coaches.

Sports and other disciplines to learn compared to traditional ethnic sports too much emphasis on the practical exercises, the lack of appropriate theoretical knowledge. Learned through interviews, most coaches during this minority sports training program will ignore the theoretical study of athletes, ignoring the technical knowledge or learning about the rules of the sport. Thus, most coaches will be mainly fine force placed on the development of athlete's athletic ability, emphasis on sports action, technical explanations, ignoring the demonstration of multimedia technology, ignoring the multiple needs of athletes, resulting in a lack of the necessary theoretical support practice, so that athletes know However, I do not know why it. This suggests that some coaches lack of appropriate theoretical knowledge reserves, thus causing the traditional national sport of sports practice and theoretical support each other away from the technology, so the lack of appropriate theoretical sports practice proper guidance, hindering the athlete technical level of play.

Learned through interviews with most of the coaches in the tournament lacks done at a high level of athletic competition, none of the psychological quality of athletes placed at any time becomes more prominent and important than ever. Coaches should take a good team to do the work of the athletes, the first continuously improve their professional qualities, especially the knowledge to use psychological theory to arm them, and use the key to understanding the psychological characteristics of athletes, personality traits. Problem-solving help athletes answer, eliminate the psychological barriers, establish the correct match motivation. Each race, athletes will appear all sorts of psychological problems, victory, complacent and arrogant; failed, frustrated, depressed. All these require coaches to help them to carry out timely psychological adjustment, do a good job, more effective, to establish a correct match motivation and self-confidence, develop humble in victory, defeat is not hungry Willpower.

4. Development strategies

4.1 Increase publicity Honghe Prefecture ethnic minority traditional sports project efforts

Due to the geography, customs, foreign cultural influence, most people its rules, methods, completely unaware of, naturally, does not generate interest. Therefore, counties, cities Ethnic and Religious Affairs and Sports Authority should strengthen multi-media networks to promote the traditional ethnic sports, and give full play to the role of multi-function and multi-media, so that more people are concerned about understanding the traditional ethnic sports.

4.2 Vigorously promote the work of minority traditional sports

Traditional sports work with minority ethnic minority traditional sports coaches work is complementary and mutually reinforcing, and therefore, the minority traditional sports into the necessity and inevitability of school sports, be given preferential economic policies, thus promoting the Minority Traditional Sports development coaches work.

4.3 Increase the management personnel of construction of Coach

Minority Traditional Sports coaches make sustained and healthy development, in addition to the correct orientation and policy guidelines must also be familiar with the training a group of national sports coaches and management capabilities of personnel, with extensive experience in the Minority Traditional Sports professionals. Therefore, from now on must be planned selection of personnel for professional training, with particular attention to the selection from the county, city staff sports young teachers to have a national training base where systematic, standardized short and long term training.

4.4 Focus on their own national sport coaches learn to broaden their knowledge

Coaches must focus on their own learning, to cherish every opportunity for further study, and constantly enrich their theoretical knowledge to form their own complete set of professional knowledge structure. Thus, for some coaches’ level is not high, to carry out, please come in activities to enhance each unit, cooperation and exchanges between the professional coaches. If carried out by the local national sports information platform for the exchange of business communication for on-site observation, the relevant departments should offer various forms of national sport coaches classes, led to the lack of experience of some young coaches, there are plans to organize a rotational basis or education, learning theory of knowledge of modern sports training minority project, grasp the scientific method and means of exercise training.

4.5 Strengthen the organization to promote competition in Honghe Prefecture Minority Traditional Sports of sustainable development

Junior National Games held regularly at all levels, national traditional sports activities of the individual events, and strive to improve the quality of these activities, strive to gradually build Honghe Prefecture traditional ethnic sports competitions brand advantages of the project, so as to ensure the healthy development of the local ethnic traditional sports.

5. Conclusion

Traditional Sports Coaches and work problems in Honghe Prefecture fifth session of minorities, reflects the current state of the Red River of the purpose of the Minority Traditional Sports Coaches construction is weak, the lack of organization and management issues. To change this situation, should vigorously promote further work Honghe Prefecture minority traditional sports, all aspects of good publicity, in improving the quality of the premise, to create the Red River State the advantages of traditional ethnic sports brand items, maintaining the traditional advantages of the project sustainable development, fully rely on sports science and technology and technological innovation, the need for reform to strengthen and increase efforts to train reserve personnel, and strengthen the capacity level coaches to enhance the overall quality of their training, the development of national traditions at the same time reform expansion plans sports, and in close connection with the National Traditional Sports local, regional, local conditions to promote sustainable development in Honghe Prefecture traditional national sport.


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