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便利店销售额在传统零售业中增幅最高,照明在所调研样本总室内能耗中占比为43%。基于全国257家便利店的数据,探讨便利店的照明特征。采用多重线性回归方法建立照明能耗预测模型,采用因子分析方法探讨客观参数与主观评价的联系。研究表明,对便利店,考虑照明节能时需同步关注其主观评价的变化;进行照明设计时需因地制宜;照明能耗预测模型为ln y=0.479ln x1+0.248ln x2-0.217(y为照明功率密度,x1为单位面积照明造价,x2为典型货架位置水平照度平均值);顾客对照明充足度的“敏感性”比照明均匀度高;提高照度平均值有助于提高主观评价。




Sales volume on convenience stores increased the most, and lighting made up 43% of interior energy consumption. Based on sample investigation of 257 convenience stores in China, the survey data were collected, and lighting feature were exposed. Multiple linear regression was adopted to built the prediction model of lighting energy consumption, and factor analysis was adopted to explore the connection between subjective evaluation and objective variables. The results showed that: for convenience stores, subjective evaluation would be accounted when saving lighting energy; lighting design method would vary to fit different region; the prediction model of lighting energy consumption is lny=0.479lnx1+0.248lnx2-0.217;customers were more sensitive about illumination adequacy than uniformity and increasing the illumination improved subjective evaluation.


convenience stores; lighting; energy consumption; prediction model; visual satisfaction

便利店是一种用以满足顾客应急性、便利性需求的零售业态[1]。2013年,便利店的15家主要代表企业销售额增速为18.2%,在传统零售业中增幅最高[2]。2013年末,中国便利店零售营业面积为131.4万m2,从业人数7.4万人,门店数量14 680个,商品销售额311.3亿元[3]。照明在零售建筑能耗中占比最高,在美国约为30.1%[4],英国约为34.0%[5],本研究调研样本占比为43%。








2)典型货架位置照度。选取具有代表性的货架,测量货架之间通道的水平照度,并计算水平照度平均值和均匀度,取3处货架通道的平均值作为该店典型货架位置水平照度和水平照度均匀度;以上通道处货架实测低(0.2 m)、中(1.0 m)、高(2.0 m)3个位置的垂直照度,并分别计算垂直照度平均值和均匀度,取3处货架通道的平均值作为该店典型货架位置垂直照度和垂直照度均匀度。

3)主观评价。主观评价采用问卷调查法,每个城市辖区的便利店随机委派3个照明从业人员作为评价人,并且各城市辖区的评价人不重复 ,共96位评价人。在不知道实测数据的前提下,评价人走遍便利店,填写调查问卷得到主观评价数据。[11]主观评价数据如表 2所示。






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