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On the Estrangement of Stevenson’s Writings

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【Abstract】estrangement is one of the features of R.L. stevenson’s Neo-romantic writings, both in language style and in theme. This paper makes the discussion of estrangement in language style based on his novels such as Treasure Island and Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

【Key words】Estrangement; Writings

Estrangement in language is one Stevenson’s language features, creating unfamiliarity and particularity of his works, increasing difficulty in understanding. In the following discussion, some cases will be picked out and analyzed from Treasure Island and Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

Estrangement is firstly presented in the omission of the definite article in the title Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. In normal English the phrase should begin with the definite article “the”, which implies the certainty of what follows the head word “case”. Standard English grammar requires that “The + noun + of…” should begin with a definite article “the”, such as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Merry Wives of Windsor. The missing of the word “the” here reads a little strange, creating a sense of unfamiliarity and particularity, especially for non-native readers.

Estrangement is secondly presented in changing the preposition that would be expected in a certain position. In Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Stevenson described the lawyer “to be found on his chosen post”, rather than the commonly used combination “at his post”. Readers are forced to stop to ruminate over the unfamiliar phrase and wonder what the author means here. For a non- native reader, “at his post” is rarely seen and may be an obstacle in understanding. Sometimes the rarely used combination of proposition can result in the difficulty in making sense of the unusual phrase. Jekyll’s recalling “walked with my father’s hand” is a case in point, for it may be interpreted in a number of ways, such as “alongside” or “under my father’s control”.

Estrangement is thirdly presented in idiom variation produced by substitution of a certain word. Stevenson’s description of street is “as empty as a church” where people often say “as quiet as a church”. Changing the idiom to some extent deprives the phrase of its orthodox sense. The church is no longer what it typically symbolizes, quiet, sacred and holy but empty, useless and meaningless. The variation of the idiom is unusual enough to invite such question as “why as empty as a church when the received is as quiet as a church?” (Alan Sandison,1996)

Estrangement is fourthly presented in the use of unusual lexical words, creating the style of peculiarities with words used in unusual contexts, thus forcing new meanings on both familiar and unfamiliar words in so called “language-games.” In Treasure Island, in the search of “Admiral Benbow”, Bill’s former accomplice, the blind man “issued his commands”. In the sense of giving orders, issue is a very formal diction. In the context of dialogues, the unusual use of the formal word gives a sense of solemnity and importance, for meaning is in a sense, “a plural and contingent relation”. (Venuti, 2005)

Stevenson’s language styles were once given negative comments. Moore disliked his stylistic virtuosity, which he saw as superficiality. In Confessions of a Young Man, he said, “I think of Mr. Stevenson as a consumptive youth weaving garlands of sad flowers with pale, weak hands […] style is over smart, well-dressed […] it is not Mr. Stevenson's brain that prevents him from being a thinker, but his style […] if any man living in this end of the century needed freedom of expression for the distinct development of his genius, that man is R.L. Stevenson.” Foster said he was guilty of “mannerisms … self-consciousness…sentimentality …quaintness”.

To some extent, Stevenson is a master in style, with each phrase like a poem. His own declaration is a good self-reflection on his language style, “the first merit […] of a good writer

[…] is the apt choice and contrast of the words employed. It is, indeed, a strange art to take these blocks, rudely conceived for the purpose of the market or the bar, and by that tact of application touch them to the finest meanings and distinctions; restore to them their primal energy, wittily shift them to another issue.” (Stevenson,1885)

From the above discussion, it can be seen that estrangement in language plays an important role in adding unfamiliarity and particularity to Stevenson’s his works, also adding difficulty in understanding. It may be his strength, but it may also be his weakness.
