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Chapter Three: Victoria Falls & Lounging with Lions!南非之行(三)――维多利亚瀑布和懒狮!

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南非之行的第三站.Brad夫妇来到非洲最大的瀑布,也是世界上最大、最壮丽的瀑布之一 维多利亚瀑布。欣赏瀑布美景之余,还与有着威武雄姿,被人们誉为“兽中之王”的非洲狮近距离接触!下面,就让我们跟随他们一同感受这神奇的经历吧!

Natural Beauty of victoria falls

After buffet breakfast on the open-air deck with view of the Zam-bezi River, our tour guide picked us up and off we headed to view the world famous falls. We first stopped at the biggest Baobab tree l've seen. If we think that our 400 year old redwood cedars are, special, they are nothing compared to this giant with over 1000 years to its credit.

Our guide parked near the fall's entrance and I immediately noticed the beautiful carved handrail on the steps. It reminded me of the herd we had seen at the waterhole, in Hwange. Although the park sign said domestic animals not allowed, I wonder if they count the fellow grazing on the fenced lawn. I took a number of photos of their signs showing the history of the indigenous peoples, the history of the falls before proceeding along the paved footpath towards the Livingstone statue:

The falls were created by a fault line and as such are very long. In the Zimbabwe winter the entire rock face is totally covered with water. At the time we visited one could see the face between the falls, however it was still impressive. So hard did the water pound that the heavy mist feltlike rain as we proceeded along the path.


Devil's Canyon: We were high enough up that we could see the water before it cascaded down the precipice.

They had an interesting display of skulls of different animals. With the elephant skull outside the case one could stand behind it to get an idea of how truly large it was. We proceeded along the path taking photos at every opportunity. Park attendants kept the paths clean by using twigs bound to branch with duct tape.

I found the trees very interesting including this limb that remind-ed me of a rhino hom. The falls photo is not blurry or out of focus. lt's just the mist!








A friend at table tennis told me about a pool at the top of the falls. One needs an entry and exit visa to cross a bndge to Zambia where one can be escorted into the pool. People photograph swimmers on the other side. We weren't that daring and didn't want to bother to get a visa. Here the falls peter out3 and we headed back to the exit. African" Arts and Crafts

Although we or rather l, did most of the purchasing, I restrained myseif although there were some beautiful chairs but they just wouldn't fit in my carry-on and we have no room for them at home. Did the next best thing and took a photo! I did however buy a bracelet of the big five for granddaughter Victoria in the Victoria Falls gift shop. It seemed the appropriate place to do that. We were taken to another market with a wide variety of things "African". I bought two small wooden bowls. Next stop Victoria Falls Hotel for a view of the bridge, the only way in and out of Zambia. My table-tennis playing friend has actually bungee jumped from it! Not me: Remember we didn't want to bother getting a visa. Ha Ha.

The vintage hotel was one Dr. Livingston and Stanley frequent-ed. Here I am relaxing with guide John, in front of Stanley's Room. The curved stairways were beautiful.




We went to Mama Africa for lunch. John ordered kudu. I tried a piece. It tasted like beef, was tender and not at all gamey

After lunch John took us to an interesting market with all manner of crafts from Big Five4 carvings, single giraffes, wooden bowls, jew- ellery and clothing. I bought two small bowls and couldn't resist takinga photo of the huge rhino made entirely of flattened beer cans! Close Contact with lions

John asked if there was anything else we would like to do for the aftemoon. We mentioned that we had wanted to go on the Lion Walk but the hotel had told us that there were no spots left for either the aftemoon or even the next day. He made a phone call and to our delight managed to get us the tour.

Lion Encounter is an active conservation program that is passionate about ensuring a secure future for-the African Lion, Pan-ther Leo. In partnership with ALERT, Lion Encounter operates the African Lion Rehabilitation & Release into the Wild Program. If you want to know more just google: . It is a very important program as in the last 30 years the African Lion population has declined a shocking 80% ~ 90%. Their facility only takes twen-ty-four visitors at one time, dividing them into two groups. They have 4 cubs which they have rescued, one pair going with each group.

Our female twins were 18 months old and were considerably larger than the 6-month-old male twins that we patted in New Zea-land last March. Soon they would be released into a controlled area with other lions who would teach them how to hunt. Without the human impnnt, their offspring would then be released into the wild, a National Park for instance where they are free to roam and hunt thus building up the lion population again. It is similar to the World Wildlife Federation. It was such an amazing privilege to be able to participate







in this program. We are so indebted to John for finding space for us. limagine that he may have asked another couple if they were staying in the Victoria Falls area longer than we were to give up their seats and go another day. Had we known about this amazing opportunity before leaving Canada we certainly would have asked Safari Part-ners to pre-book it for us!

Just like the four rangers, everyone was required to have a walking stick which they supplied. I imagine that the cubs associate it with an Alpha trainer. There is a photo at Miombo with Brad relaxing on the sofa where a black and white cat lies beside him. Now he is patting a real cat!

We have so many beautiful keepsake photos, because the guides have everyone's camera and one guide takes the photo while another takes video. When the group returns from the walk, they have already made it up including a lot about their wonderful program. The $30 DVD and the $120 per person are used to support it. When I patted Giant Pandas at The Panda Research Station in Chengdu, China, the funds were used to support the World Wildlife program. Similarly participating in and supporting the African Pro-gram was so much more meaningful than simply writing a donation cheque!


