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There Isn't Any Poor Work,There's Only Work Pooril Done:How the Credit King Dug

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Everyone knows what VISA is, right? lt's a credit card com-pany, with a logo featuring blue and orange stripes, and sometimes there's a hologram of a white dove involved. It makes commercials with people buying things in tropical locales and its motto is "Everywhere you want to be." But who owns it? This is a question that not many people can answer, even though they carry the card around in their pocket and buy things with it all the time.

You may not have ever heard of Dee Hock, but that is exactly how he wanted it. This is the founder of VISA, and the man who first helped conceive of a worldwide system for the electronic exchange of value. In 2010, VISA earned over $8.065 billion in revenues.

Accomplishments, however, cannot be separated from one's vir-tues such as dedication, endurance and an attitude of never-give-up. Then Dee Hock, the king of credit, told us one of his early-year stories from which young people on their way of striving for a brighter future may get some inspiring points.

1965, Seattle, National Bank of Commerce.

One day stands out. I had been sent to a suburban office to leam branch banking. The manager tumed me over to a crusty woman who was to train me as a teller. The very soul of courtesy to customers and a genius at her work, she was, nevertheless, of cholenc disposition, not at all improved by tenuous relations with men. When she tumed away from at-tending to a customer, she could be a veritable bear, and I was raw meat.

The branch was closed at the end of the day and empty of custom-ers. The lady and I could not balance the day's receipts and disburse-ments. More than an hour passed as we checked everything time and again without success. Clearly, this was not something to which she was accustomed. The likely source of the problem was standing at her side. She tumed to me with an order, beneath which there appeared a glint of sadistic humor.






"It must be a lost deposit. Go down to the

basement, look through the garbage, and see if you can find it." Speechless, I de- scended to the basement visualizing a single can of crumpled pa- per. There, neatly in a row, were eleven fifty-five-gallon cans stuffed with far more than paper-cigarette butts, ashes, chewing gum, rotting remnants ofleftoverlunches, and other disgusting detritus.

My neck grew hot with anger. This ripped it! After manag-ing businesses since the age of twenty, this was preposterous! Damned if I was going to spend the night grubbing though garbage for a lost deposit, and double-damned if a snotty bank teller was going to order me about and triple-damned if I was going to spend another day at the National Bank of Commerce.

At the worst and the best of times, the ridiculous has always tickled my funny bone. As anger and expletives diminished, laugh-ter came pouring out. Sure, l'd been climbing the corporate lad-der for sixteen years, but before that l'd done stoop labor, picked beans, thinned sugar beets, mucked out dairy bams and cleaned offal. l'd been proud to be a boy able to do a man's work and never felt demeaned by a minute of it. Hell, l'd worked for sadistic bosses who made this woman look like the tooth fairy. Words spoken a thousand times to employees came swinging back to clout me in the back of the head. "There isn't any poor work; there's only work poorly done."

Pride is pride. This work was not going to be poorly done. Off came coat, tie, and shirt as I upended the first can and dove into the garbage. If there was a lost deposit, I would find it if it took all night. Then, they'd leam what they could do with this job.

Two hours and ten cans later, my boss came down the stairs to take away my desired victory, smiling smugly as she said, "I found the error. We're in balance. It wasn't a lost deposit after all." Had I been had by this diabolical woman? I could not know, but no matter. If l'd been had, it was a masterful piece of work.

The next day, as we worked frantically in the teller's cage to keep up with a flood of customers, she casually tumed. As though it were a rhetorical question, she abruptly said, "I need you to run down to the drug store and pick up a prescription for me. You can bring me a cup of coffee on your way back."

I gave it to herlike a man. "Run your own errands. l'm not your personal servant." She didn't take it like a woman, but gave it back in kind. "And l'm not here to clean up your mistakes." We stood nostnl to nostril, eyeball to eye-ball, breathing fire as we stared each other down. Later, in a slack half hour, both defeated and laughing, we went on the errands to-gether.









Dee Hock Quotes迪伊・霍克语录

Money motivates neither the best people, nor the best in people. It can move the body and influence the mind, but it cannot touch the heart or move the spirit; that is reserved for belief, principle, and morality. As Napoleon observed,“No amount of money will induce someone to lay down their life, but they will gladly do so for a bit of yellow ribbon.”


Given the right circumstances, from no more than dreams, determination, and the liberty to try, quite ordinary people consistently do extraordinary things.


The problem is never how to get new, innovative thoughts into your mind, but how to get old ones out. Every mind is a room packed with archaic furniture. You must get the old furniture of what you know, think, and believe out before anything new can get in. Make an empty space in any comer of your mind, and creatMty will instantly fillit.


There is no dominant part of nature. No organ in your body dominates any other. Get nd of your liver and your brain dies just as certainly as your liver will without the brain.


Failure is not to be feared. It is from failure that most growth comes; provided that one can recognize it. admit it, learn from.t' rise above.tI and try again.
