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摘 要:为了解大仓鼠的耗氧情况,试验测定了大仓鼠在15,20,25,30 ℃下的耗氧量。试验结果表明,在15~30 ℃范围内,大仓鼠的耗氧量和耗氧率是随环境温度的升高而减少;初步判断体质量与耗氧量和耗氧率呈反比。大仓鼠的耗氧量和耗氧率与温度均呈线性回归关系,并得到温度t与耗氧量x0(mL・h-1)的一元线性回归方程:x0=-13.412t+502.82,温度t与耗氧率Q0(mL・kg-1・h-1)的一元线性回归方程Q0=-105.75t+4 255.5。大仓鼠的耗氧率随温度而发生变化说明大仓鼠的能量代谢随外界温度的变化而改变,在20~25 ℃梯度内耗氧量变化较少,这个温度可能更适合大仓鼠生活。


中图分类号:S443.3 文献标识码:A DOI 编码:10.3969/j.issn.1006-6500.2014.10.019

Study on Oxygen Consumption of Cricetulus triton

YANG Chang-yu, DONG Shi-peng, LIU Wen-yang, JIN Zhi-min

(Life Science and Technology College, Mudanjiang Normal University, Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang 157012, China)

Abstract: In order to study the oxygen consumption of Cricetulus triton, we measured the oxygen consumption of Cricetulus triton under 15, 20, 25, 30 ℃ respectively. The results showed that the oxygen consumption and oxygen consumption rate of Cricetulus triton were decreased with the increased ambient temperature; we concluded that the weight was inversely proportional with the oxygen consumption and the oxygen consumption rate. Linear regression relationship existed between the oxygen consumption, the oxygen consumption rate of Cricetulus triton and temperature. Besides, we obtained the simple linear regression equation of oxygen consumption and temperature which was x0=-13.412t+502.82. The simple linear regression equation of oxygen consumption rate and temperature was Q0=-105.75t+4 255.5. The phenomenon that the oxygen consumption rate of Cricetulus triton changed with temperature showed that: Cricetulus triton had different energy metabolism in different ambient temperature. 20~25 ℃ may be more suitable for Cricetulus triton to live for the variation of oxygen consumption was less.

Key words: Cricetulus triton; oxygen consumption; oxygen consumption rate

大仓鼠(Cricetulus triton)属哺乳纲啮齿目仓鼠科,体长约140~180 mm,体型较大,在仓鼠属中体型最大的种类。本次试验所用的大仓鼠为东北亚种(Cricetulus triton fuscipes),大仓鼠是中国北方农区的主要害鼠。秋季为准备过冬有贮粮习性,总是用颊囊携带食物回洞储存大量粮食。此外,大仓鼠春季盗食种子、毁坏幼苗,生长期啃食嫩茎、叶等,对农业生产具有很大的危害。大仓鼠体表寄生有多种螨类和蚤类,在卫生防疫方面,还是一些传染病的带菌者[1]。本试验测定了大仓鼠在不同温度下的耗氧率,以期为该物种的深入研究和鼠害防治提供基础资料。

1 材料和方法

1.1 试验动物

本次试验使用的6只大仓鼠捕获于黑龙江省牡丹江市三道关林场,并于牡丹江师范学院生命科学与技术学院动物饲养室饲养,温度为20~30 ℃,大仓鼠适应2周后再用于试验。

1.2 试验材料与仪器

密闭式压力呼吸测量仪及其附属装置[2],35 cm×25 cm×20 cm的饲养笼,温度计,铁丝笼,天平,人工气候箱,秒表,注射器,氢氧化钠。

1.3 试验方法

本试验使用密闭式压力呼吸测量仪装置,通过测量大仓鼠消耗单位体积氧气所需的时间来估算耗氧量。耗氧率Q0用每小时单位体质量的耗氧量来表示(mL・kg-1・h-1);耗氧量x0为每只大仓鼠1 h所消耗的氧气的体积(mL・h-1),是通过测定大仓鼠消耗20 mL所需的时间换算成1 h的耗氧量。使用人工气候箱控制试验环境温度,温度可以控制在±1 ℃以内,经过充分预热使呼吸室内外温度平衡,用NaOH吸收呼吸室内的CO2和水分。试验前将动物禁食3 h后放入铁丝笼中,再放入呼吸室内适应1 h,开始试验,记录测量仪显示消耗20 mL氧气所需的时间,在同一温度下测量10个数据,选取7~8个稳定的数值取平均值,换算成1 h的耗氧量。