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>> 小学机器人教学实践探索 中小学智能机器人常态化教学模式的初探 小学生开展机器人课程初探 实施中小学智能机器人教育教学三策略 小学信息技术课堂中实施机器人教学的策略研究 小学高段年级有效开展智能机器人教学的策略研究 指导学生制作和调试机器人完成灭火任务初探 机器人课堂仿真教学的策略 对机器人教学导入策略的研究 浅谈机器人教学 农村小学如何开展机器人教学 小学机器人灰度传感器教学浅谈 在《简易机器人制作》教学中培养学生的技术素养 无线遥控搬运机器人的设计与制作 探索智能机器人奥秘的科技制作实践 “走迷宫的机器人”设计与制作 创新型搜救机器人的设计与制作 高中智能机器人的设计与制作研究 机器人教学走进中学课堂 开创机器人教学新局面 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.

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Tentative strategy exploration of making micro course

of robot education in primary school

FU Li-xia1,YANG Hai-ru1,LUO Zhi-guo2

(1.School of Educational,West Normal University,Nanchong,Sichuan637000,China;

2.NO.10 Middle School,Nanchong,Sichuan637000,China)

AbstractOne of the most effective ways to improve the teaching of the robot is making it into school,and blending it in the classroom.The authors studied and analyzed the current situation of primary school teaching robot in our country,explored robot micro course in primary school,discussed design principles,development steps,teaching design and matters needing attention in the form of specific case,aimed at making robot education into primary school lesson and improving the current education situation of robot,and prospected the application of micro course on robot education in primary school in the end.

Key wordsrobot education;primary school;micro course;strategy