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Hui Mo Ru Shen

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In the Spring & Autumn Period, Lord Zhuang of Lu, the ruler of the State of Lu, had several mistresses. His wife Ai Jiang was childless. So her sister Shu Jiang married to Lord Zhuang as well and gave birth to a boy called Qi. Ai Jiang, however, did not get along with Lord Zhuang and committed adultery with Qing Fu, Lord Zhuang’s half-brother.

Meng Ren was the most favored mistress of Lord Zhuang. She was the mother of Ban, who was liked by Lord Zhuang and expected to succeed the lordship. Cheng Feng, another mistress of Lord Zhuang, mothered a son called Shen. Cheng Feng wanted Shen to succeed the lordship, so she asked Lord Zhuang’s younger brother Ji You for help. However, Ji You said that Ban was older than Shen, so he refused to help Cheng Feng.

Lord Zhuang’s ruling position was coveted by not only his sons, but also his half-brother Qing Fu, who got the support of Shu Ya, half-brother of his and Lord Zhuang. One day, Lord Zhuang suffered serious sickness and asked Shu Ya who was his best successor. Shu Ya recommended Qing Fu, but this was definitely not to Lord Zhuang’s liking. Then he asked Ji You, who replied that he would ensure Prince Ban’s succession to the crown even though it might cost his life.

When Prince Ban grew up, he fell in love with a girl with the surname of Liang. One day, a horse keeper called Luo sang a bawdy song that disrespected Miss Liang. Prince Ban was very angry upon knowing this. He arrested Luo and whipped him. Luo carried the grudge against Prince Ban from then on and shifted his alignment to Qing Fu, seeking an opportunity to revenge Prince Ban.

After Lord Zhuang’s death, Ji You set a plot to poison Shu Ya to death. Then he established Prince Ban as the successor to the lordship. At that moment, Prince Ban’s grand- father (mother’s father) passed away as well, so the prince went to mourn the old man’s death. Qing Fu thought it to be a good opportunity to take the lordship. So he sent the horse keeper Luo to assassinate Prince Ban. Ji You, hearing the death of Prince Ban, knew it was the plot of Qing Fu, who would not spare him either. So he went to the State of Chen for shelter.

Ai Jing, the queen of the State of Lu, considered the death of Prince Ban as a good opportunity and urged Qing Fu to take the lordship. However, the plotting Qing Fu thought it not the right time since Prince shen and Prince Qi were still alive. Prince Shen was too matured to be controlled. In comparison, Prince Qi was only eight years old and the son of Ai Jiang’s sister. Therefore, the two people established Prince Qi as the new Lord of Lu, with the title as Lord Min.

The two people sent out the news and announced the death of Prince Ban. Qing Fu even went to the State of Qi and won the support of powerful Lord Huan. In less than two years, Qing Fu killed Prince Qi-turned Lord Min and prepared to take the lordship on his own. However, ministers and citizens in the State of Lu saw Qing Fu have killed two lords and staged a boycott against this cruel to-be the ruler. Ji You, who was still in the State of Chen, called for people in the State of Lu to kill Qing Fu. Qing Fu, who lost the support of most men, was forced to flee to the State of Qi. Ji You returned to his country and established Prince Shen as the new ruler of this country. Later, Qing Fu, who had nowhere to go, committed suicide to avoid the punishment.

When Confucius wrote about these events in his Spring and Autumn, he only used brief sentences. This was because the State of Lu was Confucius’s hometown. He believed that this was a great taboo to record every detail of these scandals and shameful events occurring in his own place.