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Distinguished Women Dominate Enterprises In China

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They are the most influential female entreprenurs in China,whose names are listed among 50 or 100 remarkable women in Fortune,Wall Street Journal, Forbes

Xie Qihua

A Real ″Iron″ Lady

Xie Qihua has been called an ″iron″ lady ,as chairman & chief executive of Shanghai Baosteel Group which is the largest steel enterprise with 100 thousand staffs and US$22 billion in China.

After graduating from the civil & architecture department of Tsinghua University,she had became a technician in a steelworks for ten years in Shanxi province ,then she participated in the establishment of Baosteel.She made her way from the project director to today's position.

Baosteel has been developing rapidly since Xie Qihua headed it in 1994.As the first Chinese enterprise ,in 2003 Baosteel was listed in the Fortune 500for its tremendous income and profit. In 2004 Baosteel was ranked third of the comprehensive competitive capabitity among the steel industries by an International Consult Company . A professional journal ,Worldwide Steel Industry Guidebook choseBaosteel as the most potential developing enterprise in the future.

Xie Qihua devotes a brilliant contribution to Chinese steel industry beyond managing a company well .In 2002 ,the United States prohibited the import of the foreign steel ,the profit of Chinese steel industry eliminated enormously becouse the other countries tried their best to export their steel products into China.At this crucial time,Xie Qihua cooperated her courtparts applying the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of China for protection .After that, China has launched a series of protecting measures for steel trade to advoid the steel industry's crisis.However,Xie Qihua admited that Baosteel's success did not rely on the protetion but on the innovation and globlization.

Baosteel regarded the patent as a kind of competitiveness. In the period of years,the number of Baosteel's patent application has an increase of twenty per cent annually , nearly 100 patents of technology winning the prizes in the international exposition.

Baosteel understood clearly the importance of internationlization. From 1985 on , more than ten per cent of its products havebeen sold out to the overseas markerts .Baosteel has been jointly investing with the large-scale steelplants from the following countries: Brazil, Japan,Luxenbourg,Australia for improving technology capacity, enhancing brand superiority in order to seek new mine resourse andmarkets .Baosteel is the biggest Chinese company in investment abroad.The subsidiaries of Baosteel Group have alse separately cooperated with France and Japan in the relevant fields .

Ma Xuezheng

A Lenovo Group's Giant

Ma Xuezheng, graduated from the literature college of Beijing Normal University ,is veteran vice-president in charge of finance ofLenovo Group . She has been seleted as the outstanding woman of the global business circles by Fortune many times.

In 1998,the rate in debt of Lenovo Group was up to 200 percent , but in 2003, its spare cash added up to RMB more than 2 billion. Ma Xuezheng shepherded Lenovo to be listed on the stock market in Hongkong in accordance with introducing the new management ideas of international enterprises and the regulations for dealing with a company.For example,Lenovo Group owns its audit committee and salary committee making up with seperate director. This is more advanced than many other enterprises of china.Ma Xuezheng leaded Lenovo Group to cooperate with PCCW(Hong Kong) to raise the risk fund as well as with AOL to share management resources.Undoubtedly,it is Ma Xuezheng who pulls strings behind the scenes to push Lenovo Guoup into the world.

Yang Mianmian

A Director Behind Haier Group

For these years ,Haier has been famous for itshousehold electrical appliances in the worldwide markets.But some people inside the Group said that ZhangReimin,the CEO of Haier , would not realize his dreams and Haier would not gain today's achievements as well without Yang Mianmian.

Yang Mianmian,after graduating from Shandong Engineering Institute,firstly taught in the technology school of Labor Bureau in Qingdai and then became a technician,an engineer .In 1984, she was named as the vice-president of Qindao refrigerator factory which was the ex-Haier with a deficit of RMB more than 1.47 million.Nowaday,Haier has become one of the most successful enterprises in the world and its mini-refrigerator is the biggest brand ,selling out in the United States, with its white household electrical apppliances ranking fifth in the world.

Yang Mianmian is praised for her careful attention to the quality of the products, who nearly inspects the producton line everyday.She even destroyed the poor-quality electric refrigerators .Being an excellent assistant to Haier CEO, in order to internationalize Chinese brand, Yang Mianmian focused on developing the overseas markets,especially the developing countries and she realized clearly that Haier could advoid the trade barrier of nontariff if it produces abroad.

Haier has more than 20 manufacture bases in the world by establishing industry zones abroad or cooperating with the other countries' factories .Yang Mainmian has played an important role in Haier .

Dong Mingzhu

An Extraordinary Woman

In the beginging of 1990s, Dong Mingzhu,at the age of 36 years,emerged on Gree's stage as a salesclerk for selling air conditioner .Owing to her hard working, she made a great achievement .For example, she counld solve more than 400 thousand doubtful account within 40 days and she made a record of obtaining RMB16 million sales volume.Even in the period of slack sales,she counld also win RMB several million orders.The sales volume of the field which she was in charge of increased from RMB several millions to RMB1 billion within three years.

What is difference between her and the other people is that she has the special ability to solve the problem .Once a time, a distributor required Gree for special treatment.He said that he would defeat her if Gree did not meet his demand.To everyone's surprise,Dong Mingzhu, being the sales maneger not long before, cancelled this distributor's sales right of Gree air conditioner.She said, ″I will never allow them to disrupt the market.″

The customers,who likes Gree,could buy Gree's products in many places.

Dong Mingzhu took special measures to encourage and award the salesclerks who could gain two percent of profit according to the sales volume in the autumn of 1996.As a result of that, 23 salesclerks of Gree beat 1000 competitive opponents with the sales volume growing by 7 percent.

Dong Mingzhu sought to solve the debt problem,announcing that those who had not repayed the debt could not take away the goods untill they dealed with the doubtful account and that all the distributors must pay the money before taking delivery of goods. By this way Dong Mingzhu solved this difficult problem within one year .Thus,Gree's stunning success was born out of her efforts.

(translated by Liang Liyan)