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BY Jim

刘中飞 编译

作者简介:Jim, 原名James G. Fabiano,居住在美国的缅因州,是个充满写作热情的高中教师,为多家当地杂志和报纸撰写专栏。在我社出版了《来自约克镇的幽默》,获得读者的一致好评。

This morning, like every other morning, a dense fog that seemed to come out of the dying darkness of the night greeted the sun. the coastal fog, which crept into the Town of York from the surrounding ocean, brought with it a salty pungent odor, which all the town’s people loved to wake up to.

Staring from where the beach begins at the point where Nubble Road meets the ocean, there is little beach at any tide. In fact, there is no beach at all. The people simply lean over the large rocks that separate the road from the water. Young and old stare into the pulsating ocean and lose themselves in the heartbeat precision of the never-ending waves. This is where the expert observer notices what life’s meaning should be. I have watched people find, live through, lose and then finally search for memories that make and sometimes break their lives. I have observed people meet in large groups. Their conver-sations filled with laughter, youth, and of course have the innocence that we all begin our lives with. These groups eventually break into small separate clusters to be reduced to pairs attracted to each other by the possibility of creating their own memories.

I also see the loners who dare not go on the beach but rather stay up on the blacktopped path and dream about their time on the sand. They dream about their lost hours that were either rejected or just disappeared. These people do not have to be young or old, they are just in a stage of their lives.

One of the most exciting sights for me is when I first observe young couples and see them appear year after year together in the sun. Then one year passes and I see that they are not alone. A mirror of their own lives now accompanies them. They always appear so proud. Year after year I watch them grow older and their babies grow bigger. Their memories never end; they just grow longer and newer. I’ve lived here long enough to observe the babies of the summer grow into adults. I have watched them grow to young children, radiating innocence and creating memories for their parents and all around them. Yet, on the other hand, I feel remorse for the people who become singles again because of their life’s fate. They are seen in many numbers staring out in the vastness of the ocean, obviously trying to forget while fearing that they will always remember.



