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[一] 一见如故

Dinky: Well, hello there.

Sydney: Oh, hi. I didn’t even know anyone was in here.

Dinky: Oh, that’s OK. People sometimes don’t see me. I’m Dinky.

Sydney: Oh, no, you’re not.

Dinky: No, silly, that’s my name. (注:dinky一词本身有“无关紧要”的意思。)

Sydney: Oh, Dinky? That’s your real name?

Dinky: Of course not. My real name’s Demertia Rosemead.

Sydney:“Dinky” it is. Hi, I’m Sydney White.

Dinky: Sydney White? The other Kappa Legacy? Daughter of Paul White and Deborah Lee, Kappa Pledge class 1980?

Sydney: Yeah. (gasps) I’m sorry. I feel bad I didn’t order your background check.

Dinky: I’m the other Kappa Legacy! Oh, my gosh! This is just so exciting!I should’ve known they would’ve roomed us together for rush. Don’t get too comfortable. We’re gonna move to the Kappa House! Ah! We’re gonna be sisters! (Squeals)

Sydney: Yay. We’re jumping now.

Dinky: I’ve been waiting to become a Kappa since. I can remember. All the women in my family were Kappas. Look. My momma gave me her when I was five. She even has a little pledge pin.

Sydney: She sure does. Does she come with a mini Kappa dream house?

Dinky: Oh... oh. I wish. Now, what were you thinking about wearing to the first rush party? Let me... Let me just show you what I was thinking.

Sydney: OK.

Dinky: Now.

Sydney: Those.

Dinky: Those are my top five.

Sydney: Wow. I don’t even have a top one. I might have a skirt in here somewhere.

Dinky: Oh, no. Did you have a luggage mishap?

Sydney: No.

Dinky: Well, what about in that bag?

Sydney: Oh, oh, this bag. Oh, wait until you see this. My comic-book collection.

Dinky: Oh. My ...

Sydney: Pretty cool. Huh?

Dinky: Yeah, uh. You know that? Why don’t you just wear something of mine to the first rush party?

Sydney: Oh, OK. Yeah! That might be best. You know, this is gonna be fun. I’ve never really had a lot of girlfriends before.

Dinky: Not just girlfriends. Sister.

[二] 课堂

Teacher: We live in a country that’s considered to be the ultimate model of government. By the people, for the people, and of the people. But most Americans would be surprised to find how afraid the Founding Fathers were of what a direct democracy could do to the country. Can anyone tell me why?

(Snoring. The young man snoring there, perhaps? Checking, coughs.)

Student: The Founding Fathers were afraid that direct democracy would do to America what it did to Rome. Alexander Hamilton even advocated a monarchy. (Snores)

Teacher: Exactly. We are trained to think the more power the people have, the better. Can any of you tell me some reasons why this isn’t necessary true? Ah, Terrence, still here after eight years. What do you say we give someone else a chance to respond this time, huh? Um ... Ms.Witchburn?

Witchburn: Most Americans don’t educate themselves about the issues. There are some valid arguments for keeping things a little bit more ... elite. You could even argue a case for certain types of oligarchy.

Teacher: Interesting. Let’s hear from someone else. How about you? Ms...?

Sydney: White.

Teacher:Ms. White. Any thoughts?

Sydney: Um... I guess I think that’s ... underestimating the masses a bit. Not to mention overestimating the elites. Apartheid was an oligarchy, and no one wants that again.

Teacher: Excellent.
