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Keywords for finance and economics books 2014: sticking closely to social hotspo

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In recent years, many people focus on new hotspots occurred after the financial crisis as well as the current situation and trend of China's reform. Such hot words as "big data", "reform" and "economic transformation" frequently occur in TOP100 bestsellers on economy and management.

Seen from the bestsellers on economic theory, China economic circles are engaged in studying the economic situation and problems at home, but new views proposed in foreign economic field still win much popu Larity of domestic readers. Big Data-A Revolution That Will Transform Now We Live, Work and Think ranks first on Bestse Ller List of economy and management books from January to October 2014, which also promotes the booming of such relevant books as Big Data and Big Data-llistory Reality and Future.

TOP100 List includes seven books written by Larry Hsien Ping Lang, respectively "Larry Hsien Ping Lang Says" series, Whether "New Policy" Can Change China and Chinas Economy is on the Edge. Sharp-sighted Professor Lang interpreted the Latest important events and social hotpots in China one by one and analyzed major problems in the process of China's reform in these books published during the period from 2012 t0 2014. Both Rea Lity chapter and Future chapter of Shi Hanbing says: Big Economic Trend of the Next 20 Years rank forefront of Bestseller List of economy and management books and the whole series also occupies TOP30 0f monthly beginning part of nonfiction bestsellers from July to October 2014. Besides, Shi Hanbing says: What Should We Do With the Grand Economic Chessboard and Shi Hanbing says: Warning of European Debt Truth to China that has been published is also considerably influential books on finance and economy.

Such books as Chinese Economy in Dual Transition by Li Yining, the Leading economist in economic circle and Comprehend Chinas Reform: Strategy and Roadmap of New Reform co-authored by Li Yining, Lin Yifu and Zhou Oiren also rank in Topl00 List of economy and management books. In Chinese Economy in Dual Transition, the author, based on field trip and deep investigation around China,interprets the realistic problems of Chinese economy and discusses a series of social and economic problems with the core of property right reform, such as further reform of state-owned enterprises and property maintenance of private enterprises. Comprehend China's Reform: Strategy and Roadmap of New Reform gathers collective intelligence of first-rate economists and outstanding scholars at home. During the current special period of China's economic reform, the scholars' views tend to be more professional

In addition,there are 11 foreign books on economic theory in TOP100 List, of which writers include eight Americans, two Englishmen and one Frenchman.Antifragile: Things That Gain From Dis is a second masterpiece of American writer Nassim Nicholas Taleb following his bestseller The Black Swan.The author advocates that "the antonym of fragileness is not strong will but anti-fragileness".Alan Greenspan,the American thirteenth chairman of Federal Reserve Board, proposes that the origin of crisis is from human's nature of animal spirit in The Map and the Territory: Risk, Human Nature, and the Future of Forecasting. With a rapid sale, Capital in Twenty-first Century written by French writer Tomas Piketty and published in August of this year enters into TOP 30 List of October nonfiction bestsellers. Except for those published in 2013 and 2014 mentioned above,there are aLso some cLassics in the List, such as The Third Industry Evolution: How New Economic Models Change the World and Think, Fast and Slow.

11 kinds of books on business management enter into TOP 100. Internet Thinking: Business Subversion and Reconstruction, Self Statement of Zhou Yihong: My Internet Methodology and Nine Internet Thoughts are newly published in this year and the contents are all about "the Internet thought". Both business managers and ordinary workers can gain knowledge of the flourishing Internet and obtain inspirations from these books. With Alibaba's List in New York Stock Exchange,Jack Ma receives an increasingly larger popularity, so the relevant books such as jack Ma's Management iournals (newly revised edition), [Jack Ma's Interna L Speech(2)] and jack Ma: My Management Experience enter into TOP 100 List of economy and management books,.

In terms of books on selling or marketing, Sense of Participation: Xiaomi Word of Mouth Internal Handbook published in August 2014 achieved the highest sales volume among all selling/marketing books from January to October 2014, closely followed byWeChat, We Earn. Xiaomi opened a brand new business mode, which makes it possible for consumers to participate in each Link of product operation through the Internet; WeChat creates more business opportunities in which both traditional industries and emerging industries promote business value through WeChat marketing and operating.

Books on "team management" in management and practice type attract extensive attention, such as Leading Group: No Leading, No Sunaval, No Leading, No Survival: Change Mediocrity Around Into Go-getter and Vo Lume 1 and Volume 2 0f How to Manage a Team.These books,which explain important team management problems in enterprise management with classic cases or the authors' personal experiences, provide practical solutions for readers.

Currency Wars 5: Storm Is Coming ranks first in all financial books.This series of books have been bestsellers since their publication in 2007, which means "Currency Wars" series draw consistent attention of readers to the world currency wars.

upgrading methods as "six plus one industrial chain".

Shi Hanbing Says:Big Economic Trendof the Next20 Years[Future]

Shi Hanbing | Shanghai University of Finance& economics Press Co., LTD| July 2014 | 1SBN: 9787564219352| ¥59.80

From 2016 t0 2022,with an extensive readj ustment in China's economy, U.S. dollar's access to an accelerating rising period and explosion of global economic crisis, a terrible big crisis and favorable great chance will arrive at the same time. From 2023 t0 2034,the whole world will enter into a great stagnation era with U.S.dollar's sLump and resource booming. How will this great change doomed to change fates of numerous nations and people developping? What will it mean to China and even each person? How will the investors make choices in face of the future big trend? How should the enterprisers make decisions? The author makes prudent and prospective explanations to the abovementioned questions in this book.

Shi Hanbing Says:Big Economic Trend of the Next 20 Years [Realty] Shi Hanbing | Shanghai University of Finance & Economics Press Co., LTDIJuly 2014 | 1SBN: 9787564219239 | ¥49.8

The book, by means of analyzing three mainlines of Chinese decision,great powers competition and g Lobal game, elaborates rea Listica Lly important economic problems: what is the cause of the continuous excessive issuance of currency? How to treat China's stock market? What is the key point to determine the tendency of housing price transformation? Where are the risks and chances at present and in the future? How to define the ups and downs period of bulk stock? How do the investors make choices in face of the big trend in the future? How do the enterprisers make decisions? China's Road and Mixed Ownership Economy Li Yining, sub-compiled by Cheng Zhiqiang I Commercial Pressl November 2014 I ISBN: 9787100107914 I Y48.80

Li Yining,a famous economist, points out: it is an important innovation of Chinese socia Lism economic theory to support and encourage the establishment and development of the mixed ownership economy. The practical significance of establishing and developing the mixed ownership economy incLudes: being conducive to eLiminate resistance from all parties and determine the decisive effect of market regulation in resource allocation; being conducive to vitalize capitals and List the state-owned resource exploitation and application into the planning and China's economic construction. Four approaches to establish and develop the mixed ownership economy comprise encouraging the existing state-owned enterprise to apply mixed ownership, encouraging developing corporations with non-public capita L holdinqs or joint stock with mixed ownership to strengthen the standardization of employee stock ownership,defining state-owned corporation functions of different industries and proposing reforming measures against different industriaL cha racteristics. The book comprehensive Ly discusses the unique status and realistic significance of the mixed ownership economy in China's economic construction.

Self Statement of Zhou Hongyi:Mylnternet Methodology

Zhou Hongyi | China Citic Press | August 2014 |ISBN: 9787508646626 | ¥45.00

In this book,Zhou Hongyi,the president of Oihoo 360 Corporation, represents his va Lue of the Internet, product concept and management thoug ht, cla rifies the essential characteristics of the Internet products and the new trend of the Internet age and Lists the practice and application of disruptive innovations in reality.lt also decades the product secret and profit model of 360 Corporation and meanwhile,it proposes a set of systematica L solutions for the anxiety of traditional enterprises in Internet transformation at present.

Jack Main Cloth Shoes: 27 Nodes Determiningthe Fate oF Alibaba

Wang Lifen, Li Xiang I Beijing United Publishing Co., LTD| September 201411SBN: 9787550234925 | ¥42.00

The book carefully sorts out 15 yearsr history of Alibaba and extracts the entrepreneurship intelliqence of Jack Ma from the crucial 27 nodes,including financing, tea m, management, negotiatio n, failu re, co rporate vision, corporate cu Lture, strategy a nd to Lents. It objective Ly, tru Ly and completely restores Jack Ma's entrepreneurship history of 22 years.

Larry Hsien Ping Lang says: Home below Deuression

Larry Hsien Ping Lang, Ma Xingkong |The Oriental

Press | July 2014 |ISBN: 9787506069588 | ¥39.00

Professor Larry Hsien Ping Lang pinpoints in this book: China's economic depression has come,which is the dilemma we face today. Depression also means hope.American economy can never be as healthy as today's without subprime mortgage crisis.ln his opinion,so- called structuraladjustment and transformation and upgrading driven by government are actua Lly fa Lse propositions.What the government need and should do is to controlits "hand" and to create a favorable business environment.The depression is caused by the government so it must constrain its active "hand" to make China out of depression.

Whether New PolicyCan Change China

Larry Hsien Ping Lang, Wang Mudi et aI.IThe Oriental Press | April 2014 | ISBN: 9787506071345 |¥39.00

Professor Larry Hsien Ping Lang is honored as "people's economist" because his persistence in "making decisions on data and "speaking for people" for yea rs. This book, with the author's consistent penetrating and sharp-sighted views on problems,centering on the mainline that whether "new policy" can change China,deeply analyzes Lots of chaotic phenomena such as urba nization, anti-corruption, haze governing, financial reform, rea L estate market,food safety and educational reform in current China's economic and socialflelds and provides solutions.

Crisis and Outlet of "Made in China"

Larry Hisen Ping Lang | The Oriental Press| November 2014|1SBN: 9787506054218 |¥58.00

With the perspective of industrial economics and an analysis method of industrial chain theory,the book ana Lyzes the industrial dilemma faced by Chinese enterprises at present and provides references and examples for Chinese B2C enterprise transformation and upgrading methods through studying and refining business strategies,development tactics and operating methods adopted by foreign-funded enterprises in the same industrial filed, as well as provides such specific transforming scheme and