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1. 她是一个受邻居欢迎的人。

误:She is a man who is popular among his neighbours.

正:She is a man who is popular with his neighbours.

说明:be popular with sb. 表示“在……中受欢迎”, 而be popular among sb. 意为“在……中有名气”。例如:

That trainer is popular among the players. 那位教练在队员中有名气。

2. 运动对我们的健康有益。

误:Exercise is good to our health.

正:Exercise is good for our health.

说明:be good for表示“对……有益”, 而 be good to意为“对……好,对……仁慈”。例如:

He is good to everybody.他对每个人都很好。

3. 学生们在圣诞节拜访了那位外籍教师。

误:The students visited the foreign teacher on Christmas.

正:The students visited the foreign teacher at Christmas.

说明:“圣诞节”可以是Christmas,也可以是Christmas Day,介词at通常与Christmas搭配,on常与Christmas Day搭配。 再如:“在复活节”用at Easter或on Easter Day;”在感恩节用“at Thanksgiving或on Thanksgiving Day”。

4. 那台机器在修理之中 。

误:The machine is in repair.

正:The machine is under repair.

说明:be under repair表示“正在修理中”,而be in (good) repair意为“处于良好的状态”。例如:

The new air conditioner is in good repair.新买的空调运行良好。

5. 我们都反对这个工程。

误:We all stand up for the project.

正:We all stand up to the project.

说明:stand up to sth.表示“反对某事”,而stand up for sth. 意为“赞成某事”。例如:

You all stand up for the new plan. Let’s begin. 你们都赞成新计划,我们就开始吧。


误:Don’t make a fuss of them!

正:Don’t make a fuss about them!

说明:make a fuss about sth.表示“对某事大惊小怪”,而make a fuss of sb. 意为“娇惯某人”。例如:

You’d better not make a fuss of your grandchildren. 你最好别娇惯孙子。


1. 他们将乘船旅行去南京。

误:They will travel to Nanjing by the sea.

正:They will travel to Nanjing by sea.

说明:by the sea 意为“在海边,在海岸上”;而by sea表示“乘船,由水路”,属乘交通工具by bus,by train,by plane 之类的用法,习惯上不加the。

2. 他努力学习,终于通过了英语考试。

误:He studied hard,and passed the English examination in issue.

正:He studied hard,and passed the English examination in the issue.

说明:in issue意为“在争论中”;而in the issue 表示“结果,到头来”。

3. 他们按天拿薪水。

误:They are paid by day.

正:They are paid by the day.

说明:by day意为“在白天”,而by the day 表示“按日计算”。

4. 他兄弟现在拥有这笔财产。

误:His brother is now in the possession of this property.

正:His brother is now in possession of this property.

说明:in the possession of意为“被占有”(有主动之意,主语常指物),而in possession of 表示“占有”(有主动之意,主语一般是人或机构)。

5. 他们将奋斗到底。

误:They will fight to death.

正:They will fight to the death.

说明:to death意为“极度,非常”,而 to the death表示“至死,到底”。


1. 水对我们很有用。

误:Water is very useful for us.

正:Water is very useful to us.

说明:useful,important作表语时,后常跟介词to ,表示“对……有用/重要”,而不用for 。

2. 我们丝毫不怀疑他的能力。

误:We have no doubt for his ability.

正:We have no doubt of his ability.

说明:doubt of / about=be doubtful of / about 表示“对……怀疑” 之意,而 doubt 不与 for 连用。

3. 他的孩子在阳光下玩耍。

误:His children are playing under the sun.

正:His children are playing in the sun.

说明:in the sun= in the sunshine表示“在阳光下、晒太阳”之意,而under 不与 the sun 连用。

4. 在老师的帮助下, 我们取得了很大的进步。

误:Under the teacher’s help,we have made great progress.

正:With the teacher’s help,we have made great progress.

说明:with one’s help = with the help of sb. 表示“在……帮助下”, 而under 不与one’s help / the help of sb. 连用。

另外,“在……领导/指导下”用under the leadership / guidance of sb.,“在……关怀下”用under the care of sb.

5. 我们对她的失败感到吃惊。

误:We were surprised to her failure.

正:We were surprised at her failure.

说明:be surprised at= be astonished at,be amazed at, be alarmed at,be puzzled at,be shocked at等, 表示“因……感到吃惊”, 介词要用at而不用to。

6. 他把马拴在树上。

误:He tied the horse on the tree.

正:He tied the horse to the tree.

说明:tied sth. to somewhere 表示“把……捆 / 绑 / 拴 / 系在……上面”, 而不用 on 。

7. 我喜欢蓝钢笔而不喜欢红钢笔。

误:I prefer a blue pen from a red one.

正:I prefer a blue pen to a red one.

说明:prefer...to...表示“比较喜欢……而不喜欢……”或“喜欢……胜过……”,而prefer不与 from 搭配。

8. 她跟一个富人结婚。

误:She was married with a rich man.

正:She was married to a rich man.

说明:be married to sb.= marry sb. 表示“和……结婚”,而不用be married with。同样,“与……订婚”也要用be engaged to sb.。例如:

Miss Jones was engaged to Mr. Smith.琼斯小姐与史密斯先生订婚了。

9. 那个人冷得发抖。

误:The man was trembling from cold.

正:The man was trembling with cold.

说明:tremble with 表示“因……而发抖”,而不用from。类似的还有shake with“因……而打颤”,shiver with“因……颤抖”,其后都不用from。例如:

He was shaking with cold. 他冷得打颤。

The thief was shaking with fear.那个小偷害怕得发抖。

10. 人类在和污染作斗争。

误:Man is fighting a battle for pollution.

正:Man is fighting a battle against pollution.

说明:battle against表示“与……作斗争”,而battle for 是“为……而斗争”。例如:

He led the battle for equal fights for the poor.他领导了争取穷人平等权利的斗争。
