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A hungry man eats any food he can get.饥不择食。

Any nation or country must learn the strong points from other nation or country.任何一个民族、一个国家,都要学习别的民族、别的国家的长处。



I have any amount of letters for you.我有很多信给你。(any意味着“多”)

There are accessible to you,in libraries,any number of books and essays about different kinds of woods.在图书馆你可以找到大量有关不同种类森林的书和论文。(any意味着“数目大”)


I am glad you take any pleasure in my poor poem.我很高兴你能在我蹩脚的诗中找到一丁点快乐。(any意味着“尽管很小”)

Maria’s elder brother had been at first quite willing that his sister should marry any bridegroom who presented himself.玛丽亚的哥哥起初非常愿意让他的妹妹嫁给随便哪个自荐的新郎。(any意味着“即使不足道的”)


I’ve not seen the letters;only his secretary sees any of his letters,for he is pretty reticent about business letters,as big business men have to be.只要他的秘书一旦看到他的信,我就看不到。因为他对业务信件守口如瓶,就像大商人必须做的那样。(这里any有一种"如果他的秘书能看到他的什么信件的话"的含义)

Bending over the dead body of the dog,she tried to discover any signs of life.她弯下身看着死去的狗,企图想发现是否有什么活着的迹象。(这里any意谓“是否有什么”)

三、当用来表示数量时,any往往有偏高(相当于as much as possible)或偏低(相当于the smallest or least possible amount or degree of)的含义。例如:

There are any number of reasons for eating good food.有大量吃好的食物的理由。

Don’t ask George what his excuse is. He can invent any number.不要问乔治的借口是什么,他能造出无数借口。


She has got any amount of explanations for you.她有无限多的解释给你。

There are any quantity of iron on the Western Alps.阿尔卑斯山西部有大量的铁。

During that memorable trip over the Atlantic,the highest speed maintained for any length of time was 26.4 knots.在那次难忘的大西洋旅行中,最快的速度保持在足有每小时26.4海里。

They’re going to need any help they can get.凡能得到的帮助他们都需要。

There isn’t any hope of finding the lost child.毫无希望找到丢失的孩子。

It isn’t any use looking for her.寻找她一点作用也没有。

Have you any idea of what they are talking about?你知道他们在谈什么吗?

四、any可相当于at all,用以加强否定的语气。语法上,它相当于副词,在此起状语的作用。any的这种用法常用在否定句和疑问句中,如:

The medicine didn’t help any.这药一点不管用。

He doesn’t seem any interested in our plan.他对我们的计划好像一点也不感兴趣。

It didn’t hurt him any.根本就没有伤到他。

That didn’t help them any.那对他们一点帮助也没有。

Does the radio disturb you any?收音机打扰你吗?

Did he work any this week?他这个星期上班吗?

与any如此用法很相似的不定代词还有some,其意相当于to some extent,但多用在美国英语中,如:

He is farming some.他在干农活。

My experience on the farm helped me some,of course.当然,我的农场经历多少对我有点帮助。

The quality of the American soldier may have deteriorated some over the years.近年来,美国士兵的质量可能已有点下降。
