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摘 要:本文通过固相微萃取和气质联用仪对养殖美国红鱼鱼肉中的挥发性成分进行萃 取和分离鉴定,初步探明了我国养殖海水鱼肉的气味组成。从鱼腹部肉和背部肉中分别 检测出52种和54种有效挥发性成分(匹配度超过800),相同成分有42种。这些成分包括 烃类、醇类、酮类、醛类、酯类和环状化合物,其中含量较高的是醇类、醛类、酮类, 在腹部肉和背部肉中分别地占挥发性化合物总数的30.47%、38.47%、13.14%和27.87%、41.54%、14.43%。美国红鱼具有以腥臭味、青草味、脂香和瓜果类香气等混合的气味; 己醛和1-戊烯-3-醇对美国红鱼腥味的形成贡献最大,环境以及其它挥发性风味组分的协同或累加作用对腥味的形成也有1定影响;与背肉相比,腹肉腥味明显(f0.01); 1-辛烯-3-醇、4-庚烯醛、苯甲醛等物质与美国红鱼特征风味的形成密切相关。

关键字:美国红鱼 固相微萃取 气质联用 挥发性成分



volatile compounds of sciaenops ocellatus muscle are extracted by solid phase microextraction

(spme) and are identified by gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (gc-ms), which provide elementary data for proving up the odor compounds of the marine fish. 52 volatile compounds of matching degree more than 800 are isolated and identified successfully from the abdominal muscle of sciaenops ocellatus, while 54 from the dorsal muscle, and 42 same components. these compounds include hydrocarbons, alcohols, ketons, aldehydes, esters and ringy compounds. the major volatile compounds are alcohols, aldehydes and ketons, respectively with the contents of 30.47%, 38.47%,

13.14% and 27.87%, 41.54%, 14.43% in the total volatile compounds of the abdominal and dorsal muscle. sciaenops ocellatus has the fishy, specific grassy, fatty and melon-like odor. hexanal and

1-penten-3-ol contribute to the form of fishy smell most greatly, also the environment and the cooperative or accumulative effects of other volatile compounds have certain impacts. compared with

the dorsal muscle, the abdominal muscle is fishier (f0.01). 1-octen-3-ol, 4-heptenal and benzaldehyde have close relations to the form of characteristic flavor.

keywords:sciaenops ocellatus,spme,gc-ms,volatile compounds


鲜美、市场畅销,造成捕捞过度、产量锐减。编辑: 。

自810年代中期后开始禁止商业性捕捞,并开 展人工养殖,现已成为迄今世界上养殖产量最高的鱼种之1,也是国际上高档的热销水产品 中的1员。我国已普遍开展养殖,年产量可达50000吨以上,前景广阔。

在自然捕捞和人工养殖的鱼类中,都存在不同程度的令人不愉快的异味。在捕获的海产 鱼体内,经常存在的几种异味[转贴于:论文大全网 ]

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