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收稿日期:2014-04-06 修回日期:2014-05-05


>> 试论《汉书・艺文志》中的《诗赋略》 《汉书.艺文志》“小说家”考论 班固《汉书.艺文志》中古代音乐文献考 《汉书・艺文志・六艺略》“家”字例考 方志艺文志的目录学本性考辨 杨慎、黄峨夫妻往还之作考论 艺文志 艺文志.读书 城市艺文志 论杨慎的文学创作及创作缘起 艺文志·看电影 杨慎曲用韵反映的-p\-t\-k韵尾考 《中州集》版本流传考述 嘉靖与杨慎 聂绀弩与《艺文志》 《汉书?艺文志》研究综述 略论《汉书・艺文志》 读《汉书・艺文志》 艺文志畛域之丰碑 《河州志》的版本及其流传 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:.


Version and Spread of Quan Shu Yi Wen

LUO Chaohua

(College of Liberal Arts, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu 610000, China)

Abstract:Quan Shu Yi Wen was compiled by Yang Shen in the Ming Dynasty, which is a poetry collection about the Sichuan region. After publication, the book had a great impact, and had important significance to the cultural heritage of Ba. Because of the author Yang Shen’s fame, after its publication in Jiajing twenty(year 1541), the book was repeatedly inscribed and copied, spread quite widely. It can be made clear that today’s edition has eight versions, three manuscripts, of which the best is Guangxu Chow edition;the worst is “Siku edition”.It has been spread through the Qing Dynasty, the Republic of China in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. Today Beijing, Chengdu, and Shanghai have simultaneously the versions. Zhang Rujie edition is the most popular, while Zhu Xiatang edition (year 1817) is the least popular.

Key words:Quan Shu Yi Wen; Yang Shen; versions and circulating