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How Do We Do Free Writing?我们如何自由写作?

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The Beginning of a Free Writing


Take a deep breath,and relax your shoulders,arms,and hands.Give yourself enough space.Open your writing pad,hold your pen.Put your timer beside,a watch,or a clock,or a cell phone.Now,we are ready to go.

Let's begin with"I believe writing is…" and write freely for ten minutes.

Let me assure you,the beginning of a free writing is not meant to be the topic of the writing;it is just a beginning for you to get started,like a springboard for you to jump.You can write anything you want.You can write"I believe writing is useless,therefore I don't want to write about writing"and then you will probably write something else.That is great.And if you want to write about writing,that is cool too.As long as you are writing and writing freely,the prompt has served its purpose.

Write down the beginning time and ending time at the top of your page to remind yourself.When there is one minute left,bring your free writing to an end.When there are fifteen seconds left,finish your last sentence.When time is up,stop immediately.If you cannot finish the last sentence,or if your free writing seems unfinished,that is totally fine.Just leave it like that.No worries.

how did your free writing go this time?Did your hand feel sore?That's a good sign.That means you are beginning to build your writing muscle.

Now,read it to yourself silently.Try not to judge,but just feel the message of your own writing. What does it communi-cate with you?Be open and accepting of yourself.This is the voice from your heart.Treasure it.Even if it is messy and you honestly think it is not good,please keep it.You will see the value later on.

The following is what I wrote on August 18th,2008,in my apartment,in the evening,between 6:22pm and 6:32pm,when I was thinking of you,my dear friend.

I believe writing is healing.We are all sick and we need to be hea/ed.Writing is a necessity for me.For illiterate people,talking is a necessity.For people who cannot speak,communication is still vital.

We were created to express.This need is innate.And I believe language exists for this very need.The sad thing is,when we have the ability and yet we seldom or never use the ability,our health-mental health and physical health will both suffer.

I used to suffer from a persistent pain in my throat.From age 24 to 32,especially in the first five or six years,I was living daily with my pain.I was so grateful that this pain was finally healed after seeing the speech therapist in the United States and taking voice class,acting class,etc.But that pain surely taught me a lesson.

Writing is such a luxury for modern people.I mean the real writing that our hearts really care about.Yes,we write a lot of grant proposals to get money,if we have a choice,would we do that?Probably not.But for the sake of fame,many of us will do that.I sound cynical,maybe.But in the past two years,I have to be honest with myself,I have done less and less writing.

And yet,I am glad I am writing this textbook.I believe my old friend-creative writing will not forsake me.Oh yeah.I have doubts,I have weaknesses,but I'm coming through.I believe writing saves me,clarifies me and lifts me up.I be-lieve that hope is always in my heart when I write.I believe complete honesty is absolutely necessary when I write.

I was quite satisfied with this free writing.It was honest,straightforward,and powerful.I heard my own voice clearly.If I give myself one hour and think and write slowly,I don't know whether I would be able to express it any better.That is the magic of free writing.


Don't Fetter Yourself Too Much


What are your beliefs about writing?Beliefs are deeply rooted in our hearts and they influence our writing.You and I may have different beliefs about writing,and that is great-we will learn from each other and expand our vision.

If you had a hard time doing the free writing,and words just wouldn't come out,take it easy.The first two weeks are usually the hardest.We have had too many fears when we write.And now,we are overwhelmed by the freedom.Please take your time.Free writing is really friendly and easy-going.You can repeat what you said earlier or ask yourself some question,which is what I often do,and naturally,some idea will come up.Just write them down.

Please don't worry about how great your ideas are and how to organize them.You can move from one idea to the next relevant idea,or you can jump from idea to idea,or you can probe deeply into one idea.There are many possibilities.You are free to have your own style.

And please don't worry about your word choice and grammar.It is completely fine if you are using simple words and simple sentence structure.Simplicity is good.Remember Martin Luther King's famous speech,Havea Dreaml That is the most powerful line from that speech.You may have your simple and powerful line coming up in your free writingf

Remember,nobody is judging you,not even yourself.Be relaxed-your goal is to write honestly,not to impress any-body with big words and complex sentence structures.When we speak,no matter how foolish we are,we always manage to express ourselves continuously,now we just change them into written words.It is that simple.
