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david s. goyer

darkness, blood-curdling screams. presentation credits roll as we

fade up on:

int. hospital, inner-city trauma ward - night

it's 1967, the summer of love and --

boom! entry doors swing open as paramedics wheel in a female bleeder,

vanessa (20s, black, nine months pregnant). she's deathly pale,

spewing founts of blood from a savagely slashed throat --

a shock-trauma team swarms over her, inserting a vacutainer into an

artery to draw blood, wrapping a blood pressure cuff around her

arm --

nurse #1

(with stethoscope)

she's not breathing!

senior resident

intubate her!

the respiratory therapist feeds an endotracheal tube down the woman's

ruined throat, attaches that to an amblu bag --


blood-pressure's forty and falling --

the woman starts spasming violently. it takes three staff members

just to hold her down.

senior resident

jesus, her water's broken --

(calling for help)

she's going into uterine contractions --

camera pushes in on the woman as she bolts upright, screaming to wake

the dead. we plunge into the darkness of her mouth and find

ourselves --

inside her bloodstream

the sound of a heart beating, pounding as we whip-snake through --


floating in amber plasma. erythrocytes, leukocytes, neutrophils and


the rhythmic expansion of the artery walls, pulsing with each

successive surge of blood as the heart beats faster and faster,

taking us --

in utero,

a child, alive but unborn, shifting in a sea of amniotic fluid,

surrounded by the white, protective substance known as vernix

caseosa. the heartbeat races like a locomotive now. the unborn child

shifts, turns its head towards us --

-- and opens its eyes.

cut to:

a swordblade

cleaving the darkness, radiant light slicing across gleaming damascus

steel. words acid-etched in the weapon's fine-tempered surface:


main credits end.

ext. inner city, industrial ghetto - night

a decaying no man's land populated by condemned buildings and hungry

homeless. steam rises from manhole covers, drifting across the

litter- lined streets. suddenly --

a black mercedes 850 appears over the crest of a hill, roaring past

us, stereo system belting out filter.

int. mercedes - night

raquel, a wasp-wasted woman, sits behind the wheel. 20s, rich,

sickeningly attractive. hungry eyes.

squirming around in the passenger seat is dennis, a model/actor boy-

toy with a sub-zero iq and a 'fuck me sideways' grin.


so where we going?


it's a surprise.


i likes surprises.

raquel eyeballs dennis -- 'if looks could devour'.


what do you have down there, little





i'll bet.

raquel slides a manicured hand up his thigh, squeezes his groin.

dennis moans. she pulls her hand away, downshifts.

ext. vacant lot - night

the 850 threads a narrow alley into a vacant lot, brakes hard. raquel

and dennis climb out. she leads him into --

ext. meat packing plant - night

industry never sleeps, and certainly not this grisly facility. raquel

leads dennis around the back of the plant, where a host of workers

are loading refrigerated trucks with product.


what theare we doing here?

raquel just smiles, heads on into the plant via a loading door. the

workers ignore her.

int. meat packing plant - night

dennis follows raquel through the bowels of the plant, catching

glimpses here and there of carcasses being rendered or hacked apart.

through one partially open door we see what might be a line of

bodybags being trundled into the back of a truck via a hook and chain

pulley-system. but dennis doesn't have enough time to be disturbed by

the vision, because he's being pulled away by raquel, led down --

a stairwell

we are in the basement now. at the end of the hall is a steel door,

with perhaps, just the faintest hint of music heard coming from

beyond. raquel knocks.

a 'peep-hole' slat opens and a black light shines into raquel's eyes.

a voice behind the door offers a verbal challenge, speaking a

language we've never heard, laced with a devilish cadence.

raquel responds in kind. the door opens. raquel gives dennis a

knowing wink, enters. dennis follows.

int. club - night

raquel and dennis move past a hulking doorman, making their way down

a narrow stairway. dennis is suitably impressed.

the club

is elite, underground -- an 'abattoir-chic' version of an old-time

juke joint with a greasy, dangerous vibe. white-tiled walls and

floors for easy hosing, chromed fittings, run-off gutters, drains. no



writhe on the strobe-lit dance floor. a heavy s&m scene. leather.

latex. tattoos. body-piercings.

a d.j. wearing head-mounted spotlights orchestrates the tunes on

twin- decks. music assaults us -- a beat so heavy it could jar the

fillings from your teeth. brutal 'darkcore' along the lines of

prodigy or underground.

raquel pulls dennis out onto the dance floor. they sway.

a lupine-featured gaultier girl with a streak of white running

through her raven hair moves in behind dennis, pressing up against

him. rachel williams as the angel of death -- we'll call her mercury.

mercury flicks her tongue against dennis' ear -- it's been pierced

with a silver post which clicks against her teeth. tattooed across

her back in black is a swirling, tribal vortex.

dennis is now sandwiched between raquel and mercury, the three of

them dry-humping their way to every man's glory.

the beat gets louder. the action heavier. the atmosphere more

narcotic. people are stripping off their clothes, sweating like

fiends. it's a virtual orgy.

dennis laughs, reveling in the hedonism. everything rises to a fever

pitch --


(over the music)

fuck, i need a drink!!!

raquel just smiles -- then dennis notices a drop of something spatter

his hand. it looks like blood. dennis looks up, concerned --

-- more blood droplets are falling. raquel's face is sprinkled with

them now. dennis stops dancing. what is this? some kind of fucked up

performance art?

raquel turns her face toward the ceiling, as if washing herself in a

summer shower, now the other club goers are looking up too --

blood showers down

from sprinkler heads in the ceiling, drenching the dancers. the club

goers love it, thrusting their heads back, mouths open wide to

receive the crimson offering.

horrified, dennis recoils, turning towards --


whose face morphs into a preternatural snarl. her canines extend,

tapering to razor-sharp points. her tongue flicks, lizard-like as

fingernails sharpen into claws. all this while the whites of her eyes

bleed red, pupils oscillating hypnotically.


what's wrong, baby?

dennis screams, pushes away from raquel, only --

-- mercury has fangs now too. in fact, everyone in the club does,

with the exception of poor dennis. that's because they're all


dennis tries to run, but the burly doorman blocks his exit, brutally

smashing his fist into dennis' face.

dennis falls, dazed. the club-goers close in around him. they make a

game of it, shoving him from one person to another, their pale faces

leering like twisted jack-o-lanterns.

the strobe lights quicken to a seizure-inducing intensity. dennis

spins, tumbling into raquel's arms. she shoves him forward -- dennis

lands on the floor, falling at someone's boot-clad feet. he looks up.

a dark figure sits in the shadows, unnoticed until this moment. the

figure stands, moves into the light as time screeches to a halt --

a black man,

towers above dennis, wearing dark glasses and a leather longcoat -- a

sneer of cruel contempt etched upon a face tempered by a lifetime of

horror. his name is blade.

blade whips open his long coat, shrugging it off, revealing an

arsenal of high-tech weapons strapped to his body:

6-point adjustable body armor, a modified car-15 assault rifle with

an ultra-violet entry light, two casull .454 revolvers, a 'demon'

automatic cross-bow, a bandoleer of mahogany stakes, an indian-style

katar punching dagger -- and last, but certainly not least, his

namesake -- a silver sword which is secured in a back-scabbard.

close on blade

a gaze as cold and pitiless as a midnight sun. the vampire club-goers

stare back. nuclear silence. and then --

all hell breaks loose. with a snarl, raquel charges at blade, moving

at superhuman speed, practically a blur --

blade draws his casulls, fires in multiple directions --

macro bullet shot

as a round roars through the air towards raquel. a silver-tipped dum-

dum bullet which explodes on contact.

wham! the round punches a fist-sized hole through raquel's chest,

continuing on into the vamp behind her! vampire blood fountains. both

creatures tumble forward, their bodies liquefying into puddles of

black oil which go gurgling down the run-off drains.

blade continues firing, then -click!- magazines empty. next. he

holsters the casulls, swings up his assault rifle, calmly flicks on

the uv entry light mounted above --


leaps twenty feet straight up into the air. we've never seen anything

move so fast. she crashes through a glass skylight, disappearing into

the night just as --

-- a shaft of blinding uv 'sunlight' cuts across the vampires. they

rear back, skin smoking from the light's corrosive effects. blade

opens fire, pumping round after round of wooden fragmentation bullets

into the crowd -- vampire genocide.

the strobe lights flicker as the mayhem mounts. some of the vampires

try to flee, scurrying up the stairs, but the exit quickly becomes

clogged with liquefying bodies --

-- then blade's car-15 jams. the remaining club-goers see their

opening, surge forward en masse --

blade drops the rifle, reaches over his shoulder and -schinggg!-

unsheathes his sword with a double-handed grip.

the sword

four acid-etched feet of blood-soaked damascus steel. an edge so

sharp it could cleave a shadow in two.

blade moves like lightning, hacking his way into two charging

vampires. blade spins again, cuts another vampire clean in half --

on the far end of the club,

a latex-clad vamp makes a break for it. blade flings his sword,

sending it spinning end over end -- thunk! the sword punches into the

vampire's heart. the hellish creature convulses, dies.

beat. blade retrieves his sword, then senses --

something big

rising up behind him. in a flash, blade swings his sword downward,

cutting off the vampire's right hand at the elbow. the severed limb

falls to the floor --

-- but it doesn't slow the hulking creature down. it slams into

blade. blade flies backwards thirty feet, tumbling over tables,

slamming into the rear wall so hard that plaster rains down from the


blade suddenly finds himself wrestling with a feral-faced six-foot-

something nightmare named quinn. the vampire rears back its head,

jaws stretching wide. every inch of his face is covered with ritual

scarification patterns and maori-like tribal tattoos.

blade forces an elbow against quinn's throat, trying to keep him at

bay. with his other hand he reaches to his bandoleer, pulls out a

stake -- crunch! blade shoves the stake through the vampire's larynx.

quinn gurgles, clutches at his throat.

blade rolls out from under, unholsters the cross-bow secured to his

leg. with a flick of a switch the arms of the bow -snap!- open,

drawing the bow-string taut. blade fires --

the bolt hits quinn in the shoulder, throwing him backwards and

nailing him to the wall. as quinn reaches over with his other hand to

pull out the stake --

blade fires again. a second bolt slams into quinn's other arm,

effectively pinning him like a butterfly to a board.

up above,

mounted in one of the corners, is a security camera. blade fires a

cross-bow bolt straight into the lens.

blade strides over, placing his sword against quinn's chest.


where is deacon frost?

quinn glares, trying to speak, gagging on the stake still lodged in

his trachea --


got something in your throat.

blade yanks the stake free. the vampire laughs, air whistling through

his ruined larynx.


fuck you, day-walker, i ain't saying

shit --



quinn responds with a slew of rapid-fire vampire invectives. blade

sees he's getting nowhere fast, calmly sheathes his sword. he unclips

a white phosphorous grenade from his combat harness --


you won't stop him, blade. the tide's

rising, the sleeper's gonna --

blade shoves the grenade in quinn's mouth, pulls the pin. whoosh!

quinn goes up like a roman candle. blade turns, surveying his work,

ignoring the howling pyre behind him:

all evidence of the vampires is gone -- with the exception of a few

oily-black puddles. clothes, jewelry -- it's all been burned away by

the acidic process of the creatures' accelerated decomposition.

dennis sits huddled in a corner, having pissed his pants. as blade

approaches, he cringes back --


please don't --

blade simply grabs dennis by the jaw, tilting his head upward,

rotating it from side to side -- looking for bite marks. there aren't


blade moves on, leaving dennis alone amidst the carnage. as blade

starts up the stairs, he pauses in mid-step --

a cockroach

scurries out from underfoot.

blade adjusts his footfall, sparing the roach. he continues on up the

stairs, disappearing in the smoky haze.

cut to:

int. city hospital, autopsy room - night

camera follows a bagged corpse as it's rolled into the autopsy room

by an assistant.


brought you a baked potato, nice

and crispy. still warm, too.

curtis webb, the forensic pathologist (30s, white bread, a little on

the smarmy side) steps forward, unzips the bag --

it's quinn, what's left of him, anyway. burnt to a charcoal

briquette, limbs twisted horribly, oozing fluids.

curtis turns his head, grimacing, wafting the air.


jesus, that's rank --

curtis turns back, makes note of the blackened stump where quinn's

arm used to be, the ruined throat --


what's his story?


paramedics said he was still screaming

when they found him. looks like some

joker had stapled him to a wall.



cut to:

int. hospital, hematology lab - night

microscope pov

of a slide-mounted blood smear stained with wright stain (blue ink).

what we see is a collection of donut-shaped pink things (red blood

cells) intermingled with some small blue specks (platelets) and the

occasional larger, light-blue blobs (white blood cells).

karen jansen (20s), a fine-featured hematologist with a social life

in suspended animation, sits back from the microscope, stumped. next

to her is julie whitaker, a cheerful chemtech.


you took this off a doa?

curtis sits on a stool nearby, slowly nodding.


this isn't human blood.


then what is it?


i don't know --

(re: microscope)

look at this blood smear --

curtis takes a look for himself.


the red blood cells are biconvex,

which is theoretically impossible.

they're hypochromic, there's virtually

no hemoglobin in them.

(shaking her head)

look at the pmns, they're binucleated,

they should be mononucleated.


what about the chemistry panel?

karen looks to julie, who reaches for a computer print-out.


blood sugar level is three times the

norm, phosphorous and uric acid are

off the scales.


like the woman said, impossible.

karen removes her glasses, rubbing the bridge of her nose.


curtis, it's three in the morning. i'm

really not in the mood for one of your

practical jokes.



it's not a joke. i've got the stiff

sitting in the morgue right now --

look, just come up and see him, okay?

five minutes, that's all i ask.


i thought you promised to give me some



this is purely professional curiosity,

karen, i swear.

karen rolls her eyes, lets loose a tired sigh.


five minutes, not a second more. and i

don't want to hear a word about 'us'.


no problem.

int. hospital morgue - night

the dead of night, not a mouse in the house. curtis and karen, each

garbed in a mask, stand on either side of quinn's body, which now

rests on the autopsy table.

quinn's body

a preliminary exploratory y-incision has been made across the chest,

stretching from shoulder to shoulder, then continuing on down the

abdomen. ribs and cartilage have been cut open to expose the heart

and lungs.


you haven't started in on the internal



just the blood sample from the

pericardial sac.

curtis pauses, studying quinn's disfigured face -- the features seem

much less damaged now -- almost as if the corpse were healing itself.


that's weird --




he looks different now, burns are less

extreme, some of these wounds have

closed up --

curtis pulls out a penlight, flicks it on. he leans over quinn,

shining the light into one of his eyes.


tell me something, honestly, you ever

have second thoughts about us?



sometimes --

curtis looks up from the corpse, grinning beneath his mask.


-- but then i remember what an

ass-hole you were and i'm snapped back

to reality.


jesus, karen, you're breaking my heart

here --

quinn suddenly bolts up from the autopsy table, sinking his fangs

into curtis' jugular. he snaps the man's neck in two for easier

access, sucking in blood like a living vacuum.

karen stumbles backwards, sending autopsy tools clattering.


rises from the table, flinging curtis' twitching body aside. he curls

his blood-soaked lips back, baring viper-like fangs, emitting a

guttural growl --


(crazed by thirst)

-- more -- blood --

karen backs into the corpse drawers, but quinn is upon her in a half-

second, wrapping a hand about her throat. his mouth opens/morphs

disturbingly wide as if to swallow her head whole, caustic saliva

dripping from his canines --

karen tries to turn her head away, but quinn's grip is vise-like. she

finds herself staring into his eyes -- pupils pulsing rapid-fire,

opening and closing, hypnotic --

as quinn sinks the tips of his fangs into karen's carotid artery and

starts to nurse --

bang!!! a load of mahogany buckshot chews into quinn's side. he howls

in pain. another load catches him full in the face. he drops karen.

she falls to the floor --

karen's pov

the sound of rushing blood pounding through her skull. everything

spinning. she struggles to move, turns her head, finds herself eye to

eye with curtis' corpse.

on quinn

rising, his face torn up, smoking. whip pan to --


standing at the entrance to the morgue, a streetsweeper auto-shotgun

in hand, sizing quinn up.


now don't we look dapper?

quinn bellows with rage, ripping one of the heavy steel refrigeration

doors from its hinges, flinging it at blade like it was lawn

furniture --

blade rolls to the side as the door crashes against the wall. quinn

runs, moving through the morgue like a human tornado, heading for the

windows at the end of the room --

smash!!! out goes quinn, taking half the wall with him. blade rushes

to the decimated window, looks down --

blade's pov

quinn lands on the roof of an ambulance parked four stories below,

caving it in. he springs off, loping across the tarmac on three

limbs, then -screech!-thwump!- rolling up onto the hood of an

oncoming car, before disappearing into the night --

back up above,

blade spins, sees karen bleeding her life away on the floor. she

reaches a hand out to him, beseeching --

blade pulls away from her grasp, takes a step towards the exit --

then hesitates.

a flicker of doubt washes across blade's face. he looks down at karen

once more, wrestling with his conscience, finally making a decision.

he kneels, scoops karen up into his arms. just then,

two policemen

rush into the morgue, weapons drawn --

uniform #1

hold it, ass-hole!

blade ignores them, turning to face the window before him. it's a

good thirty feet to the roof of the adjacent building, a parking

structure -- and damned if blade doesn't seem to be considering the


the police close in, agitated. blade crouches, switches karen to a

one-handed grip --

uniform #1

i said hold it!!!

-- and jumps.

ext. hospital/rooftop parking structure - night

blade clears the impossible distance -- almost. he snags the ledge of

the adjacent parking structure with his left hand even as karen slips

from the grasp of his right --

-- a last-second save, his fingers clamping around her wrist, is all

that stands between karen and street pizza. she screams anyway,

dangling below him --

blade grunts, swinging karen like a pendulum, heaving her up and over

the ledge as if she were a sack of potatoes. she lands on her

shoulder, clutching it in pain --

blade heaves himself up, crouching beside her.



my shoulder -- dislocated --

blade places a hand on her shoulder, another around her elbow and

without any consideration to discomfort -crack!- brutally pops it

back in place. karen screams again as he scoops her up once more and

heads for --

his '69 oldsmobile 442,

which is parked nearby. midnight-black. the definitive high-

performance heavy-metal muscle machine with an engine big enough to

power an apollo rocket.

int. blade's olds - night

blade sets karen down in the passenger seat, climbs behind the wheel,

keys the ignition. the engine roars to life, belching fumes through

the dual exhaust. blade floors it, burning serious rubber as the olds

vanishes from sight.

back at the demolished morgue window

as the two policemen stare numbly in open-mouthed astonishment.

cut to:

ext. city streets - night

blade pilots the olds down the streets, moving through a series of

increasingly degenerating neighborhoods, coming at last to the

sprawling warehouse district.

ext. abandoned factory - night

the olds approaches a mammoth industrial facility that's been

cordoned off by cyclone fencing and razor wire. ultra-violet

floodlights illuminate the area, while an army of security cameras

keep a watchful eye.

int. blade's olds - night

blade glances at karen, cursing himself for giving into his emotions.

he hits a remote secured to the sun visor --

ext. blade's olds/abandoned factory - night

a gate grinds open.

we follow the olds as it cruises around the back of the building,

heading down a concrete loading ramp. at the bottom of the ramp, a

heavy iron door rises. blade's olds disappears into the darkness.

int. abandoned factory, industrial elevator - night

more uv lights flicker on. we're in a massive loading elevator which

hums as it ascends, eventually reaching its destination with a

booming clang. the doors at the rear glide open. blade guides the

olds out.

int. abandoned factory, whistler's workshop - night

set up in an old ironworks, the place looks like a cross between an

auto junkyard and an armory. equipment is strewn everywhere --

lathes, mills, old furnaces, gutted vehicles, an ad hoc surgical

theater -- all of it jerry-rigged in a brutal, oily-tech.

blade climbs out of the olds. he opens the passenger door and pulls

karen out, carries her in his arms.



whistler (o.s.)

are we bringing home strays now?

abraham whistler (60s)

hobbles out of the shadows, leaning heavily on a cane. gimlet-eyed,

bitter, his right leg encased in a metal brace. though his face is

lined with wrinkles and his hair has long since gone gray, we sense

he could kick the living shit out of any man half his age.


she's been bitten.


you should've killed her, then.


she hasn't turned yet.


you can help her.

blade and whistler stare each other down. finally, whistler turns and

heads over to the operating theater.


no promises. you watch her close. she

starts to turn, you finish her off.

blade nods, lays karen down on the operating table. whistler turns on

an overhead light. karen is sheathed in sweat, ashen. she's lost a

lot of blood.

whistler snaps on a pair of surgical gloves, probes the wound in

karen's neck with an antiseptic swab -- there's capillary damage

around the perimeter of the wound, the tissue looks bruised,



localized necrosis. she's borderline.

another hour and she'd be well into

the change.

whistler cracks open a smelling salt capsule and waves under karen's

nose. as she starts to stir --


can you hear me, woman?

karen's eyes open wide. she's scared, disoriented --


what -- ?


you've been bitten by a vampire. we've

got to try and burn out the venom,

just like a rattlesnake bite --

whistler reaches for a massive syringe filled with caustic-looking

fluid. karen sees the syringe, resists --


hold her.

blade forces karen back. whistler readies the syringe.


(reading her name tag)

'dr. karen jansen'. listen close, i'm

going to inject you with an antidote

made from allium setivum -- garlic.

this is going to hurt. a lot.

whistler sinks the needle into karen's neck and depresses the

plunger. 'hurt' doesn't begin to describe what karen experiences

next. imagine undergoing childbirth while someone pumps battery acid

through your veins.

karen shrieks, her body going into uncontrolled paroxysms. the wound

on her neck begins to smoke as the antidote attacks the poisonous

vampire venom.

karen clutches at blade's arms, digging her nails in. she stares up

at him with unflinching intensity, like a child desperately searching

for assurance.

on blade,

uncomfortable playing the roll of nursemaid. he'd like nothing more

than to be done with this, but the only thing he can do is hold karen

while she rides out the seizures.

karen's pov

growing darker by the moment. the last thing she sees is blade

staring down at her -- then the night closes in.

int. house of erebus, meeting room - night

close on a monitor featuring footage taken at the vampire club

massacre. blade turns and stares into the camera, fires his cross-

bow. the screen cuts to static.

a withered, clawed hand

moves into frame, holding a remote. with a tap of a button, the

monitor goes dark.

pull back to reveal a large, minimalist conference room -- the house

of erebus, seat of the vampire race's legislative assembly.

gathered around a massive table are the twelve vampire elders,

representing a 'rainbow' of racial colors -- names like pallintine,

von esper, ashe, bava. two of them, the faustinas, are identical

twins -- lethal-looking women with alabaster skin.

chilled carafes filled with blood are situated along the table. from

time to time, a member will pour themselves a glass, or perhaps, help

themselves to the bowls of human finger bones which serve as snacks.

at the head of the table is gaetano dragonetti, current vampire

'overlord'. blood-red eyes, parchment skin stretched over skull-like

features. incalculably ancient, but still deadly and virile as a


dragonetti speaks. he uses the 'secret tongue' -- the ancient vampire

language which utilizes consonants human vocal chords are incapable

of reproducing.



blade. once again, our interests have

fallen victim to his ridiculous

crusade. he must be destroyed.

frost (o.s.)

(in english)

you're wrong, dragonetti.

all heads turn. who would dare such impudence?

deacon frost,

a mere 'underlord' in the vampire hierarchy, steps forward.

strikingly handsome, younger, less conservative than his superiors,

fueled with a passionate intensity. amongst the vampire community

he's known as an agitator. he's also the vampire equivalent of a

racial supremacist.


the day walker represents a unique

opportunity. we'd be fools to waste

it by killing him.


(subtitled, taking umbrage)

deacon frost. you refuse to speak our

language, you insult the house of

erebus by using the humans'

gutter-tongue, have you no respect

for tradition?


why should i respect something which

has outlived its purpose?

this causes quite a stir amongst the other vampires. frost might as

well have slapped dragonetti in the face.



i see. and what would you have us do

with this 'half-breed'?


study him. unlock the secrets of his

dna. he's the key we've been looking



he is an abomination!

dragonetti slams his fist down, toppling a carafe, spilling blood

across the tabletop. frost looks to the others --


why should we spend our lives

cringing from the daylight when his

blood offers us an alternative?

enough talk. it's time we stepped out

of the shadows!

dragonetti looks apoplectic. elder pallintine, a five-hundred year-

old vampire inhabiting the body of a prepubescent boy, interjects.


you're out of line, frost.


am i? or am i just the first to say

out loud what we've all been


the fact that no one answers is telling. dragonetti glowers at the

other elders, sensing the tide turning.


the shadows suit us, frost. we've

existed this way for thousands of

years. who are you to challenge our



someone who's sick of living off

scraps. the coming age belongs to us,

not the humans!

(to the others)

when the final war between our races

comes, who do you want leading the


frost stabs an accusing finger at the overlord.


some withered up fossil ready to snap

like a brittle bone at the first sign

of change?

dragonetti growls like an beast, raking his claws across the tyro

vampire's face, knocking him to the ground.


get out!!!

frost picks himself up, touches the gashes on his cheek. looks at his

fingers, licks the blood from them.


careful, old fang. you might wake up

one day and find yourself extinct.

frost smiles at dragonetti and calmly exits the room.

int. whistler's workshop, blade's cell - day

on karen as she comes to. her wounds have been bandaged. she rises, a

little shaky, takes in her surroundings -- she's in a spartan room,

like a monk's cell. on the wall is a collection of knives and

daggers. some of them wooden, their hilts inscribed with bizarre-

looking runes. in the center of these weapons rests --

blade's sword,

hanging like a cross in a chapel, dominating all else. karen touches

it. then her eyes drop to a silver locket which dangles from the hilt

by a tarnished chain. she reaches for it, opens it --

the locket features a photo, old and faded. it's the black woman we

saw in the prologue, vanessa, standing in the sunshine.

karen moves towards the door, cautious --

int. whistler's workshop - day

we hear voices now, coming from beyond a series of black-out

curtains. karen pushes one aside and sees --


strapped into some kind of inquisition-esque restraint chair. his

shirt is off, his body slick with sweat. whistler finishes strapping

blade in, then stands back, holding up a gas-powered pistol injector,

hesitant --


i had to increase the dose. you're

building up a resistance to the

serum --



just do it, old man.

whistler nods, fitting blade with a bite guard. then he presses the

pistol-injector against blade's carotid artery.

blade shakes violently, grinding his teeth through the bite guard,

veins cording in his neck. he clutches whistler's hand, holding it

tightly as he fights his way through the hellish seizure. to his

credit, whistler never lets go.

mentor and student stare at one another as the mysterious serum runs

its violent course. we understand that these shared moments, oddly

private in their horror, are the glue which binds the two vampire

hunters together. finally, blade slumps forward in his restraints,



she draws back, instinctively knowing that she's just witnessed

something she shouldn't have. she looks for an exit, sees another

doorway. she makes for it --

int. whistler's lab - tank room - day

a dusty, darkened hole of a room, no windows, just shadows, crumbling

concrete, rust stains, and --

a large tank

filled with swirling blood plasma, choked with electrical leads and

biomedical sensors. something floats within, suspended in the murky

fluid -- a child , two or three years of age, drifting about like a

medical oddity preserved in formaldehyde --

thump! the child slams up against the glass. karen backpedals,

startled. its eyes are open now, pupils blown. it snarls, revealing a

mouthful of razored fangs, trailing mouth-slime across the glass as

it futilely tries to chew its way through to karen.

karen stifles a sob, turning and running right into --


who now blocks the exit, sword in hand. karen retreats a step,

wary --


you shouldn't be here.


i'm sorry, i --

whistler (o.s.)

wandered off the beaten path, doctor?

whistler has entered the room from a second doorway. karen looks from

whistler to blade, trapped between them --


who are you people?


my name is abraham whistler.

(re: blade)

this is blade. as for our little

homunculus here --

whistler limps over to the tank, rapping his cane against it. the

creature snaps at it reflexively, following the silver tip back and

forth like a fish after a lure.


-- he's a vampire.


you're joking --


not at all. you're looking at a prime

specimen of the homines nocturna.

whistler toys with the feral creature, engaging in a certain amount

of sadistic delight as its efforts grow increasingly more frenzied.

suddenly, it surges towards the top of the tank, clawing at the

lid --

karen becomes alarmed -- but then a massive electrical jolt shocks

the creature back into submission.


if blade hadn't brought you here, you

would've wound up like him.

karen brings a hand to her bandaged neck, recalling the events of the

previous night. she looks to blade.


why did you help me?

blade scowls, his gaze flickering to whistler.




(appraising her)

maybe not. i did some checking, she's

a hematologist. knowledge like that

might come in handy.


it's not worth the risk. we can't

trust her.




because you're tainted. the venom's

still inside you. you could still

turn on us.


what happens then?

blade looks to whistler -- as far as he's concerned, the debate's



then i have to take you out, just

like any other bloodsucker.

blade turns and exits. whistler and karen follow.

int. whistler's workshop - day

beyond the grimy outer windows, we can see that the day is closing --

long shadows, amber light. karen lingers in the doorway, reeling from

information overload.

blade begins suiting up for his nightly hunt -- strapping on body

armor, loading ammunition. he strings the tarnished locket around his

neck as if it were an amulet that could ward off evil, then pauses to

inspect a modified pistol, sighting down the length of it.


we hunt them, moving from one city to

the next, tracking their migrations.

they're hard to kill. they tend to


clack! blade pulls the trigger on an empty chamber, then checks his

next weapon --



so what do you use, then? a stake?



some of the old wives' tales are true

-- they're severely allergic to

silver, various types of wood. feed

them garlic and they'll go into

anaphylactic shock --

whistler picks up a customized rifle with a uv entry light, flicking

on the beam.


-- and of course there's always

sunlight, ultra-violet rays.

karen shakes her head, incredulous --


and you honestly expect me to believe

all this?


i don't care what you believe. i

saved your life once, i don't plan on

making a habit of it. you want my

advice, you'll be out of the city by

nightfall. if you're stupid enough to

stay, that's your business.


i can't just leave. i have a life

here, a career --


not anymore. you've seen one of them.

you won't be allowed to live after


karen stares at blade. whistler gestures to the windows --


there's a war going on out there.

blade, myself, a few others -- we've

tried to keep it from spilling over

onto the streets.


sometimes people like yourself get

caught in the cross-fire.

whistler shrugs. as far as he's concerned, there's nothing else to

say. karen is still protesting, though.


i can go to the police. i have blood

samples back at the hospital. i can

show them.


do it. you'll be dead before you can

file the complaint.


that's ridiculous! no one's that


whistler sighs. he doesn't suffer fools gladly.


you're talking about a brotherhood

that predates the catholic church by

thousands of years. their survival

depends on their ability to blend in.

chances are, you've encountered them

and not even known it. on the subway,

in a bar --

blade slings his car-15 onto his shoulder, impatient. he starts

towards the olds, gesturing.


get in. you抮e leaving.



whistler tosses a small metal canister to karen.


consider it a parting gift. vampire

mace -- silver nitrate, essence of



(in disbelief)

so that's it? you guys just patch me

up and send me on my way?


there is one other thing. i'd buy

yourself a gun if i were you. if you

start becoming sensitive to the

daylight, if you start becoming

thirsty regardless of much you've had

to drink -- then i suggest you take

that gun and use it on yourself.

better that, than the alternative.

karen stares at whistler, horrified, as we --

cut to:

int. the vampire archives - day

we are deep in the narrow stacks of a sepulchral archive. exactly

what and where this place is will become more clear later on.

but for now, the camera drifts through the warren of aisles. along

the way, we catch a glimpse of a hulking silhouette cowering behind a

series of japanese shoji screens. later on, we find --


tucked away in a carrel, surrounded by books and scriptures, with

only the sickly glow of his laptop to provide light.

dragonetti (o.s.)

what are you doing here?

frost pauses, seeing dragonetti emerge from the shadows.



these archives are restricted to

members of the house of erebus.


please. you and the other elders

wouldn't know what to do with these

texts if your lives depended on it.


which, of course, they do.


you're wasting your time, frost. far

greater scholars than you have tried

to decipher these words. whatever

secrets they hold have been lost.



frost studies dragonetti, a self-satisfied grin on his face. if the

act was intended to unnerve dragonetti, it succeeded, though the

ancient vampire would never admit it.


what are you up to, frost?

frost shuts the lid on his laptop, rising, drawing intimidatingly

close to dragonetti.

frost's voice

wouldn't you like to know, old fang?

a beat as the young turk stares his elder down. dragonetti is the

first to lose his nerve. frost smiles and exits, leaving the old

vampire to lick his wounds.

camera drifts back to the hulking silhouette, which has been

eavesdropping on the conversation. it quivers in fear.

int. blade's olds (on karen's street corner) - day

blade brings the car to a stop. karen looks at him. his eyes are

hidden behind his glasses, his expression stone.


remember what we said. keep your eyes

open. they're everywhere.

ext. karen's apartment building - day

as karen climbs out, blade swings the door shut behind her. the olds

roars off down the quiet residential street.

int. apartment building, lobby - day

karen crosses the lobby, stepping into an elevator. just as the doors

are closing, a woman and two men duck in alongside her.

int. elevator - day

silence, the uncomfortableness of an elevator ride magnified tenfold.

karen can feel the eyes of her fellow passengers upon her. finally

succumbing to paranoia, she hazards a glance -- would she be able to

tell if these people weren't human? the woman turns to karen,

smiles --

karen surreptitiously fishes the 'vampire mace' from her pocket,

clutching it -- and now one of the men turns to look at her,

nodding --

int. karen's apartment building, hallway - day

the elevator doors open. karen hurries out, heads left, finds herself

in a deserted hallway. she looks back --

-- then skips a heartbeat as the trio also step out! as karen raises

the canister of mace --

-- the trio turn and head down to the right. karen breathes a sigh of

relief, shakes her head.

int. karen's apartment - day

karen enters quickly, bolting the door behind her. she picks up the

phone, dials 911 --


i need the police. this is an

emergency --

as karen waits to be connected, she moves to the back entrance and

checks the locks -- then the windows, then the fire escape --

finally, a voice comes on the other end.


hello? my name is karen jansen, i was

with curtis webb at mid-town hospital

last night -- that's right, i

witnessed the attack --


115 aurora, apartment 3g. yes, i'll

wait here. please hurry.

karen hangs up the phone and turns --

a shaft of bright sunlight

streams in through a window. karen forces herself to look at it and

winces, shielding her eyes. again, she brings a hand to the bandaged

wound on her neck. she moves to the window, pulling the shade down,



get a grip on yourself, girl.

she sinks down into a chair to wait, setting whistler's vampire mace

aside. then she shuts her eyes, massaging her temples. we see --

a brief flash of

quinn, his mouth opening wide, saliva dripping from his fangs. his

pupils pulsating hypnotically. we rush into his gaping maw and --

wham! we're back to reality. karen wakes with a start, looks to the

windows -- time has passed, it's getting dark outside --

-- and someone is knocking at the front door. karen reaches for the

vampire mace, then moves to the door. she looks through the peephole,

cautious --


who is it?

karen's pov (fish-eye)

a police officer stands in the hallway -- 30s, handsome, a knight in

shining armor as far as she's concerned.


sergeant gideon. i'm responding to a

911 call.

karen visibly relaxes. she opens the door and steps aside, allowing

gideon to enter.


yes, that was me, i'm karen jansen --

gideon smiles, takes a quick glance around the room, then studies

karen's face, the bandages on her neck.


are you all right?

(off karen's nod)

i'm glad you called, ms. jansen, we've

been anxious to get a hold of you. you

disappeared on us for a while.


i know. listen -- do you have any idea

what happened to curtis, the other



(matter of fact)

oh, he's dead. but i wouldn't worry

about that if i were you.




gideon's smile vanishes as he unholsters his gun.


because you're dead too.

karen gasps. she has a half-second to act -- in which she triggers a

spray of vampire mace into gideon's face. gideon stumbles back,

blinded, cursing, rubbing the heel of his palm against his eyes --

karen expects pyrotechnics -- but the end result is little more than

an annoyance. a second later, gideon is simply blinking, sniffing his

fingers, confused --




he said it would work against

vampires --

gideon bursts out laughing.


who said i was a vampire?

gideon shakes his head, still snickering. he forces karen against the

wall, placing the gun against her head --


thanks for the laugh. you can shut

your eyes if you want to.

crash!!! the front door explodes open as blade comes flying through


gideon tries to bring his pistol up -- but blade grips the man's hand

and squeezes. gideon screams as his bones snap like kindling. the

pistol falls from his grasp --

blade fires his fist into gideon's gut again and again, then flings

the officer across the room, sending him smashing into a glass-cased

cabinet. bleeding, battered, gideon struggles to stand --

blade is all over him, kicking the shit out of the rogue cop until he

sinks to the floor in a half-conscious haze.

blade stands over gideon's limp form, fists clenched, breathing

heavily, touching down after his adrenaline high. finally, he looks

to karen --


you okay?

karen nods, glances at gideon --


how did you know?


figured they'd send someone after you.

thought i'd wait around and see who

showed up.


you used me as bait?!


it worked, didn't it?


but, he could've --


he didn't. get over it.

blade kneels next to gideon. he turns the man's head, inspects the

neck, the skin behind the ear --


but he's a policeman --


he's a familiar. a human who works for

the vampires. see this mark?

blade pushes aside gideon's hair, revealing a tiny, cryptic symbol

tattooed into the man's scalp.


that's a glyph, kind of like a vampire

cattle brand. that means officer

friendly here is someone's property.

any of the other vampire's try to

bleed him, they'll have to answer to

friendly's owner --

(studying the glyph)

this glyph belongs to deacon frost.

we've been tracking him for a while

now --


why in god's name would anyone want to

work for them?


because they're vampire wanna-bes. if

they're loyal, if they prove

themselves, then their masters will

turn them.


and that's a good thing?


for some. live forever, never get old.

the ultimate high.

just then, gideon moans. blade drags the man up so they're eye to



how 'bout you, officer? you a good

little bloodhound?

cut to:

ext. karen's apartment building - dusk

blade and karen are now standing by gideon's police cruiser which is

parked outside karen's apartment. blade shoves gideon against the

hood of the cruiser. he finds gideon's keys, moves to the trunk,

opens it --

in the trunk --

a sophisticated medical cooling unit for transporting organs. blade

opens the unit, coolant vapor hisses out. inside are plastic bags

containing blood.


looks like our friend was


(to gideon)

where were you headed?

gideon mumbles through a split lip and chipped teeth --


mphuck you --

wham! blade plants gideon's face into the hood of the car. gideon

groans, coughs --

gideon holliston clinic --

blade releases him, then reaches for his casull.


what are you doing?!


preventive medicine.

karen steps in front of blade, shielding gideon.


you can't do this, he's human, it's



it's war, now get theout of the


karen grabs blade's arm, wrestling with him, trying to push his hand

away. as the two of them struggle, gideon makes a break for it,

stumbling across the lawn. blade pushes karen aside, takes aim,

fires --

-- but gideon ducks into an alley, disappearing from sight. blade

spins on karen, enraged --


god-damnit!!! do you have any