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Stay True to Yourself

在Danny Collins生日那天,经纪人Frank送上一份特殊的礼物,那就是John Lennon在1971年亲手写给Danny的一封信。

Frank: So, I know how 1)fanatical you are about Lennon. So I started 2)futzing around on the Internet, and I, uh, I get in touch with this one guy. He’s a collector. I tell him that, uh, I’m looking to get you something special. I’ve been holding onto this for three months. No, no, no, no. Wait, wait. Hang on, wait. Do you remember doing an interview when you were a kid? Something called, um, Chime Magazine. Fella named DeLoach?

Danny: Yeah. Maybe. I don’t know. Yeah.

Frank: Well, I don’t know what you said to the guy, I mean, you must’ve mentioned Lennon or something. But that doesn’t matter, the point is Lennon read it. The interview. And...he wrote you a letter.

Danny: What the hell are you talking about?

Frank: John Lennon wrote you a letter, pal, in 1971. He sent it to you care of this DeLoach guy. Now DeLoach smells money, so he holds onto it, never tells you. Then DeLoach dies. But he’s not the point, the point is he sold that letter to a collector. Can you believe this?

Danny: I’m not following this, Frank.

Frank: Open the box. Open the box. John Lennon wrote you a handwritten letter in 1971. Can you believe it? Read it!

Danny: “Dear Danny Collins. Yoko and I read your interview. Being rich and famous doesn’t change the way you think. It doesn’t corrupt your art. Only you can do that. So, what do you think about that, Danny Collins? Stay true to your music. Stay true to yourself. My phone number is below. Call me, we can discuss this. We can help. Love, John.”

受到John Lennon来信的启发,Danny决定对自己的人生做出些许改变。

Frank: Danny?

Danny: Hey. Frank. Oh, man. Come to papa.

Frank: Good to see you, buddy. Oh, what a trip, eh? I got on the first flight out.

Danny: Wow! Thanks, Frank. You been here before?

Frank: Uh, the bar at the Woodcliff Lake, New Jersey Hilton? No.

Danny: Oh, man.

Frank: I, uh...spoke to Sophie. She said...

Danny: I did. I did. Josh. You wanna give us ice water for my handsome young friend here? Frank, I decided, uh, to make some changes in my life. Some of the changes may come as a bit of a shock. Some may actually affect you, financially.

Frank: I’m, uh, here as your friend, Danny. Not as your manager.

Danny: I wanna cancel the rest of the tour.

Frank: I’m sorry?

Danny: I’m not sorry. I’m done, Frank. Done. So, help me, God, I will never be forced to sing those songs again.

Frank: Danny, you’re 3)spiraling. Are you on something? What, what, what are you taking?

Danny: I’m done with all of that shit too. No more, no more drinking, no more drugging.

Frank: You, you’re drinking right now, Danny.

Danny: True. Um, let’s forget about what I said about drinking. I mean, I’m not running for Pope.

Frank: And this is because of Sophie?

Danny: Frank, please. Give me a little credit, will ya? Sophie? Okay. What would have happened if I got that letter when I was supposed to? I would have called him. For sure as shit, I’d have called him. Maybe my whole life would have turned out different.

Frank: Don’t...No…Don’t...You’re too hard on yourself, kid. You always have been. Now, come on.

Danny: Frank. I haven’t written a song in 30 years. Thirty years. I’m a joke. I’m an 4)MC. A court 5)jester with a microphone. I was the real thing once. Right? I was the real thing. One album, my songs didn’t sell, they handed me their songs to sing. And I sung.

Frank: Mmm.

Danny: I gave up.

Frank: Danny, you’re having a breakdown.

D a n n y : I h a t e to tell you, buddy, I’ve been breaking down for 40 years. I’m broken. Ain’t nothin’ left to break. I’ve been 6)abusing my body for the better part of four decades. If I’m gonna find any kind of 7)redemption, I can’t waste any more time.


Hope: Hello!

Danny: Hello.

Samantha: Hope, you’re not to open the door to strangers.

Hope: He’s not a stranger, we saw him on TV. Told you.

Samantha: Whoa!

Hope: I told you. You didn’t listen, but I tried to tell you.

Danny: I was unsure of, um, what was appropriate.

Samantha: He’s at work.

Danny: I, I, I brought 8)bagels.

Hope: One, two, three...The itsy-bitsy spider came up the water spout.

Danny: Yeah.

Hope: Down came the rain and it washed the spider out. Out came the sun and dried up all the rain. And the itsybitsy spider climbed up the spout again.

Danny: That’s beautiful. You have a natural singing voice.

Hope: Oh, my God.

Danny: Just comes out naturally.

Samantha: So, how did you find us?

Danny: Oh, well, you know, I had tracked him down years ago, you know, just never got the nerve up to, uh, come see him.

Hope: I want a bagel. Can I have a bagel, Mom?

Samantha: Yeah. Okay. Let me just...Wow. On so many levels. Wow.

Danny: How, how, how far along are you?

Samantha: With...Oh, um...Six months, more or less.

Danny: Oh. Uh, boy or girl? Do you know?

Samantha: It’s a boy.

Danny: Oh. Boy. Wow.

Samantha: On so many levels. I have to call him. I mean, I have to call him.

Danny: Oh, yeah, sure. Sure. Sure. Sure.

Hope: I just finished the first grade. And my teacher is named Mrs. Williams. Her aunt died last week, so we had a substitute. He had a mustache.

Danny: She had a mustache?

Hope: He.

Danny: Oh, it was a he. Oh, okay.

Hope: Why are you on TV?

Danny: Because I’m a singer.

Hope: Are you a good singer?

Danny: Well, I don’t know, you know, not really.

Hope: I didn’t think so.

Samantha: Hope.

Danny: You didn’t think so? And, and, and, and, why, why didn’t you think so?

Hope: Because when you were on the TV, my daddy said,“Shut it off, Samantha!” And Mommy turned it off really fast. And then Mommy said, “Tom...” And then Daddy said,“N-O.” And that was that.

Danny: Wow.

Hope: But I thought you were great. Really.

Danny: You thought I was good?

Samantha: (on the phone) Danny Collins, uh, showed up at our house. Mmm-hmm. He’s having bagels in the kitchen with Hope.

Hope: Why don’t we take a break from that?

Danny: Okay. Let’s just color. Look at this. Startin’ to get it.

Samantha: (on the phone) Well, what was I supposed to do?

Hope: Why don’t you do it really slow?

Samantha: (on the phone) I do, yes, I do. Okay. Bye, honey.

Danny: Slowly makes it more...

Hope: Didn’t I already tell you that?

Danny: You did. You told me that.

Samantha: Well, he’s coming home.

Hope: Yay!

Danny: Daddy’s coming home. That should be, uh, interesting.

Hope: This is gonna be interesting. Mommy, look! It’s Yo Gabba Gabba!

Samantha: I see it.

Hope: The orange alien guy has one eye just in the middle. Look, it’s on TV! Whoo-hoo!

Samantha: Hey, Hope. Settle. Calm. Thank you. Okay.

Danny: Uh, you know, she seems a little, uh, energetic.

Samantha: Or severely 9)hyperactive. You know 10)ADHD, it’s, it’s the thing. Learning issues, behavioral stuff, all of it. We do the best we can, but it’s, it’s a battle. Why are you here?

Danny: Well, you know, I’m just, uh...making some changes in my life. So…

Samantha: It’s a little late for that, isn’t it?

Danny: Maybe. I don’t know. I hope not.

Samantha: Tom’s the best man I’ve ever met. He’s solid, kind, funny. We’ve had one fight in 12 years, we’ve, we’ve had one serious fight. A couple years ago I, I’d got backstage passes for one of your shows. I thought it was...You know, he should at least meet you, right? After all this time? He disagreed. He, he disagreed strongly.

Danny: So, this is not gonna be pretty?

Samantha: I wouldn’t think so, no.

Danny: Okay. So, so you think maybe, uh, you know, you could help grease the wheels a little?

Samantha: Mr. Collins, my parents are dead. His mom is, too. I mean, I would love for our children to know their one remaining grandparent. I, I would love for my husband to, to know his father. In a few minutes, my husband’s gonna walk through that door and when he does, I, I feel pretty confident this will be the last time I ever see you. And despite your celebrity, and despite what I want for my own family, I will not try to stop that. You did this. You did this to yourself. Shame on you.

Danny: That was good.


Tom: You are a ridiculous man. You know, I’ve spent my entire life trying to become the man that you aren’t. And, I am exhausted. You have no idea how exhausting that has been.

Danny: You know, when I met your mom, I was so strung out on God knows what. And when I found out, you know...I, uh, I tried to help. Send money. She wouldn’t have any of it. Refused it. But, you know, my life was so extreme. It was so full of drugs and women and traveling and all that… rock star shit. I always thought, whoever you were, that you’d be better off with a more normal life. More normal people. I d―, I don’t know how I allowed it to go on this long.

Tom: What, what you did today, your slate’s clean with me. But that’s as far as this goes, okay?