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【摘要】 as在高中英语中是一个使用频率很高的单词,又是重要考点,它有三种词性,并且句法及语法功能纷繁复杂。本文以as的三类词性(介词,副词,连词)为顺序,分别讲述其在不同词性下的各种用法。最后,本文还将讲述as的一些常见固定词组和as作关系代词在定语从句中的用法。

【关键词】 as 词性 比较结构 关系代词 定语从句 状语从句 倒装结构

【中图分类号】 G633.41 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1992-7711(2014)06-41-02



如:As a student,he is hardworking.

As students,they are hardworking.


(2005湖南) We went to Canada to travel and my cousin acted as our guide.

二、as用作副词,用于比较结构“as +形容词或副词的原级+ as”中,表示两者或两方面的比较,也可以显示所提到的人或物的程度

(北师大版高中英语必修一第12页) It can get as cold as minus 40 or 50 degrees at night.

(北师大版高中英语必修三第12页) It is not as big as a fly in your house!


如:My house is 3 times as large as yours.

=My house is 3 times larger than yours.

=My house is 3 times the size of yours.

在以上的结构变化形式中,要注意倍数词必须置于“as +形容词或副词的原级+ as”之前。


(2005湖北) What a table! I’ve never seen such a thing before. It is it is long.

A. half not as wide as B. wide not as half as

C. not half as wide as D. as wide as not half


(2010上海) In ancient times, people rarely travelled long distances and most farmers only travelled_____the local market.

A. longer than B. more than C. as much as D. as far as


另外,还有一些形式上是“as +形容词或副词的原级+ as”结构的固定词组,他们并不是或并不一定是表示两者之间的比较。这些词组中常见的有:as soon as; as soon as possible; as ...as possible; as well as; as/so long as; as good as

1. as soon as表示“一……就……”

( 2005北京)As soon as he comes back, I’ll tell him when you will come and see him.

2. as soon as possible表示“尽可能地早”

as ...as possible表示“尽可能……”

(2005湖北) If I could plan to do anything I wanted to, I’d like to go to Tibet and travel through as much of it as possible.

3. as well as有两种用法

3.1 as well as表示“和……一样好”,属于比较结构,well是副词原级。

(2007陕西) Though he started late, Mr. Guo played the piano as well as, if not better than, Miss Liu.

3.2 as well as还表示“和……”,此时应注意句中的主谓一致问题和该结构其后的动词形式问题。

(2005江苏) Unlike watching TV, reading is a highly active process for it requires attention as well as memory and imagination.

3.3 as well 表示“也”,用于句尾。

(2010福建)―― In this day and age, women can have children and jobs as well.

――I can’t agree more. It’s great to have the two combined.

3.4 might (just) as well表示“不妨做……”,“还是做……的好”

如:We planed to go climbing, but since it is raining now, we might just as well stay home watching TV.

4. as/so long as有两种用法

4.1 as long as表示“和……一样长”,long是形容词原级。

如:This road is as long as that one.

4.2 as/so long as表示“只要……”,后接条件状语从句。

5. as good as有两种用法

5.1 as good as表示“和……一样好”,good是形容词原级。

如:Your writing is as good as his.

5.2 as good as表示“几乎……”

如:The decorating is as good as finished――I just need to finish off the painting.




3.as表示“尽管……”,相当于though,用于倒装结构“形容词/副词/动词/名词(名词前不用冠词)+ as+主谓部分”中,引导让步状语从句。



1. as if/though “好像……”,“似乎……”

注意:as if/though后接句子,如果所接句子表示虚拟,则用虚拟语气;如果所接句子表示事实或可能性,则不用虚拟语气。

2. as to “关于……”用于引出话题或谈论到某话题。

3. as follows “如下……”位于be动词之后,用于例举。

4. as it is “已经,早已”,相当于already,一般位于句尾,与完成时连用。

5. as a whole “总体上”,是副词短语,在句中作状语。

6. as a matter of fact “事实上,实际上”

7. as a result “因此……”,后接结果状语从句。

as a result of… “由于……”,后接名词或名词词组,表示原因。

8. as/so far as I know; as/so far as I'm concerned; as/so far as I can tell “在我看来”,“据我所知”

9. so as to… “为了……”,相当于in order to,后接动词原形作目的状语。

10. such as to… “……是如此,以至于……”,后接动词原形作结果状语。

11. so+形容词或副词的原级+ as to… “如此的/地……以至于……”,后接动词原形作结果状语。

12. such+名词或名词词组+ as to…“如此的……以至于……”,后接动词原形作结果状语。


1. such+名词或名词词组+ as +定语或定语从句部分。该结构中的名词或名词词组是先行词,as是关系代词。该结构可以中的such可以转换成so.


1.1. such+名词或名词词组+ as +例举部分,也可以写成:名词或名词词组+ such + as+例举部分,该结构用于举例说明。

1.2 such+名词或名词词组+ that +状语从句部分。该结构中的that是连词,不是关系代词。该结构可以中的such可以转换成so.

2. the same +名词或名词词组+ as+定语或定语从句部分。该结构用于表示相似性。

如:I have the same book as you read yesterday.



the same+名词或名词词组+ that +定语或定语从句部分。该结构用于表示同一性。

如:I have the same book that you lost yesterday.


[ 参 考 文 献 ]

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