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Bea Johnson’s all-white Californian home takes minimalism to a stark new level. There’s not so much as a cereal1) box to ruin the aesthetic2). Immaculate3) rows of glass kilner jars4) line the larder and under the kitchen sink is a single bottle of white vinegar. Upstairs, in Bea’s teenage sons’ bedrooms, the wardrobes contain four meagre piles of folded clothes, bike and baseball helmets, and a suitcase.

Quite how a mother and corporate housewife―Bea’s husband, Scott, works for a software company―has got away with such extreme decluttering is baffling5). Not even Marie Kondo, the High Priestess of Tidiness, takes paring6) back this far. But Bea, who is French by birth, has been pioneering a zero waste existence for her family since 2008 with impressive results.

Last year she was able to fit the family’s annual domestic waste into a half litre jar. “Life is so simple now; I can’t imagine going back to the way we used to live,” she says. “We don’t have fewer options in life, we have more because we are more creative.”

In her six-inch heels and leather trousers, Bea cuts7) an unlikely eco warrior. “I’m no hippy8),” she says. “Before I started this I was having Botox9), wearing fake nails and dying my hair Barbie blonde.” But her waste-free lifestyle, based around five R’s―refuse what you don’t need, reduce what you need, reuse what you consume and recycle or rot (ie compost) the rest―and her blog and subsequent book have inspired a global movement. It’s thanks to her that Britain now has waste-free restaurants and an annual Zero Waste Week. “Initially we were accused of being hairy hippies who deprive10) our kids but now we have film crews visiting our home almost every week,” Bea says.

The Johnsons’ transformation from all-American family to Zero Waste pioneers didn’t happen overnight. Bea, who came to America as an au pair11) aged 18, admits she was sucked in by the American dream of enormous refrigerators and SUVs. After marrying Scott in her early twenties she became, she says, the ultimate soccer mum12). They lived in a large house in the suburbs and sent Max and Leo to private schools.

Then, six years ago, they sold up to buy a smaller home in Mill Valley, an upmarket San Francisco neighbourhood. “We lived in a tiny rented apartment with most possessions in storage,” Bea says. “We didn’t miss our things at all. We had space in our lives for what mattered most: spending time together, hiking, picnics.”

Once installed in their new home, she resolved to change the emphasis of their lifestyle from one of “having” to one of “being and experiencing.” She banished packaging and set about editing the family’s possessions to the bare minimum. “We only ever use 20 per cent of what we have,” she explains. “The rest is for the ‘what ifs’: What if I lose weight, what if I have an interview, what if I’m going to a fancy dress party.”

The process took a lot of reflection but Bea, who prides herself on looking chic, now owns six pairs of shoes, seven tops, seven trousers, two skirts and a little black dress. She hasn’t missed her enormous engagement ring or the family heirlooms13) she sold.

Naturally her waste-free edict met resistance early on, not so much from the boys, who were too young to care, but from Scott who complained about his wife’s obsession with buying food in bulk14) from expensive farmers markets. He also moaned about scaling down his sporting equipment.

When he saw their household expenditure dropping by 40 per cent in the first year, however, he changed his mind. “After that he was totally on board15),” Bea says.

Determined not to let a single package through the door, Bea spent days canning and jarring bulk bought food and experimented with making her own make-up.

Not everything worked out, she admits: washing her hair in baking soda and cider vinegar, for example. “Scott told me he didn’t find it sexy that I smelt like vinaigrette16).” Another time she rubbed stinging nettles on her lips for an Angelina-style pout17) and ended up with blisters18).

Now, though, she’s got Zero Waste living sussed19). She uses cocoa powder as blusher20) and beetroot21) juice to brighten her lips―and has been told she looks younger―but buys in waste-free versions of toiletries22). A two-dollar unpackaged soap bar for washing hair and body, and recycled, unbleached23) loo paper (not 100 per cent waste-free but the best option, she says).

Is it not joyless to live in such self-inflicted24) austerity? Bea shakes her head, manically. For the most part her friends respect her lifestyle, she insists, just as she respects theirs―she’ll happily drink wine poured from a bottle when she goes out for dinner.

Meanwhile family life is richer than ever: They have more time together and their children are happy. “We don’t give them Christmas presents but I’d hardly describe them as deprived,” she says. “They have smartphones and we’ve just been in the Caribbean for three weeks. We’re about to go to Japan together. Don’t feel too sorry for them.”

Bea isn’t sure if Max and Leo will adopt a Zero Waste lifestyle when they’re older, but she hopes her glass jar of yearly rubbish has shown them that it’s possible to live a beautiful life without waste. “If you can free yourself from ‘things’,” she says, “you can focus on what really matters.”