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摘 要 在职业教育供需结构矛盾日益突出的背景下,以构建现代职业教育体系作为职业教育供给侧改革的落脚点与抓手。通过剖析现

>> 职业教育的供给侧改革 现代职业教育体系下的高等职业院校管理改革 基于现代学徒制的现代职业教育体系构建研究 职业教育供给改革 现代职业教育体系视角下的高职课程改革 现代职业教育体系构建的理性追问 现代职业教育体系的国际比较 现代职业教育体系的实现途径 关于现代职业教育体系建设的思考 对现代职业教育体系建设的思考 现代职业教育体系建构的整合路径 现代职业教育体系的区域式建构 现代职业教育体系的构建路向 关于构建现代职业教育体系的思考 关于现代职业教育体系的若干思考 构建现代职业教育体系的几点思考 现代职业教育治理体系的基本框架 职业教育的供给侧改革之路 基于大职教观角度分析现代职业教育体系的构建 基于供给侧结构性改革的职业教育建设研究 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.

Construction of Modern Vocational Education System Based on Supply-side Reform

Wang Naiguo, Yang Haihua

Abstract In the context of increasingly striking structural contradiction between demand and supply in vocational education development, the construction of a modern vocational education system should serve as the destiny of vocational education supply-side reform. Through the analysis of current status and defects of modern vocational education system and the reinterpretation of connotation of modern vocational education system based on supply-side reform, basic features of modern vocational education system including people orientation, demand orientation, communication in length and breadth, and specialty transformation should be established. On the basis of this, the paper puts forward the countermeasure and proposal for the construction of modern vocational education system based on the supply side reform, which is to cancel the proportion of general and vocational school students and partial admission, and carry out general education and vocational education integration to break the elite schools barriers.

Key words supply-side reform; modern vocational education system;people orientation;integration of general education and vocational education

Author Wang Naiguo, research associate of Jiangsu Union Technical Institute(Suzhou 215123); Yang Haihua, lecturer of Jiangsu Union Technical Institute