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中图分类号:G632 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1002-7661(2015)04-253-01


一、The complexe sentences 认清多元结构,知识叠加

[例1] They asked me to have a drink with them. I said that it was at least 10 years since I ________.

A. had enjoyed B. was enjoying

C.enjoyed D. had been enjoying

思维整合:宾语从句,句型It be time since clause 的应用。答案选A。

[例2] By no means______to her parents.

A. this is the first time has he lied

B. this is the first time does he tell a lie

C. is this the first time she has lied

D.is this the first time she was lying

思维整合:倒装结构,句型 It be the first(second … ) time that clause的应用。答案选C

[小结] 英语学习中字、词、句的掌握,只是对一般事物的感知,要透过现象看本质,掌握事物内在根源。那么对于知识的叠加,即多元结构,就是要让学生把学过的知识有机的联系在一起。

二、The changes of structures透析结构变形,破译复杂问题

[例1]Whom do you think he would _______ a letter of congratulations to the teacher?

A. have write B.have written

C. have to write D. have writing

思维整合:have sb. do 结构,对宾语提问,答案选A。

[例2] I lay in the sofa, enjoying the beautiful music Jack had _______out of his DVD.

e B.it come

C. it coming ing

思维整合:have sb.(sth) doing, 定语从句,答案选D


三、The usage of ellips把握省略应用,找出接替突破口

[例1] Generally speaking,_______according to directions, the drug has no side-effect.

A. when taking B. when taken

C. when to take D. when to be taken

思维整合:when后省去了the drug is,考查过去分词做状语,答案选B。

[例2]---I was tired, Father?

A. For which B. Of what

C. Of which D. For what

思维整合:可看成是Of what are you tired? 的省略,答案选B。

[小结] 英语省略是偏重突出某一新信息的语法手段,近年高考题和平时练习频频出现,因它可避免重复,有的放失,是高考创造思维和发散思维的有效途径。但句中存在的有效信息减少,找出解题的突破口较难,所以是高考命题的惯用手法。

四、Hints on the context 弄清语境暗示,理解蕴含信息

[例1]Of all the stories here, I like this one _______.It’s not interesting.

A. worst B. most

C. less D.least

思维整合:可从.It’s not interesting判断,least表示程度最差,答案选D。

[例2] “Dick will be the last man I would like to make friends with in his school”means _______.

A.in the end I’ll be Dick’s friend

B.at first Dick didn’t seem friendly to me,but we would be friend

C.Dick would never become my friend

D. Dick become my friend recently



五、Comparison of the puzzle认清易混对比,解决复杂问题

[例1] a. With everything he needed _______, he left the marcket.

b.With something he needed _______.He left for the market.

A. bought B. to buy

C. to be bought D.buying


[例2]a.―John came out first in the English Listening and Speaking Competition.


b. came out first in the English Listening and Speaking competition..


A. Congratulation B. Congratulations

C. Good for him D. Good luck


[小结] 复习中,经常遇到一些题很相似,而答案却大相径庭,故我们在解题过程中,不能局限于某一道题,而应该联想到与此题相关、相近、甚至相反的知识,并以此题为中心进行发散思维,做到稳中求变,举一反三,这样才能适应新课程改革下的新高考需要。