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一.谓语 如果确定该题考察动词,首先分析该词是否在句子中作谓语(或谓语的一部分),如果是,下一步就需要确定谓语动词的时态,方法如下:


1. fifty years ago,chairman mao————(宣布) the founding of the people’s republic of china.(1999 nmet)

2. the two friends————(分享) all that they had when they were studying abroad.(2005全国卷二)

分析:题1中时间状语fifty years ago 确定该句用一般过去时态,答案为announced.题2中when引导的时间状语从句用了过去时态were sthdying,而主句、从句谓语又同时发生,因此主句为一般过去时态,答案为shared。

(二)如果没有时间状语,则通过并列连词and,but,or或从属连词 because,so等来确定时态

3. they got lost in the desert and ————(挨饿) to death.(2006陕西)

4. the rain c————for days,so we could not go out to play.(2005浙江)



5.these books b————to sarah-----i must give them back to her.(2008全国统一浙江)

6 .i am very hungry -----i——(错过) lunch.(2006全国卷二云南)

7 .i’m pleased that he gladly ——(接受)our invitation.(1997nmet)

分析:题5依据i must give them back to her,书归sarah是目前的事实,谓语该用一般现在时态,且主语these books 为复数,因此谓语动词为belong.题6中现在饿是因为过去没吃午饭,因此谓语用一般过去时态,答案为 missed.题7中现在高兴是因为他已接受邀请,而接受邀请发生在过去,则谓语用一般过去时态,答案为accepted.


8. lisa, i didn’t————(认出) you----you’ve had your hair cut ! (2008全国卷二)

9. can you————(想象) standing up there and giving a speech? (2006全国卷二云南)

10. they managed to————(测量) the depth of the river in the end.

11. the idea started in standlake and has————(传开) throughout the country.(2008全国统一陕西)

12. the story was first written in english and later————(翻译) into chinese.(2008全国卷二)

分析:8、9、10三题考察的动词均在句子中作谓语的一部分,且分别位于didn’t,can,to的后面,因此都应用原形,答案分别为recognise,imagine,measure.11题“传开”在句子中作谓语一部分,且前面有助动词has,够成现在完成时,因而答案为spread.12题中and连接两个并列的谓语,前一个是was written,后一个则省略了was,因而“翻译”应为过去分词translated。

二.非谓语 经过分析,如果考察的动词在句子中不作谓语,则只能作非谓语,下一步则要判断其具体形式(主要是doing, done两种形式)


13 .the village children like to go ————(游泳) in the nearby river.(2008全国卷二)

14 .we had great difficulty in———(呼吸),for the air was thin.(2006陕西)

15 .thank you for————(提供) to help, but i can manage it myself.(2001全国统一)

16. i’ve never seen a shakespeare’s play————(表演。(2000春季高考).

分析:13,14,15,16题中分别含有固定搭配go doing, have difficulty in doing,thank……for doing, see sb/sth done,因此答案分别为swimming,breathing,offering,performed。


17. the boy spoke in a very low voice————(承认)he had broken the glass.(2000春季高考)

18.two hundred————(被盗的) bicycles were returned to their owners last month.(2001全国统一)


