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短文写作 9期

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Honesty is a kind of courage and responsibility.Honesty wins trust, respect and friendship.












It’s generally accepted that honesty is a great virtue.Honesty makes people accepted and trusted by others, which is of great importance in our society. I learned it from my own experience.

One afternoon, I borrowed a dictionary from my best friend Bob. That was his favorite birthday gift from his uncle, which he lent to me without a second thought. But a few days later, I left the dictionary on the bus by accident. What should I do to face my generous friend? At the beginning, I tried to find some excuses for my fault. However, I was not a good story maker. Having hesitated for a week, I chose to face my friend honestly. Taking up my courage, I apologized to him and told him the event. “Well,” he said. “I’m a bit upset but I’m happy that you can tell me the truth. I know my closest friend won’t lie to me. Though I have lost my book, I still keep a true friend.” It was my frankness and honesty that helped me to be trusted by my friend.

Small as the thing was, it impressed on me that honesty is an important quality, which should deeply root in everyone’s heart. Only when we get along with others heart to heart can we be trusted and respected in life.

点评 本文是一篇高分作文,有以下优点:

1. 首尾关于honesty的主题清楚明确;生活事例叙述完整生动,紧扣了主题,中心突出;

2. 恰当使用了语句间的连接成分,结构紧凑,语言表达流畅自然;

3. 文中运用了丰富的高级词汇及短语。例如virtue, fault, generous, frankness, it’s generally accepted that,be of great importance, without a second thought, by accident, take up one’s courage, story maker, impressed sth on sb; root in one’s heart.

4. 多样化的高级句型:

Honesty makes people accepted and trusted by others, which is of great importance in our society. (非限制性定语从句)

That was his favorite birthday gift from his uncle, which he lent to me without a second thought. (非限制性定语从句)

Having hesitated for a week, I chose to face my friend honestly. Taking up my courage, I apologized to him and told him the event. (非谓语动词,分词完成式在句中做状语)

It was my frankness and honesty that helped me to be trusted by my friend. (强调句)

Small as the thing was, it impressed on me that honesty is an important quality, which should deeply root in everyone’s heart. (as引导的让步状语从句的倒装)

Only when we get along with others heart to heart can we be trusted and respected in life. (倒装句)


In mordern society, honesty had gradually played an important role and also helped people to accomplish their own dreams.

As for me, honesty is a kind of energy to motivate me to study hard, because it can prove my ture level. For example, when we take part in the exam, everybody is ready to go through this “war”; if someone cheats in this exam, it is not good for student who often bury themselves in studying.

So honesty is not only good for those who work in the big company, but also helps students to study better like me. On the one hand, it can give people some good impression; On the other hand, when you enter some company which are famous in the world, they must watch over your actions whatever you have done.

So bear this in mind, honesty is becoming more and more important all over the world.

点评 这是一篇中档习作,其优点是:

1. 内容切题,首尾呼应,主题明确,语言表达清楚流畅。

2. 运用了一些好的词汇和短语。如play an important role, accomplish one’s dreams, as for sb, motivateto do sth, go through, bury oneself in, on the one hand, on the other hand, givegood impressions, watch over, bear sth in mind.

3. 运用了一些高级句式。比如以下三个定语从句:

If someone cheats in this exam, it is not good for students who often bury themselves in studying.

So honesty is not only good for those who work in the big company, but also helps students to study better like me.

On the other hand, when you enter some companies which are famous in the world, they must watch over your actions whatever you have done.


1. 单词拼写错误:mordern-modern,ture-true

2. 名词的单复数有误:student-students,impression-impressions,company-companies



Honesty is not only the best policy, it is rare enough today to make you pleasantly conspicuous.

―Charlie Brower

There is always a way to be honest without being brutal.

―Arthur Dobrin

Of all the feats of skill, the most difficult is that of being honest.

―Marie de Beausacq

Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.

―Thomas Jefferson