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when i first learned to write in english, i ran into 1.______

much difficulties. the main problem was that i always thought 2.______

in chinese and tried to translate anything into english. 3.______

my teacher advised me to keep my diary. i followed her 4.______

advice and should put down 100 words or so each day. 5.______

soon i began to enjoy talk to myself as i was 6.______

learning to express me in simple english. one day i wrote 7.______

a story and showed to my teacher. he liked it very much 8.______

and reads it to the class. all said that the story was 9.______

a good one. their word were a great encouragement to me. 10.______


dear xiaohua,

it is four days since mother accepted the operation. 1.______

she is feeling much more better. the doctors told me 2.______

the operation was successful, but because her old age 3.______

she had to stay in hospital for other two weeks. the 4.______

doctors also say it was quite necessary for her to 5.______

do so. we expect to get a full report in two and three 6.______

days. please tell the good news to the rest of family 7.______

as soon as possible. you needn’t to come here. i’m 8.______

able to look after mother by myself. you’d better 9.______

send flowers to mother. she will feel happily. 10.______

yours, xiaohui

(三) [论文网]

tom had retired and lived lonely a long 1._______

way from town. he hardly never left his home. but 2._______

one day he went to town buy some things in the 3._______

market, and after he had bought it, he went 4._______

into a restaurant and sit down at a table by himself. 5._______

when he looked around, he saw several old peoples 6._______

put on glasses before reading their newspapers. so 7._______

after the lunch he decided to go to a store to buy 8._______

himself a pair of glasses, either, he walked 9._______

along a wide street and fast found a store. 10.______


my parents were all standing there, shouting at each other. 1.______

the word “divorce[离婚]” was repeated and broke my heart each time.

i had trapped between them and didn’t know what to do. 2.______

a million thoughts rushed into my mind, but nothing of them could 3.______

ease my feelings. i rushed back to my room, seated down in 4.______

silence and stared out of the window. the leaves were floating in air. 5.______

they struggled trying to catch the wind and finally they had to fall 6.______

on the ground. i knew i was not the only one had gone through this. but 7.______

i must learn to fight against this. later in the day i took up with a pen 8.______

and wrote down “it is until i take a step back and look at

my family 9.______

that i can really appreciate this thing has helped me grow strong and 10._____



dear editor,

in the past my hometown was used to be a beautiful place. 1.______

thick trees and green grass could be seen in everywhere. in 2.______

order to build house and grow more crops, people cut down 3.______

more and more trees. with time went on, the whole forest was 4.______

almost destroyed. gradually the green hills have changed into 5.______

wasteland. as a result, sandstorms struck us now and then, from 6.______

which we suffer a lot. however, i do hope all the people should 7.______

realize the terribly result of not caring about our environment. 8.______

what’s more, they should take good care of the forests and plant 9.______

trees instead cutting them down to improve our living conditions. 10._____



1.√ 2.manymuch 3.anythingeverything 4.mya

5.去掉should 6.talktalking 7.memyself 8.to前加it

9.readsread 10.wordwords


1. acceptedreceived 2. 去掉more 3. because后加of 4.otheranother 5. saysaid 6. andor

7. family前加the 8. 去掉to 9. √ 10. happilyhappy


1. lonelyalone 2. neverever 3.buy前加to

4. itthem 5. sitsat 6.peoplespeople 7. √ 8.去掉 the 9. eithertoo 10. fastquickly


1.allboth 2.hadwas 3.nothingnone 4.seatedsat或后加myself 5.air前加the 6.andbut 7.had前加who

8.去掉with 9.until前加not 10.√


1.去掉was 2.去掉in 3.househouses

4.withas或wentgoing 5.√ 6.struckstrike 7.howeverso

8.terriblyterrible 9.theywe 10.instead后加of