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It was on the afternoon of February 14 that I received his call. As soon as I heard his voice on the other end of the line, two ideas flashed into my mind: he had broken with his girlfriend and perhaps I would dine out tonight.

Everything I guessed turned out to be true.

Taking the bus through the city permeated with the smell of chocolate and rose, I thought I was going to see him, a man I had known for a dozen of years but I could never draw into my love.

In fact everything concerning us could be regarded as friendship. But why did I weep and was so irritated that I wanted to stop contact with him after he had a girlfriend? Was it a coincidence that he wanted to see me on Valentine’s Day? I did not know. Which word should I use to depict the relationship between us? We would go to dinner, take a walk or see a film together like those lovers roaming in the streets but in essence our relationship differed greatly from theirs. The word “ ambiguous” came into my mind. Yes, no other word was more precise than it.

He stood under the sign of the bus stop. He said he had awaited me for over forty minutes. I told him the bus moved slowly because too many people were on the streets. I asked why he didn’t wait for me in a warm place. He said he was afraid I couldn’t find him. We tried hard to keep our conversation going on after all it was a special day.

He asked me where to go for dinner. I said anywhere. He asked if we’d go to eat Western-style food. I said we’d better not to because they would overcharge us that day. In fact the true reason was I didn’t know what roles we should play when sitting there in face of other affectionate lovers.

Time passed bit by bit. We still chatted like two ordinary friends. It suddenly dawned on me that nothing would happen tonight even though our peaceful talk had already disappointed me.

The wind blew hard when we came out of KFC. At sight of men and women in deep love in the street, I had the impulse to lean against him, but I held myself in. I told him I didn’t feel well and wanted to go home. He asked if I had any medicine at home, and said since I didn’t feel well, it’d be better for me to return early and have a good rest.

Seeing he was seriously concerned about me, I bit my lower lip to refrain from crying. I really felt that my legs could not support me any more. Later on when the bus came, I jumped into it as if I was running away.

I looked at the man I adored in the bus and he at me in the street. He wished to speak to me but did not on a second thought.

When the bus turned round the street corner where he could not see me, I told the bus driver I wanted to get off.

Standing in the chilly wind, I choked with sobs on that Valentine’s Day.