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摘 要:日本文化资源来源复杂,但经选择性汲取、相互融合、嫁接后发展为具有特色的日本文化,日本文化的表现形式“仪式化”且

>> 中华文化对外传播借鉴日本文化传播模式研究 海外传播:文化符号到文化内涵的转变 中国文化海外传播的困境与对策 重视中华文化的海外传播 日本文化产业发展的创新路径 日本文化与建筑 中国电影海外传播新态势:北美市场的传播路径研究 对外传播中国文化的价值观照与路径选择 台湾的日本文化 著作的海外传播 构建“中国梦”对外传播的路径与策略 日本文化创意产业的发展经验与启示 对外传播的文化障碍与文化诉求 从村上春树看日本文化传播的成功之路 一种由戏而影的海外传播路径:周龙章与纽约中国电影节 从“四大名著”看中华文化的海外传播 对汉语国际推广背景下中国文化海外传播的若干思考 从同仁堂的海外发展探寻中国文化对外传播之路 由“西渐”到“西送”:老子文化的海外传播 从汉语教学看中国文化的海外传播 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.

[17]公益夥ㄈ烁アジア都市研究所.『文化bI振dにおける日中都市gf力にvする研究[EB/OL].[2008-3]. http://urc.or.jp/wpcontent/uploads/2014/03/bunka_000.pdf.

[18]千叶等. 很“时髦”的日本[J].日本t望, 2003(9):2.

[19]新村出.诖窃罚ǖ6版)[M]. |京:岩波店,2008:240.



[22]金周英.从国家软实力到企业软实力[J].中国软科学, 2008(8):20.

Abstract: The sources of Japanese cultural resources were complex, but on the basis of selective absorption, mutual integration and grafting development, it had been turned into the culture with Japanese characteristics. Ritualization, ritual spiritualization and aestheticism focused on direct results are three common characteristics of Japanese culture and the main reasons why Japanese culture can be easily accepted by common people and continuously passed down. Only after the implementation of the internal cultural heritage, accumulation of the abundant cultural resources, it will have the possibility of external cultural communication. In the process of Japanese culture resources’ overseas communication, its path is “spread-feedback-rethink-improve-spread” which represents a “spiral” mode of overseas dissemination.

Key words: cultural resources; inherit; spread overseas; spiral; spread path