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【摘要】 目的:观察并探讨胫骨Pilon骨折患者接受经皮微创内固定处理的临床效果。方法:选取2011年3月-2012年5月笔者所在医院收治的胫骨Pilon骨折患者50例为研究对象,随机将其分为对照组与试验组,各25例,对照组行钢板固定处理方案,试验组则选择经皮微创钢板内固定处理方案。对比分析两组患者的疗效。结果:经不同方案治疗后,与对照组比较,试验组骨折愈合时间更短,并发症发生率更低,踝关节评分更优,组间比较差异有统计学意义(P

【关键词】 Pilon骨折; 胫骨; 内固定; 微创理念

中图分类号 R683 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1674-6805(2014)17-0010-02

Curative Effect Evaluation of Minimally Invasive Percutaneous Fixation for Tibial Pilon Fractures/LIN Shi-rong.//Chinese and Foreign Medical Research,2014,12(17):10-11

【Abstract】 Objective:To observe and explore the clinical effectiveness of tibia Pilon fracture patients underwent minimally invasive percutaneous fixation process.Method:50 cases with tibia Pilon fracture in author’s hospital from March 2011 to May 2012 were selected as the study objective,were randomly divided into the control group and the experimental group,25 cases in each group.the control group was treated with plate fixation treatment program,and the experimental group was treated with minimally invasive percutaneous plate fixation treatment program.The efficacy of two groups of patients were compared.Result:After treatment of different options,the fracture healing time,complication rates and ankle score in the experimental group were better than the control group,there was statistical significance(P

【Key words】 Pilon fractures; Tibia; Internal fixation; Minimally invasive concept

First-author’s address:Orthopaedic Hospital of Yulin City,Yulin 537000,China



【摘要】 目的:观察并探讨胫骨Pilon骨折患者接受经皮微创内固定处理的临床效果。方法:选取2011年3月-2012年5月笔者所在医院收治的胫骨Pilon骨折患者50例为研究对象,随机将其分为对照组与试验组,各25例,对照组行钢板固定处理方案,试验组则选择经皮微创钢板内固定处理方案。对比分析两组患者的疗效。结果:经不同方案治疗后,与对照组比较,试验组骨折愈合时间更短,并发症发生率更低,踝关节评分更优,组间比较差异有统计学意义(P

【关键词】 Pilon骨折; 胫骨; 内固定; 微创理念

中图分类号 R683 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1674-6805(2014)17-0010-02

Curative Effect Evaluation of Minimally Invasive Percutaneous Fixation for Tibial Pilon Fractures/LIN Shi-rong.//Chinese and Foreign Medical Research,2014,12(17):10-11

【Abstract】 Objective:To observe and explore the clinical effectiveness of tibia Pilon fracture patients underwent minimally invasive percutaneous fixation process.Method:50 cases with tibia Pilon fracture in author’s hospital from March 2011 to May 2012 were selected as the study objective,were randomly divided into the control group and the experimental group,25 cases in each group.the control group was treated with plate fixation treatment program,and the experimental group was treated with minimally invasive percutaneous plate fixation treatment program.The efficacy of two groups of patients were compared.Result:After treatment of different options,the fracture healing time,complication rates and ankle score in the experimental group were better than the control group,there was statistical significance(P

【Key words】 Pilon fractures; Tibia; Internal fixation; Minimally invasive concept

First-author’s address:Orthopaedic Hospital of Yulin City,Yulin 537000,China



【摘要】 目的:观察并探讨胫骨Pilon骨折患者接受经皮微创内固定处理的临床效果。方法:选取2011年3月-2012年5月笔者所在医院收治的胫骨Pilon骨折患者50例为研究对象,随机将其分为对照组与试验组,各25例,对照组行钢板固定处理方案,试验组则选择经皮微创钢板内固定处理方案。对比分析两组患者的疗效。结果:经不同方案治疗后,与对照组比较,试验组骨折愈合时间更短,并发症发生率更低,踝关节评分更优,组间比较差异有统计学意义(P

【关键词】 Pilon骨折; 胫骨; 内固定; 微创理念

中图分类号 R683 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1674-6805(2014)17-0010-02

Curative Effect Evaluation of Minimally Invasive Percutaneous Fixation for Tibial Pilon Fractures/LIN Shi-rong.//Chinese and Foreign Medical Research,2014,12(17):10-11

【Abstract】 Objective:To observe and explore the clinical effectiveness of tibia Pilon fracture patients underwent minimally invasive percutaneous fixation process.Method:50 cases with tibia Pilon fracture in author’s hospital from March 2011 to May 2012 were selected as the study objective,were randomly divided into the control group and the experimental group,25 cases in each group.the control group was treated with plate fixation treatment program,and the experimental group was treated with minimally invasive percutaneous plate fixation treatment program.The efficacy of two groups of patients were compared.Result:After treatment of different options,the fracture healing time,complication rates and ankle score in the experimental group were better than the control group,there was statistical significance(P

【Key words】 Pilon fractures; Tibia; Internal fixation; Minimally invasive concept

First-author’s address:Orthopaedic Hospital of Yulin City,Yulin 537000,China



【摘要】 目的:观察并探讨胫骨Pilon骨折患者接受经皮微创内固定处理的临床效果。方法:选取2011年3月-2012年5月笔者所在医院收治的胫骨Pilon骨折患者50例为研究对象,随机将其分为对照组与试验组,各25例,对照组行钢板固定处理方案,试验组则选择经皮微创钢板内固定处理方案。对比分析两组患者的疗效。结果:经不同方案治疗后,与对照组比较,试验组骨折愈合时间更短,并发症发生率更低,踝关节评分更优,组间比较差异有统计学意义(P

【关键词】 Pilon骨折; 胫骨; 内固定; 微创理念

中图分类号 R683 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1674-6805(2014)17-0010-02

【Abstract】 Objective:To observe and explore the clinical effectiveness of tibia Pilon fracture patients underwent minimally invasive percutaneous fixation process.Method:50 cases with tibia Pilon fracture in author’s hospital from March 2011 to May 2012 were selected as the study objective,were randomly divided into the control group and the experimental group,25 cases in each group.the control group was treated with plate fixation treatment program,and the experimental group was treated with minimally invasive percutaneous plate fixation treatment program.The efficacy of two groups of patients were compared.Result:After treatment of different options,the fracture healing time,complication rates and ankle score in the experimental group were better than the control group,there was statistical significance(P

【Key words】 Pilon fractures; Tibia; Internal fixation; Minimally invasive concept

First-author’s address:Orthopaedic Hospital of Yulin City,Yulin 537000,China


1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料


1.2 方法


试验组选择经皮微创钢板内固定处理方案,具体操作如下:在患肢外部以石膏固定,若存在严重挫伤及肿胀者可视情况进行跟骨结节牵引,将患侧肢体抬高,实施硬膜外麻醉。在外侧切口处以1/3管型接骨板将腓骨良好固定,然后在患者内踝前方区域作一切口,切口长度为3~4 cm,暴露关节面以及骨折断端,利用C臂机透视支持实施牵引手法复位。接骨板两端各有钉孔,取斯氏针两枚分别楔入,另取同规格钢板经斯氏针套入后与接骨板保持平行。取螺钉4枚打入骨折近端,另取螺钉3~5枚打入骨折远端,确保固定良好[3]。术后拆线及恢复性锻炼与对照组同。


1.3 观察指标


1.4 统计学处理

采用SPSS 18.0统计学软件进行分析,计量资料采用(x±s)表示,组间比较采用t检验,计数资料用字2检验,P

3 讨论


根据Boraiah [8]观点可知,在Pilon骨折的治疗过程中,关键在于保护患者骨伤部位以及软组织活力,并在此前提下实施关节面复位处理,为踝关节能够具备早期锻炼能力奠定基础。而在Pilon骨折治疗效果的各项评定指标中,踝关节功能评分是其中的一项关键因素[9-10],本次试验组选择经皮微创内固定处理方案,具有较高的骨贴附度,不会对软组织造成过大损伤,成角稳定,对踝关节功能的早期恢复较为有利,因而疗效更佳。此外,试验组患者骨折愈合时间明显更短,同时术后并发症发生率也更低,与对照组比较差异有统计学意义(P










[8] Boraiah S.Predictable healing of femoral neck fractures treated with intraoperative compression and length-stable implants[J].The Journal of Trauma,2010,69(1):142-147.



(收稿日期:2014-02-10) (编辑:陈春梅)