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【摘要】 目的研究金钗石斛化学成分,为阐明其活性成分提供依据。方法利用乙醇进行提取,硅胶柱层析、制备薄层层析和sephadex lh-20柱层析进行分离纯化,波谱分析(核磁共振氢谱、碳谱和质谱)确定结构。结果分离并鉴定了4 个化合物,分别为: moscatin (ⅰ), gigantol (ii), batatasin iii (iii), stigmasterol (iv)。结论化合物ⅰ为首次从该植物中得到。

【关键词】 金钗石斛; 化学成分; moscatin

chinaabstract:objectiveto study the chemical constituents from dendrobium nobile lindl and to obtain a more understanding of its active principles. methodscompounds were extracted with ethanol and isolated by column chromatography on silica gel, ptlc and sephadex lh-20, and the structures were identified by spectroscopic analysis (1h nmr, 13c nmr and eims). resultsfour compounds were obtained and identified as moscatin (1), gigantol (ii), batatasin iii (iii) and stigmasterol (iv). conclusion moscatin (1) was obtained from this plant for the first time.

key words:dendrobium nobile lindl; chemical constituents; moscatin

石斛是常用名贵中药材,为兰科orchidaceae石斛属dendrobium sw. 多种植物的新鲜或干燥茎的统称。我国76 种石斛属植物中有三十多种作为药用[1],著名的有金钗石斛d. nobile lindl.、铁皮石斛d. officinale kimura et migo、霍山石斛d. huoshanense c. z. tang et s. j . cheng等。在《神农本草经》中,石斛被列为上品,具有滋阴清热、生津益胃、润肺止咳、明目强身等功效。现代药理研究表明,石斛还具有抗肿瘤、抗衰老、增强机体免疫力、扩张血管及抗血小板凝集等作用[2],因此石斛在临床上及中药复方中被广泛应用。金钗石斛是《中国药典》2005年版收载的3种药用石斛之一,其化学成分、药理作用和临床应用一直倍受关注。金钗石斛含有生物碱、倍半萜、联苄、菲类、多糖等多种类型的化学成分[3~6]。药理研究表明,金钗石斛的提取物具有滋阴养胃、清热止咳、抑菌等功效[7]。金钗石斛多糖具有直接促进淋巴细胞有丝分裂的作用[8];石斛碱具有止痛和解热作用,可降低心率和血压,减慢呼吸;菲类化合物具有抗癌活性。为进一步了解该植物的化学成分,我们对云南思茅产金钗石斛的化学成分进行了分离和结构鉴定。金钗石斛全草通过溶剂提取、硅胶柱层析、制备薄层层析和sephadex lh-20柱层析等方法共分得4个成分,经波谱分析鉴定它们的结构分别为: moscatin (i), gigantol (ii), batatasin iii (iii), stigmasterol (iv)(见图1)。化合物i为首次从本植物中得到。

1 仪器与材料

zf-ii型紫外分析仪(上海顾村中实仪器厂)、varian mat-711质谱仪、bruker drx-500核磁共振仪。层析硅胶(青岛海洋化工厂出品),sephadex lh-20: 20- 80 mm (pharmacia fine chemical co., ltd.),高效薄层层析硅胶g板(烟台化工研究院)。显色剂为15%硫酸乙醇溶液,所用溶剂为工业纯, 使用前重蒸。其它试剂为化学纯或分析纯,金钗石斛全草采自云南思茅,由云南英茂生物技术实验室张时刚先生鉴定。

2 方法

金钗石斛干燥全草 (0.15 kg), 用工业乙醇室温浸提5次,浸出液减压浓缩得乙醇提取物(6 g)。提取物以石油醚∶醋酸乙酯(1∶0, 10∶1, 5∶1,1∶1, 0∶1 )洗脱。薄层层析检测,合并为4个部分。fr. 2 (2 g)经硅胶柱层析, 以石油醚∶醋酸乙酯(20∶1, 10∶1, 5∶1, 0∶1 ) 洗脱、sephadex lh-20柱层析(甲醇水溶液9:1)和制备薄层层析,得化合物iii (6 mg),iv (25 mg); fr3 (2.5 g)经硅胶柱层析,以氯仿∶丙酮(50∶1, 20∶1, 10∶1, 5∶1, 0∶1) 洗脱,sephadex lh-20柱层析 (甲醇水溶液9∶1),得化合物i (18 mg), ii (12mg)。

3 结果

3.1 化合物i

白色晶体。 eims m/z (%): 240 (m+,100), 225 (49), 197 (45), 139 (18); 1h nmr[(cd3)2co, 500 mhz]δ: 9.54 (1h, s, 5-oh), 9.08 (1h, s, 2-oh), 7.66 (1h, d, j= 8.8, h-9), 7.53 (1h, d, j= 8.8, h-10), 7.46 (1h, dd, j= 7.6, 7.6, h-7), 7.42 (1h, dd, j= 7.6, 2.0, h-6), 7.13 (1h, dd, j= 7.6, 2.0, h-8), 7.09 (1h, d, j= 2.4, h-1), 7.01 (1h, d, j= 2.4, h-3), 4.17 (3h, s, 4-ome); 13c nmr [(cd3)2co, 125mhz] δ: 157.8 (s, c-4), 156.8 (s, c-2), 155.7 (s, c-5), 137.5 (s, c-10a), 135.4 (s, c-8a), 130.2 (d, c-7), 127.8 (d, c-9), 127.4 (d, c-10), 121.5 (d, c-8), 120.2 (s, c-4b), 117.4 (d, c-6), 114.0 (s, c-4a), 108.3 (d, c-1),103.1 (d, c-3), 59.1 (q, 4-ome)。与文献对照, 确定化合物的结构为moscatin[9]。

3.2 化合物ii

浅黄色油状物。 eims m/z (%): 274 (m+, 54), 137 (100), 122 (22),107 (9), 94 (16), 77 (11); 1h nmr [cdcl3, 500 mhz]δ: 6.87 (1h, d, j= 8.0, h-5''), 6.72 (1h, d, j= 8.0, h-6''), 6.65 (1h, s, h-2''), 6.34 (1h, s, h-4'), 6.30 (2h, s, h-2',6'), 3.87 (3h, s, 3''-och3),3.78(3h, s, 5'-och3), 2.82 (4h, m, 1,2-ch2); 13c nmr [cdcl3, 125 mhz]δ: 162.1 (s, c-5'), 157.9(s, c-3'), 147.6 (s, c-3''), 145.8 (s,c-1'), 145.0 (s, c- 4''), 135.0 (s, c-1''), 122.3 (d, c-6''), 115.5 (d, c-2''), 112.5 (d, c-5'' ), 109.4 (d, c-2'), 108.1 (d, c-6'), 100.4 (d, c-4'), 57.2 (q, 5'-och3), 56.6 (q, 3''-och3), 39.6 (t, c-2), 38.5 (t, c-1)。与文献对照, 确定化合物的结构为gigantol[10]。

3.3 化合物iii

浅黄色油状物,eims m/z (%): 244 (m+, 30), 137 (100), 107 (43), 77 (8); 1h nmr [(cd3)2co, 500 mhz]δ: 7.12 (1h, dd, j= 7.7, 7.7, h-3''), 6.73 (1h, d, j= 7.7, h-2''), 6.67 (1h, d, j=7.4, h-4''), 6.33 (1h, s, h-6''), 6.35 (1h, s, h-4'), 6.26 (2h, s, h-2',6'), 3.73 (3h, s, 5'-och3), 2.82 (4h, m, 1,2-ch2); 13c nmr (cd3cocd3, 125 mhz) δ: 162.0 (s, c-5'), 159.4 (s, c-3'), 158.3 (s, c-5''), 145.1 (s, c-1'), 144.3 (s, c-1''), 130.0 (d, c-3''), 120.4(d, c-2''), 116.2 (s, c-6''), 113.7 (s, c-4''), 108.9 (s, c-2'), 106.3 (s, c-6'), 99.8 (s,c-4'), 55.3 (q, 5'-och3), 38.6 (t, c-1), 38.2 (t, c-2)。与文献对照, 确定化合物的结构为batatasin iii[10]。

3.4 化合物iv

白色针状晶体。mp 138~140 ℃ (etoac). eims m/z (rel int.) 412 [m+], (100), 369 (16), 351 (55), 300 (45), 271 (70), 255 (93), 213 (30), 145 (31), 91 (44); 1h nmr (cdcl3, 500mz) δ: 0.70 (3h, s, h-18), 0.79 (3h, d, j = 6.5, h-27), 0.80 (3h, t, j = 7.5, h-29), 0.84 (3h, d, j = 6.5, h-26), 1.01 (3h, s, h-19), 1.02 (3h, d, j = 6.5, h-21), 3.50 (1h, m, h-3), 5.02 (1h, dd, j = 15, 8.5, h-23), 5.15 (1h, dd, j = 15, 8.5, h-22), 5.35 (1h, br d, h-6). 13c nmr (cdcl3, 125 mz) δ: 12.0 (q, c-18), 12.2 (q, c-29), 19.0 (q, c-27), 19.4 (q, c-19), 21.1 (t, c-26), 21.1 (q, c-21), 21.2 (t, c-11), 24.4 (t, c-15), 25.4 (q, c-28), 28.9 (t, c-16), 29.7 (d, c-25), 31.7 (t, c-2), 31.9 (t, c-7), 31.9 (d, c-8), 36.5 (s, c-10), 37.3 (t, c-1), 39.7 (t, c-12), 40.5 (d, c-20), 42.2 (d, c-13), 42.3 (t, c-4), 50.2 (d, c-9), 51.2 (d, c-24), 56.0 (d, c-17), 56.9 (d, c-14), 71.8 (d, c-3), 121.7 (d, c-6), 129.3 (d, c-23), 138.3 (d, c-22), 140.7 (s, c-5)。易溶于氯仿。15%h2so4乙醇溶液显色为紫红色,与豆甾醇标准品进行tlc对照,在多种溶剂系统中rf值均相同。且1h nmr, 13c nmr数据与豆甾醇一致,确定其为豆甾醇[11]。

4 讨论

金钗石斛为最著名的石斛类药材。本实验所分离的moscatin (ⅰ)系首次自金钗石斛中分得。我们曾从兰科植物密花石豆兰bulbophyllum odoratissimum (j. e. smith) lindl中分离得到化合物1~3,并发现它们对人白血病k562、hl-60、肺癌a569、肝癌bel-7402和胃癌sgc-7901生长有一定抑制作用[12]。本研究结果为进一步认识金钗石斛的活性成分提供了基础资料。


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