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>> 河北省邯郸市农业科学院主要农作物育种科研现状及创新管理建议 工科学院实验室仪器仪器设备的管理现状分析及改革创新策略 整顿科学院 科学院院士拿破仑 北京某科学院职工脂肪肝患病情况调查分析 王宽诚教育基金在中国科学院的历史与现状 在科学院辉煌的背后 中国科学院CNGI建设 浅议少年科学院活动开展之有效途径 铁岭市农业科学院引进国外智力成果示范成效及经验 浅谈高等专科学院人力资源改革的问题及措施 “三学期制”下工科学院教务管理工作的思考 中国科学院继续教育管理办法 高校工科学院实验室用房管理思考 高等农业院校工科学院班主任工作状态的调查与思考 科学处与中国科学院 少年科学院力铸学生科学梦 中国科学院科学传播模式研究 科学院路,以科学的命义 普通高校文科学院有效推进学风建设的实践与启示 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l?id=236467.

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The Investigation of the Patent Resources of Main Provincial Academies of Sciences and Its Management

Zeng Jing

The Science and Technology Library of Guangdong /Guangdong Institute of Scientific and Technology information and Strategy, Guangzhou 510070

Abstract: [Purpose/significance] The provincial academy of sciences is an important part of national-wide scientific academies and regional innovation system. Promoting the transformation of the intellectual property is an important work for provincial academy of sciences. Nobody has ever revealed the status of the intellectual property resources and its management strategy of the provincial academy of sciences. [Method/process] With the methods of bibliometrics and investigations, this paper revealed the patent management status of several provincial academy of sciences, which includes of Beijing academy of sciences and technology, Shanghai academy of sciences and technology, Guangdong academy of sciences, Shandong academy of sciences and Heilongjiang academy of sciences. Then, it compared them with the advanced experience of Chinese Academy of Sciences and analyzed the existing problems and its root. on this basis some suggestion is made to promote the patent management system of the provincial academy of sciences. [Result/conclusion] This paper concludes that successful patent management system has two primary factors, qualified professionals and management standardization. It is urgent to build a professional, normative and synergistic intellectual property management system for the provincial academy of sciences.

Keywords: provincial academy of sciences intellectual property patents local academy of sciences