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1. feed 动词,意为“喂,喂养”。

Give him water and feed him. 给他水喝然后喂食物给他。

【易错提醒】 feed的过去式是fed。

【搭配】 表示“给某人或动物喂食物”用feed sth. to sb.或feed sb. on/with sth.。

【拓展】 feed on sth. 意为“以……为食”。

【词汇运用】 翻译句子

她用牛奶喂小孩。She ______ the child ______ cow?蒺s milk.

【答案】 feed;on/with

2. build 动词,意为“建造,建筑”。

We built many beautiful buildings in our city last year. 去年,我们城市里建起了许多漂亮的高楼。

【联想】 building意为“建筑”;builder意为“建设者”。

【易错提醒】 build的过去式是built。

【搭配】 build... out of... 意为“用……建造……”;build... into... 意为“把……建设成……”。

【词汇运用】 翻译句子

(1) 我们是1989年建的房子。

We ______ ______ ______ in 1989.

(2) 我们想把我们的城市建成一个大花园。

We want to ______ our city ______ a big garden.

【答案】 (1) built our house (2) build;into

3. fight 动词,意为“打仗(架);与……打仗(架)”。

My parents often tell me not to fight with anybody for anything. 我父母常常叫我不要和任何人为任何事情打架。

【易错提醒】 fight的过去式是fought。

【搭配】 fight for... 意为“为……打仗(架)”;fight with... 意为“和……打仗(架)”。

【词汇运用】 用适当的介词填空

The dogs always fight ______ bones ______ each other.

【答案】 for;with

4. end 名词,意为“末端,尽头,终点”。

We walked to the end of the road. 我们走到了马路的尽头。

【联想】 endless意为“无止境的,没有尽头的”。

【搭配】 at the end of意为“在……的尽头(末端)”;by the end of意为“到……末为止”;in the end意为“最后,终于”,相当于at last。

【词汇运用】 用含有end的适当短语填空

(1) Our school is _____________the street.

(2) We will finish the work _____________this year.

(3)_____________ ,we decided to send the sick boy to school.

【答案】 (1) at the end of (2) by the end of (3) In the end

5. trouble 名词,意为“麻烦”。

She had trouble learning English. 她学英语遇到了困难。

【联想】 trouble也可用作动词,意为“麻烦,打扰”。常用trouble sb.,意为“麻烦某人”。

【搭配】 have trouble(in) doing sth. 做某事遇到困难;in trouble 陷入困境。

【拓展】 Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you. 别自找麻烦。

【词汇运用】 翻译句子

(1) 很抱歉,给你添了很多麻烦。I?蒺m sorry to ______ ______ so much.

(2) 你怎么了? ______ ______ ______ with you?

【答案】 (1) trouble you (2) What?蒺s the trouble

6. noise 名词,意为“声音,响声;噪音”。

Every night,I hear strange noise outside the window.每天晚上,我听见窗外有奇怪的声音。

【搭配】 make a noise意为“发出吵闹声”。

【拓展】 noise的形容词形式是noisy,意为“吵闹的,嘈杂的,喧闹的”;副词形式是noisily,意为“吵闹地”。

【辨析】 noise,sound,voice




【词汇运用】 用noise,sound和voice填空

(1) I enjoy the country life,away from city______.

(2) ______ travels more slowly than light.

(3) Do you often listen to the______ of American?

【答案】 (1) noise (2) Sound (3) Voice

【原句再现1】 I love my parrot because he can sing,and I want to teach him to speak. 我喜欢我的鹦鹉,因为他会唱歌,我想教他说话。

【结构解析】 teach sb. to do sth. 意为“教某人做某事”;teach sb. sth. 意为“教某人某事”(注意句中sb.要用人称代词的宾格形式,不可用形容词性的物主代词)。

【句型运用】 翻译句子


Jim ______ ______ ______,and I ______ ______ ______.

【答案】 teaches me English;teach him Chinese

【原句再现2】 I like gold fish because I like watching them swim around. 我喜欢金鱼,因为我喜欢看他们游动。

【结构解析】 watch sb. do sth. 意为“看见某人做某事”,后一个动词用原形,强调动作的全过程,用动词的ing形式表示动作正在进行。类似的动词还有see,hear等。

【句型运用】 翻译句子

(1) 我回家的路上,看见他正在买东西。

I ______ ______ ______ ______ ______on my way home.

(2) 张老师喜欢看着学生们做作业。

Mr Zhang likes ______ ______ ______ ______ homework.

【答案】 (1) saw him doing some shopping (2) watching his students do

【原句再现3】 He does wonderful tricks,builds me camps out of sticks. 他做精彩的把戏,用木棒为我搭建营地。

【结构解析】 does wonderful tricks 意为“做精彩的把戏”。play a trick on sb.意为“搞某人的恶作剧”。

【句型运用】 翻译句子


My dog can _______________,and we often _________ it.

【答案】 do many wonderful tricks;play tricks on

【原句再现4】 And I?蒺ll look after him till the end. 我要照顾他直到最后。

【结构解析】 look after意为“照看,照顾”,和take care of意思相同。表示“好好照顾/照看”用take good care of...或look after...well。

【句型运用】 改写同义句

Our parents look after us well. Our parents ______ ______ ______ ______ us.

【答案】 take good care of

【原句再现5】 He says ‘Hello!’ when I come back home. 当我回家的时候,他说“你好”。

【结构解析】 when 引导的句子表示时间,come back home意为“回家”,home是副词,所以前面不要to。“回到学校”用come back to school。含有back的短语还有 go back(回去) ;give back(归还);take back(拿回)等。

【句型运用】 根据中文完成句子

(1) You have to ______(回家) to ______(拿回) your homework to school.

(2) You can borrow these books,but you?蒺d better ______(归还它们) on time.

【答案】 (1) go back home;take back (2) give them back

【原句再现6】 Do not pick them up with hands. 不要用手捡它们。

【结构解析】 这是一个祈使句,pick them up意为“把它们捡起来”。up是副词,pick up接代词作宾语时,代词要放在pick和up之间。类似的动词短语还有turn on/off/up/down(打开/关掉/调高/调低),give/take/get back(归还/拿回、收回/取回)等。

【句型运用】 翻译句子

(1) 请把地上的书捡起来好吗?

Would you please ______ ______ the books on the floor?

(2) 把收音机声音调小点或把它关掉,爸爸正在睡觉。

______ ______ the radio or ______ ______ ______,father is sleeping.

【答案】 (1) pick up (2) Turn down;turn it off

一、 描述事物的形容词


我弟弟非常聪明。 My brother is very clever.

我有一个聪明的弟弟。 I have a clever brother.

花园很美。 The garden is beautiful.

那是一个美丽的花园。 It is a beautiful garden.

【语法运用】 改写同义句

1. I have a black cat. ______ ______ ______ ______.

2. They are special friends. ______ ______ ______ ______.

【答案】 1. My cat is black. 2. The friends are special.

二、 不定代词的用法

不指明代替任何特定名词或形容词的代词叫做不定代词。常用的复合不定代词有someone/somebody/ something,anyone / anybody/ anything,no one / nobody/nothing和 everyone / everybody / everything。它们在句中可用作主语、宾语或表语。something,someone 等和 anything,anyone等的区别与 some 和 any 的区别一样,前者一般用于肯定句,后者一般用于否定句、疑问句。

【语法运用】 用someone/ somebody/ something,anyone / anybody/ anything,no one / nobody/nothing和 everyone / everybody / everything填空。

1. Would you like ______ to eat?

2. ______ is crying in the next room.

3. ― Who was late? ― ______.

4. ______ is difficult if you put your heart into it.

5. Not ______ will go well.

6. ______ has his/her own words.

7. I can?蒺t meet ______ on the island.

8. He listened,but didn?蒺t hear ______.

【答案】 1. something 2. Someone/Somebody 3. No one/Nobody 4. Nothing 5. everything 6. Everyone/Everybody 7. anybody/anyone 8. anything

【原题再现1】 I could look a ______ myself well when I was ten. (2011・长沙)

【答案解析】 根据所给的首字母及固定词组look after,可知答案为after。

【原题再现2】 Jim is a computer fan and he wants to be a computer engineer when he ______(长大). (2012・内蒙古包头)

【答案解析】 “长大”是固定短语“grow up”,注意动词的第三人称单数形式,答案为grows up。

【原题再现3】 Mum,can I have something to ______ now? I?蒺m really hungry!(2012・ 辽宁大连)

A. do B. use C. eat D. see

【答案解析】 根据句意“妈妈,有东西吃了吗?我真的很饿!” C是正确答案。

【原题再现4】 ― Is Tom in the next room?

― Well,it?蒺s hard to say. But I heard him ______ loudly when I passed by just now. (2012・ 江苏盐城)

A. speak B. to speak C. spoken D. speaking

【答案解析】 本题考查hear sb. do sth.“听见某人做某事”和hear sb. doing sth.“听见某人正在做某事”的区别。句意为“―― 汤姆在隔壁房间吗? ―― 嗯,这很难说。但我刚刚路过的时候听到他正在大声说话”。答案为D。

【原题再现5】 ― What does your new English teacher look like?

― She is a pretty lady ______ long hair. (2012・山东菏泽)

A. at B. for C. with D. of

【答案解析】 本题考查介词用法。句意为“―― 你的新英语老师看起来什么样子? ―― 她是一个漂亮的留着长发的女士” 。 with有“带有”的意思。答案为C。

【原题再现6】 She sang a song I believe I can fly in Yangzhou English Classics Reading Contest. I have never heard a ______ voice than that before. (2012・扬州)

A. good B. well C. better D. best

【答案解析】 本题考查句意理解。句意为“她在扬州英语经典阅读比赛上唱了一首‘我相信我能飞翔’的歌曲。我之前从来没有听到过比那更好的嗓音”。根据句中的than可知,要用比较级,答案为C。

【原题再现7】 My dog is very ______. It is safe to touch him if you want to. (2012・江西)

A. smart B. brave C. happy D. friendly

【答案解析】 本题考查形容词的辨析。句意为“我的狗很友好。如果你想摸它,会是安全的”。smart“聪明的”,brave“勇敢的”和happy“快乐的”均不符合题意。只有friendly“友好的”符合题意,选D。

【原题再现8】 ― I have ______ in learning English and I?蒺m so worried. Could you help me with it?

― Sure,I?蒺d love to. (2012・贵州毕节)

A. joy B. interest C. trouble D. fun

【答案解析】 本题考查名词的辨析。joy“快乐”;interest“兴趣”;trouble“困难”;fun“有趣”。根据“我很担心”以及“你可以帮助我吗”可知,此处表示“我英语学习有困难”,故选C。

一、 单项选择

( )1. Which of the following is the right search engine about how to look after a pet?

A. pet B. pet care C. pet problems D. different pets

( )2. Which of the following just bubbles?

A. cat B. goldfish C. dog D. rabbit

( )3. We take good care of him,so he ______ worries.

A. often B. usually C. sometimes D. never

( )4. That grey cat is usually very ______ and ______.

A. friendly;quiet B. friend;quiet C. friendly;quietly D. friend;quietly

( )5. ― Does your dog play ______ balls? ― Yes,I sometimes see it runs ______ the ball.

A. with;with B. after;with C. after;after D. with;after

( )6. ― Did you go to sleep late last night?

― Yes. I didn?蒺t go to bed ______ I finished reading the book.

A. when B. after C. until D. while

( )7. ______ is knocking at the door. Go and see who it is.

A. Nobody B. Somebody C. Anybody D. Everybody

( )8. My father likes sitting by the river watching fish ______ around.

A. swim B. swimming C. to swim D. swims

( )9. Jack?蒺s mum is ill in hospital and Jack has to _____ her in the hospital.

A. look after B. look at C. look for D. look up

( )10. ― Don?蒺t play with the fire next time. It?蒺s dangerous. ― ______.

A. Sorry,I don?蒺t B. No,I don?蒺t C. Sorry,I won?蒺t D. Yes,I will

二、 词汇运用

A. 根据句意和所给提示,写出单词。

1. Please ______ [fi?蘼d] my dog when I am away.

2. He didn?蒺t pass the exam,but he didn?蒺t seem to ______[k?藓?藜].

3. The boxes look small,but they ______[weI] about twenty kilos.

4. It is not polite to ______(打架) .

5. Don?蒺t ______(触摸) anything until I tell you to do.

6. We all think goldfish are beautiful and ______(温和的).

7. If you can?蒺t read the word,ask your classmates and______(重复) it.

8. The boy looked for his English book,but he couldn?蒺t find it _____(任何地方).

9. The girl looked very surprised. She looked at me with her mouth open ______(张大地).

10. A cat is running after the two ______(鼠).

B. 根据句意,用括号中动词的正确形式填空。

1. Some people______(be) afraid of dogs.

2. He likes watching the goldfish______(swim) around.

3. I want to teach my parrot ______(speak).

4. Lily,______(not put) the fish in the sun. They will die.

5. I love goldfish,but I don?蒺t know how ______(look) after them.

三、 完形填空

People like animals like dogs and cats. Some people keep one or more of 1 as pets. If you keep a dog or a cat as a pet,you must know how to 2 it.

A grown?鄄up dog needs two meals a 3 ― not more. It can eat meat,fish,rice and some other things. Dogs like large bones, 4 you can?蒺t give them chicken bones. Remember to give them much clean water.

A dog should have a clean,dry box 5 sleeping. Washing it once a week is good for

6 health. If it is ill,take it to a vet(兽医). A healthy dog will 7 you more fun and joy.

Be 8 when you choose a cat. A cat has two meals a day with some meat or fish. It drinks a little milk every day. Sometimes you 9 give it vegetables to eat. Don?蒺t forget that it needs clean water to drink.

Take good care of your 10 . They will be your good friends. Maybe they can give you some help when you are in need.

( )1. A. them B. us C. you D. it

( )2. A. look for B. look like C. look after D. look at

( )3. A. hour B. day C. week D. month

( )4. A. and B. so C. or D. but

( )5. A. for B. to C. at D. of

( )6. A. their B. his C. your D. its

( )7. A. take B. make C. bring D. show

( )8. A. careful B. helpful C. polite D. happy

( )9. A. must B. need C. mustn?蒺t D. can

( )10. A. dogs B. cats C. pets D. children

四、 阅读理解

Pie is our pet dog. She is a Scotch Collie(苏格兰牧羊犬).When we brought her home,she was only 45 days old. She looked so small and so lovely. We used meat and vegetables to cook meals for her and fed her five or six times a day. She liked the food so much and always finished her meal in no more than two minutes. When we were at home,it was time for her to play. Everything could be her toy,our shoes,newspapers,a tennis ball,a teddy bear or a brush. When we were away,most of the time,she slept with one or two of our shoes. Maybe the smell of our shoes made her feel safe. But how did she carry the big shoe to her bed?

It was fun to watch her play. But when she peed(小便,pee的过去式) on the floor,it was much trouble too. So we began to teach her to go to the toilet. It was really difficult to make a dog understand your words,especially when she was less than two months old. We carried her to the toilet when it was about her pee time. She barks a lot but we wouldn?蒺t let her out.

When she finally peed there,we gave her a small piece of meat as a reward. Twice later,she knew the right place to pee,and of course,remembered to wait for the reward after it.

( )1. How old when Pie got to our home for the first time?

A. Two months old. B. More than two months old.

C. About one year old. D. Less than two months old.

( )2. How many times did Pie eat every day then?

A. Once. B. Twice.

C. Twice or three times. D. Five or six times.

( )3. What did Pie usually do when she was alone at home?

A. She usually barked a lot. B. She usually played with a teddy bear.

C. She usually slept with one or two shoes. D. She usually stayed in the toilet.

( )4. What is the meaning of the word “reward”?

A. 游戏 B. 奖励

C. 惩罚 D. 玩具

( )5. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Pie knows to pee in the toilet now.

B. We cooked for Pie when she was very young.

C. Pie was never any trouble.

D. Pie brought much fun to us.

五、 书面表达


Goldfish are lovely.__________________________________________________________




I think you can keep them well and be their good friends.


一、 1―5 BBDAD 6―10 CBAAC

二、 A. 1. feed 2. care 3. weigh 4. fight 5. touch 6. gentle 7. repeat 8. anywhere 9. wide 10. mice

B. 1. are 2. swim 3. to speak 4.don?蒺t put 5. to look

三、 1―5 ACBDA 6―10 DCADC

四、 1―5 DDCBC

五、 Goldfish are lovely. I have two black and white goldfish. They look beautiful. I feed them fish food every day. They like swimming around quietly. Then I will tell you about the right ways to look after them.

They aren?蒺t any trouble,so you don?蒺t need to spend much time looking after them. You need to remember the following things. Clean the fish tank three times a week. Don?蒺t give them too much food. Don?蒺t put them in the sun.

I think you can keep them well and be their good friends.



About dogs

*Dogs are our good friends. They started living with men about 10,000 years ago.

*Laikia,a dog,was the first animal in the world to travel in space. In 1957,the Soviet Union(前苏联) sent it into space in a satellite(人造卫星).

*People usually think that dogs are blind to colours. It?蒺s not true. Dogs can see colours. They can tell the difference between blue,yellow and grey,but probably don?蒺t see red and green.

About cats

*In ancient Egypt(古埃及),people thought cats were the property(所有物) of Pharaoh(法老王). They were more important than people. If there was a fire,people should save cats first,and then men.

*Cats hear better than dogs and people. They have 32 muscles(肌肉) in each ear,so they can turn their ears very quickly to catch sounds.

*A study shows cats have better memories than dogs. It says a dog can remember something for no more than five minutes,but a cat can remember for 16 hours.



*狗是我们的好朋友。 大约一万年前它们就开始和人类一起生活了。








Feel like a million dollars


Mary met John at a park gate. John had a bad cold a few days before.

Mary:Hi,John. I heard you had a bad cold.

John:Yes,very bad.

Mary:How are you feeling now?

John:Very good. I?蒺m feeling like a million dollars. Look,I?蒺m going to play football.