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Senegal is considered as a country in which democratic system works very well, but polygamy is still a prevailing custom. Although the government of Senegal proposed the articles about women’s liberation in recent years, polygamy still exists. The reasons behind it are mostly due to the influence of Islamic culture.

The Quran pointed out: “If you are afraid of not being equitable with the orphans, then marry the women you like: two, three or four. But if you fear you would not act with justice, then marry just one or with a few of your slaves. Thus, you will be off doing evil.” It’s not difficult to find that Islam promotes and encourages polygamy. In Islamic countries, polygamy is widely recognized. Especially in rural areas and tribes, it has been preserved as an “old tradition”.

As an old tradition, polygamy has its deep historical reasons. Polygamy embodies the features of patriarchy marriage form, stressing that male is the leading role in the process of social production. Also because of this, man with dominant position in politics and economy has more opportunities of reproduction, and polygamy gathers the resources of human reproduction. It is consistent with the enlightenment in the Quran which specifies that man can carry more than one wife for reproduction. Reproduction and expanding their own family became the reason for most Arabic countries who promotes polygamy. The wealth of Maasai man is measured by the number of his wives, and the purpose of marriage is to have children. The motive of making the family blood sustainable makes many African countries still stick to polygamy.




Wives and concubines symbolize fortune and social status. Yoruba people of Nigeria have always believed “wives are the symbol for wealth”. In their eyes, wealth cannot compete with “wives in the house”. The more the wives, the higher the social status is. An emir called Arribhuka in Nigeria owns over 400 wives. Moreover, emirs of Unyoro usually marry 10 to 15 wives, otherwise it won’t match the status of being an emir. In the slave society and feudal society of China, slave masters and emperors adopted the polygamy in the form of taking concubine, and the number of concubines symbolized their wealth and social status. To some extent, it was also a form of polygamy.

The reporter found in the interviews that isolated ethnic group is more likely to keep the tradition rooted in their blood and form featured marriage culture and marriage pattern. “I have 15 wives, and I’m not lying”, said proudly a young Mosuo man in the performance “Lijiang Impression” directed by the Chinese well-known director Zhang Yimou. Mosou is a special social group in China, and they are the only matriarchal clan society in China at present. They adopt the system of “walking marriage” in which “man and woman do not get married”. If young man and woman are fond of each other, the man will go to the woman’s house at night and return home before the dawn. In general, a man may have sexual intercourse with many women. Although this kind of “marriage” is not real marriage in legal term, it exists and is accepted as a form of marriage by the people.



Nothing is absolute right or wrong. There are both opponents and supporters. In 2011, a group of Malaysian Islamic women established a society called “Club for Wives with Complete Submission”. In order to please their husbands, they take course like sex education in the club. In their opinion, it will help to reduce social problems such as cheating, divorce, and domestic violence.

Supporters of “polygamy” even believe that just because they can marry many wives, the world of Arabic men never has sexual depression and sexual craving, and that’s why the incidence rate of sex crime is much lower than the eastern and western world. Less sex crimes mean the lower occurrence of AIDS, which is also a benefit brought by polygamy.

