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As all girls of a certain age know there’s only one real cocktail champion and that’s Tom

Cruise注1, thanks to the magic of 1990s Hollywood. But back in the real world, well there’s this: a huge cocktail-making extravaganza[盛典] in China. With the twirl[旋转] of a bottle here, a fling[抛,掷] of some ice there and a juggle[杂耍] of lemon slices, these girls and guys are serious about gaining that

coveted[被觊觎的] first place, although their costumes

might not be so straight laced. Yes you got

Spiderman whipping you up[激起] probably a “Sex on the Beach”, or perhaps this Monkey King putting

a mojito[莫希托鸡尾酒] together for you. Silly outfits aside Spiderman, aka注2 Shu Poshing注3 says cocktail-making or “flairtending[花式调酒]” is an art.

Shu: Every day I have to go into school. I return home and practice. I practice a maximum of eight hours a day, but at least three to four hours.

He must be delighted that he won then. He beat off hopefuls from China, the Philippines, Japan, Singapore and Taiwan. So what makes a brilliant budding[初露头角的] bartender? Well, Judge Maggie Beale explains.

Beale: I judge them at least for entertainment. That’s what they’re there for. It’s all about showmanship[表演技能]. They’ve got to do better than the other guys to make me entertained. That’s what I am looking for.

So, even though the competition was fierce, if there was one place on the planet where you needed to grab a drink to calm your nerves. Well, it’s here.



他得奖时一定欢欣雀跃。他击败了来自中国大陆、菲律宾、日本、新加坡和台湾地区的大热选手。 那么,一位初出茅庐的优秀调酒师的特别之处在哪呢?评委麦吉・比尔进行了说明。




注2:also known as的缩写,口语化用法。
