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1. 正确选词(Using Proper Words)

在平时学生的作业中,我们经常会看到这样的句子:(1)I with him still good friends. (2)I success.例(1)中,学生因为只知道“with”是用的意思,而不知道它是介词,应该做状语,就容易混淆了它在句子中的位置,并把它用作谓语了。例(2)中,学生不知道success的词性,从而写出错误的句子。所以,我们在平时的单词教学中,一定要注重单词词性的讲解和训练。

2. 进行简单句训练,使句子正确有效(Making Correct and Effective Sentences)

例:中央电视台主办“汉语桥”比赛活动,其目的是为人们提供舞台去展示汉语能力和激发他们学习汉语的热情。有学生这样翻译:It is provide platform yourself Chinese able stage...

若不是进行时态或被动语态,句子中的谓语动词一定不要用be,所以,教师在平时的教学中,可侧重动词方面的训练。教师可以从训练学生对动词的翻译开始。主办比赛: host/ hold a competition.目的: aim to do. 提供舞台去展示: offer sb. a stage to show/ provide sb. with a stage to show. 激发热情去做: arouse/motivate one’s passion to do sth.将上述词组组成简单句: A competition will be held on the CCTV. It aims to offer people a stage to show their Chinese ability and arouse their passion to learn Chinese.



例如以下两个信息点:I am sure all the activities will do a lot of good to us students. It’s a pity that I can only take part in two of them.两句之间就可以加上but进行衔接:I am sure all the activities will do a lot of good to us students but it’s a pity that I can only take part in two of them.

又如,对于解决水污染问题提出的几点建议,可用firstly,secondly,finally连接:Firstly, the government should take some effective measures to quit water pollution. Secondly, the factories are banned from pouring waste water into rivers. Finally, we are supposed to strengthen the citizens’ awareness of protecting the water resources.


根据文章的长度,如果内容不多,可用简单句,并适当增补内容。如果内容多,应多用并列句和复杂句。正确地使用各种句型,不仅能够完成题目所要求的任务,还能使文章的句式变得更丰富、行文更加流畅、中心和主旨更加突出。因此,教师在英语写作教学中,要让学生掌握这些常用句型,以提高学生的写作技巧。常见的句式有:非谓语动词结构、同位语、定语从句及名词性从句、with的复合结构等等。如上文中所举的例子,可以改写成:A competition called “Chinese Bridge” will be held on CCTV, which aims to offer people a stage to show their Chinese ability and arouse their passion to learn Chinese.

又如:1)Yuan Longping was born on September 7, 1937 in Chongqing. 2) Yuan Longping was from a poor farmer’s family.可合并成:Born in Chongqing on September 7, 1937, Yuan Longping was from a poor farmer’s family.
