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U.S― Fed's Reality Show on Rates lSn't Convincing美联储的现实反映在利率举措上的情况不具说服力

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Sure, investors are fighting the fed. But the Fed is fighting the reality. Even with falling oil pnces and the rising dollar poised to put the freeze on inflation, Fed- eral Reserve policy makers still look as if they hope to start raising interest rates in June.


The statement they released Wednesday following their two-day meeting noted that inflation readings are likely to cool further in the months ahead and that bond-market measures of expected inflation have fallen substantially. Still the Fed expects inflafon over the medium term to move forward its 2% goal.


Yet credit-market participants have come to think the Fed's liftoff on rates will likely come later. Federal-funds futures, which price off of Fed target rate expectations, now put higher odds on the central bank tightening policy in September than in June. And Treasury yields have fallen markedly over the past month.


Fed offiaals may act like they can raise rates despite what is happening with infla- tion readings,but investors are questioning whether that is really the case.


One reason: Inflation readings are about to get a lot cooler. With gasoline now averaging just over $2 a gallon nationally, the Labor Department's consumer-price index reading this month willlikely be below its year-earlier level, and inflation neg- ative territory in the months to come. As lower energy costs filter into the prices of other goods and services, and as the gains in the dollar cut into the pnces of imports, core inflation-the change in prices including food and energy-looks likely to fall toward just l%.


It also is likely that this will be temporary, and that after the effects of lower oil and rapid dollar strengthening pass through the system,prices will heat up. That is likely especially if an improving job market forces employers to pay up to attract workers.


But that doesn't mean that the drop in inflation willlook temporary, or that the Fed will be able to confidently conclude that cooling prices haven't worked their way into consumers' inflation expectations.


So why didn't Fed policy makers cave and signal that the first rate move will come later?. Probably because they want to keep open the option of tightening in June, just in case the data take a turn higher. But unless that turn comes by March, when they meet next, they won't be able to keep June on the table for much longer.



core inflation核心通货膨胀


inflation expectations通胀预期
