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【摘 要】.随着经济的不断发展,人们非常希望健康长寿,因此对饮用水日益讲究水质安全。2006年12月29日颁布的《生活饮用水水质卫生规范》对生活饮用水水质做了严格的限定。但经过水厂处理达到国家所要求的水质标准的水都需要通过复杂庞大的管网系统才能输送到用户,其间管线长度可达数十甚至上千米,水在管网中的滞留时间可达数日,庞大的地下管网就如同一个大型的反应器。水在这样的反应器内发生着复杂的物理、化学、生物的变化,从而导致水质发生变化,造成管网污染。对用户的自来水进行长期监测,其余氯、浑浊度、细菌总数、总大肠杆菌四项常规指标和综合合格率均有较大的下降。因此,常常会出现水厂出厂水水质完全符合国家标准,而用户投诉水质不合格,表现为浑浊、发黄、发红甚至发黑,这些特点都表明,水在管网输送过程中发生了二次污染。本文就自来水二次污染及其防止进行探讨。.


Discussion tap secondary pollution problem

Ren Ya-ling

(Shaanxi dawn Architectural Design and Research Co., Ltd Xi'an Shaanxi 710000).

【Abstract】.As the economy continues to develop, it is very much like the health and longevity, and therefore increasingly pay attention to water quality and safety of drinking water. Promulgated on December 29, 2006, "life quality of drinking water, hygienic practices on drinking water quality in strictly limited. But after water processing plant to achieve water quality standards required by the country's water needs through the huge complex pipe network system to transport to the user during the length of the pipeline up to tens or even thousands of meters, the residence time of the water in the pipe network up to a few days, a large underground pipe network just like a large reactor. The water in this reactor complex physical, chemical, biological changes, leading to changes in water quality, contaminate the pipe network. Of the user tap water for long-term monitoring, a larger decline in its residual chlorine and turbidity, total number of bacteria, E. coli of four conventional indicators and integrated pass rates. Often water plant in full compliance with state water quality standards, user complaints failed water, showed turbid, yellow, red or even black, these features indicate that the water pipe network transport two secondary contamination. This article is to explore the tap secondary pollution and its prevention..

【Key words】.Water supply network;Running water;Secondary pollution

1. 自来水二次污染的分类.

1.1 按污染源:


1.2 按污染位置:


1.3 .按污染形式:
