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How to Set Goals for Your Year 2015如何为你的设立目标

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There has never been a better time in all of human history to be alive than today.

There are more opportunities for you to ac-complish more things, in more different fields,engaging in more different activities, than have ever existed before.

One of the great rules for success is this:“It doesn't mat-ter where you’re coming from; all that really matters is where you’re going!”

No matter what you have done or accomplished in the past,“that was then and this is now.”

The very best days, weeks, months and years of your life lie ahead. The most exciting accomplishments and the great-est achievements are still to come.As Shakespeare said,“The past is merely a prelude.”

As it happens, everyone has goals. But some people seem to accomplish their goals far more systematically and with greater assurance than others.Why iS this? The answer is simple. People who accomplish goals at a higher rate than the average are people who use a systematic, proven meth-od of goal setting and goal attainmentl.


Focus and Concentration


Perhaps the two most important qualifes of success are focus and concentration. Focus means knowing exactly what it is you want and concentration means having the discipline to concentrate single-mindedly on one thing, untilit is complete.

If you have these qualities, and both of these qualities are learned through practice, you can accomplish virtually anything. There are no limits on your future if you can focus and concentrate every hour of every single day.

Tip:若想获得成功, “目标清晰”与 “保持专注”也许是两个最重要的品质。“目标清晰”意味着你要明确地知道什么是自己想要的;“保持专注”意味着你要有专注在某一件事上的自律性。如果你具备这两点品质,而且是通过实践所学到的,那么你几乎可以做到任何事!如果你在每一天的每一个小时都能目标清晰且保持专注,你的未来将有无限可能。“Back from the Future”Thinking


The starting point of setting goals for the coming year is for you to project forward and think back. Practice what we call“Back from the Future”thinking. Project forward to the end of the next twelve months and ask yourself,“If everything happens perfectly, what will it look like?”

You need to set goals that are multi-dimensional. You need to set goals for every part of your life so that you func-tion like a well-oiled machine, like a balanced wheel that goes around smoothly in every respect. You need goals for your health, for your study, for your finances and for your spiritual growth.

Nothing happens by accident. Everything happens for a reason. And you are the "pnmary creative force" in your own life. You are the reason. Things are happening in your life because you make them happen, not because you sit around and wait for them to happen.


7-Step Goal Setting Mode


Here is the basic seven-step model of goal setting. You can use this like breathing in and breathing out on a regular basis to accelerate your attainment of any goal you can imagine for yourself.

Step One(第一步)

Step number one is for you to decide exactly what you want.

Clarity is the most important single quality of goal-setting. Decide exactly what you want in each area of your life. Instead of fuzzy2 goals like better health and happiness, be specific about exactly what level of health and fitness you desire.

Most people are unconsciously preoccupied with the fear of failure. It is the greatest single obstacle to success. And the fear of failure can work on you unconsciously by blocking you from setting clear specific goals.

You must resist and overcome this tendency by having the courage to be bold and specific about exactly what you want.


Step Two(第二步)

Write your goal down on paper.

Only three percent of living Americans, or adults any-where for that matter, have written goals. Everyone else that thinks about a written goal and plans to write them down, someday. But they never get around to it.Most people spend more time making a list of groceries before they go shopping or planning a vacation than they do in planning their lives. Success begins with a pad of paper,a pen and a few minutes of your time. One of the most important keys to success is to“think on paper.”


Step Three(第三步)

The third step is for you to set a deadline. If it is a large goal, set a series of sub-deadlines.A deadline acts as a “forcing system”on your subconscious mind and begins to move you toward your goal rapidly while it moves your goal toward you.

Sometimes people ask me, “What if I set a goal and I don't achieve it by the deadline?” The answer is simple. Set another deadline.

Remember,a deadline is a guesstimate3 0f when you will achieve it.Sometimes you will achieve your goal well in advance of your deadline. Sometimes goals will take much longer than you expect. But you must have a target time before you set off.

It is like making a reservation at a restaurant. You may be five minutes early or five minutes late, but you always have a specific time for which your dinner is reserved.


Step Four(第四步)

The fourth step is for you to make a list of everything you could possibly think of that you will have to do to achieve your goal. The more comprehensive your list, the more motivated you will become, the more intense will be your desire and the more you will believe it possible.

One of the things that hold people back is even if they get to the point of a written goal; they do not take the time to lay out a list of all the little things they will have to do to get there. And with additional experience, you will add new items to your list until it finally becomes complete.


Step Five(第五步)

The fifth step of goal setting is for you to take your list and organize it into a plan.A plan is really quite simple. It is a list organized by priority and importance. You decide what you will do first and what you will do later. You decide what is more important and what is less important. And most of all, you decide upon the one thing that is more important than anything else that you can do immediately to begin mov-ing more rapidly towards your goal.


Step Six (第六步)

Step number six is for you to "take action"! This is the big killer for most people. They are procrastina-tors4. They have great ideas combined with great hopes and dreams. They may even get to the point of writing down their goals. But when it comes to taking action, they always have a reason or excuse to procrastinate to put it off untila later time.

It is when you launch toward your goal that you begin to feel the desire and power that goes along with goal setting. And once you have launched toward your goal, it is much easier for you to continue moving in that direction.


Step Seven(第七步)

Step number seven is for you to do something every day to move you toward your major goal. Never let a day go by without you engaging in some action that helps you move another step in the direction of what you really, really want in life.

Remember, you can't hit a target that you can't see. And if you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there.


The simple seven-step act of deciding exactly what you want, writing it down, setting a deadline, making a list, orga-nizing the list into a plan, taking action on the most important item on your list and then doing something every day towards your goal will change your life and your future in ways that you cannot even dream of today.