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Chapter Two:Our AdVenture Begins南非之行(二)――开启冒险之旅(上)

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Buying Souvenirs


We were off to Johannesburg airport and we had little time to shop and I enjoyed browsing at the Out of Africa Shop to see what I could bring back as gifts for friends.It is quite the art form to paint on ostrich eggs but of course I could only photograph them.

Another craft was most unusual.As butterflies only live forty-eight hours,many are collected for use in a mosaic form art.I bought one for granddaughter Kassandra,as I remem-bered a number of years ago a photo she took of a beautiful green moth and thought that she find this butterfly craft in-teresting as she is also a very good artist.We soon boarded British Airways to Victoria Falls.


Arriving at Zimbabwe


Arriving at our destination,Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe,all passengers had quite a long wait as our passports were care-fully scrutinizedl to make sure that none of us were arriving from Western Africa with its Ebola crisis.On exiting,our guide found us and off we drove.We were surprised when a whole troop of baboons darted across the highway.A Brahma bull stood alongside the travelled road.

From my cruise around Australia,I instantly recognised the Boabab tree.ItS unusual bottle shape is so distinctive.We passed a number of thatched tiny homes and interesting trees with yellow flowers.The trees that appeared to have pom-poms on the branches,we later learned that these were the nests of the weaver bird.

Miombo Safari Camp located near Hwange National Park is about a two-hour drive from the airport.We were shown around and then escorted2 to our"tent"which cer-tainly wasn't anything like our Canadian tents.Everything about it was massive.

In the evening,the Ingonyama Dance and Drama Group of nine entertained us.The performers took the name Ingon-yama which meant King of the Beasts.Besides singing and dancing,they imitated a number of animals.I particularly like the elephant.

Everyone is escorted back to their tents when it's dark as there are no fences and wild animals can come into the camp.By the time you are showered and ready to walk to the dining area,the sky is light enough.After breakfast we started out.


Our First Venture into the Wild


Before we even got to the Reserve,we spotted four giraffes and three"Velvet"monkeys close to the narrow paved road.

Notice how well her legs are camouflaged by the leaves on the bush.

One of the most recognisable birds,the Hornbill of which there are seven varieties.Most are omnivores feeding on berries,figs and insects.This Southern Yellow-Billed is known as the"flying banana".We enjoyed seeing a herd of Impala which we call the McDonald snack of Africa due to their large"M"marking on the behind.The Park's logo is the Impala.Gate raised, we enter the large park for our first venture into the wild.

We notice a group of warthogs grazing.We keep driving past golden grasses contrasting with beautiful green Acacias.Soon we come upon a number of ele-phants.How spectacular to be so close to them.They are not at all perturbed by our safari jeep.The frontal view photo:he is not charging us,simply on one foot to dig up something tasty.Elephants push over trees to get at the topmost leaves.It is also beneficial to shorter animals as they feed on anything the elephant does not eat.

