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1. first name 名字 2. last / family name 姓氏

3. telephone number 电话号码 4. school ID card 学生证

5. computer game 电脑游戏 6. family photo 家庭照片

7. alarm clock 闹钟 8. tennis racket 网球拍

9. sports club 运动俱乐部 10. speech contest 演说比赛

11. birthday party 生日聚会 12. school day 学校上课日

13. art festival 艺术节 14. music festival 音乐节

15. English party 英语晚会 16. action movie 动作片


1. take... to 把……带走 2. bring... to 把……带来

3. play sports 做运动

4. play volleyball / basketball 打排球/篮球 5. thanks for... 因为……而感谢

6. have a look 看一看

7. have a great sports collection 有大量的体育品收藏

8. go to a movie 去看电影 9. learn about 了解

10. play the guitar / piano 弹吉他 / 钢琴 11. join the club 参加俱乐部

12. speak English 讲英语 13. help... with... 帮助……做…… 14. be good with... 与……相处得好 15. eat / have breakfast 吃早饭 16. take a shower 沐浴,洗澡 17. go to work 去上班 18. take a bus 乘公共汽车 19. stay at home 呆在家里

20. go to bed 上床睡觉 21. do homework 做作业

22. go home 回家 23. brush teeth 刷牙 24. have math 上数学课 25. play with... 和……一起玩 26. tell sb. about... 告诉某人有关……


1. in English 用英语 2. in the photo 在照片里

3. under the table 在桌子下面 4. on the sofa 在沙发上

5. in red 穿红衣服 6. on TV 通过电视(看……)

7. have lunch 吃午餐 8. on sale 出售

9. at a very good price 以优惠的价格 10. with her father 和她的父亲一起

11. on weekends 在周末 12. at home 在家

13. in the morning / afternoon / evening 在上午/下午/晚上

14. on Monday 在星期一 15. after class 课后

16. between... and 在……之间 17. in the drawer 在抽屉里


1. lost and found 失物招领 2. every day 每天

3. running star 赛跑明星 4. lots of 许多,大量

5. what color 什么颜色 6. a set of keys 一串钥匙

7. how much 多少钱 8. how old 多大年纪

9. best wishes 最美好的祝愿 10. a little 少量(不可数)

11. ... years old 几岁 12. what time 什么时间

13. be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格


Ⅰ. 结合句意及汉语提示,写出短语。

1. I know Jet Li, but I don’t __________ (了解) him.

2. My grandfather usually __________ (乘公共汽车) to the bank.

3. His sister sometimes __________ (待在家里) on Sundays.

4. ―Can he __________ (弹钢琴)?

―Yes, he can. And he plays it well.

5. Miss Liu __________ (和……相处得很好) her students.

Ⅱ. 从方框中选择合适的短语完成句子。

1. ―When is the __________?

―The school trip is on September 14th.

2. We want two good musicians for our __________.

3. They have some shoes at __________. But we have some clothes at a low price.

4. ―How much are these __________? ―They are 80 dollars.

5. ―I want to join the English club. How about you?

―Hmm. I want to join the __________.