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think, consider,regard和 take 这四个词都有“认为”“把……看做”之意,都可用于it作形式宾语的句式,但它们在具体含义和其他固定搭配上有所不同。


think是较常用的词,指“思考后形成某种想法或念头”;多用于“think (to be) +形容词/名词”结构,或者后跟从句。

例1Money is thought (to be) the root cause of all evils. 金钱被认为是万恶之源。

例2I thought him too young for the position. 我认为他太年轻,不太适合那个职位。

例3Do you think (that) he has quite a good chance of getting the job? 你认为他有机会得到那份工作吗?

例4She thought it her duty to take care of the orphans. 她认为照顾那些孤儿是她的职责。(it为形式宾语)


consider强调“经过深思熟虑后得出某一结论”,比较正式;可用于“consider sb./sth. (as/to be) +名词/形容词”结构,或者后跟从句。consider sb. to have done sth. 意为“认为某人已经做了某事”。

例5They consider Hansen (as/

to be) the cleverest boy in their class. 他们认为汉森是他们班上最聪明的男生。

例6They considered the plan as reasonable. 他们认为这个计划是合理的。

例7We all consider her to have done wonderfully in the English contest. 我们都认为她在英语竞赛中表现得非常出色。

例8Do you consider that we can finish the project ahead of time? 你认为我们能提前完成这个项目吗?

例9Do you consider it wise to interfere in their marriage? 你觉得干预他们的婚姻是明智之举吗? (it为形式宾语)



例10He regarded his wife as a beauty, though others found her plain. 他认为他的妻子是美女,尽管别人认为她长得很一般。

例11The dove is generally regarded as the symbol of peace. 鸽子常被看做是和平的象征。

例12Do you regard it as necessary I should come? 你认为我有必要来吗?(it为形式宾语)


take比较口语化,常与as/for连用,或后跟to be结构。与as连用相当于regard...as,表示一般的“看做,认为”;与for连用有“错看某人或某物”的意思。take意为“认为”时,后不跟从句。

例13Will you take me as your co-operator?你能把我看做是你的搭档吗?

例14We took him to be an honest man. 我们当他是个诚实的人。

例15He took your smile for agreement. 他错把你的微笑视为同意了。

例16I take it that we are to come early. 我以为我们要早来。(it为形式宾语)


1. Charles Babbage is generally ____________to have invented the first computer.

A. took B. considered C. regarded D. admitted

2. He is often ____________for a foreigner because of his appearance.

A. taken B. thought C. regarded D. considered

3. I ____________that he is fit for the position of the manager.

A. regard B. consider C. think D. Both B and C

4. We don’t ____________Sam can escape being fired this time.

A. consider B. regard C. think D. take

5. The villagers ____________that the storm was a punishment of God.

A. regarded B. thought C. considered D. took


1. B (consider sb. to have done sth. 的被动语态)

2. A (句意为“由于他的长相,他常被误认为是外国人”,用take...for表示)

3. D (regard, consider和think都可以表示“认为”,但regard后不跟从句,故选D)

4. C (句中表示“经过思考后形成某种想法”,用think)

5. B (句中表示“经过思考后形成某种想法”,用think)