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Exploration and Development of English Courses in Application―oriented Colleges

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Abstract. In the background of urging for applied talents, new course development of application-oriented institutions is on the agenda, vocational English courses converging college English learning and professional English are missing. In this paper, the author takes "English course development of art and design curriculum" of independent college for example, to explore vocational English curriculum development process in application-oriented institutions, and proposes solutions to develop countermeasures.

Keywords: Art and Design, Vocational English, Curriculum Development, Application-Oriented Regular College

1. The necessity for application-oriented college vocational English curriculum development

1.1 Training requirements of applied talents colleges

Many national leaders in a number of important meetings have raised the need to train professional and technical personnel, senior skilled personnel, rural areas applied talents, and academic talents different from each tier industry professionals. On June 6, 2010, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the "Long-term Talent Development Plan (2010-2020)", which is the first of China's long-term talent development program. "Use-oriented" is regarded as one of the guidelines outline, and "vigorously developing key areas of economic and social development of urgently needed expertise" is regarded as one of the main contents of qualified personnel. Professional and technical personnel and highly skilled personnel development goals is to reach 75 million and 39 million people respectively by 2020, accounting for about 10% and 5% of employees. To achieve these goals, application-oriented colleges has served a pivotal role. Therefore, the reforms of applied imperative colleges will be a top priority, namely the development of a series of focus on application-oriented personnel training courses carried out urgently.

1.2 Lag reality of currently applied vocational colleges in developing English courses

To address Applied Talents, many universities started to explore a new round of curriculum reform and development, and as all colleges have completed college English course, people have also carried out a new round of exploration and reform. Many scholars and front-line teachers try to put the field of curriculum development from the University of follow-up teaching english, English for English teaching or industry (ESP) textbooks and other views but many of the newly developed curriculum or teaching college English there are still many shortcomings, mainly in the following areas: (1) Topics emphasizing culture, values and daily life are more, but less reflect the application of curriculum; (2) Professional English language is academic research needs-based with large the difficulty, reflecting fewer workplace and professional bridging programs; (3) Less is embodied with language courses teaching the law. Most materials are developed in accordance with the ordinary curriculum development theory, ignoring the laws of language courses. (4) The number and scope of Industry English courses (or ESP course) development is still very limited. (5) The main occupation curriculum development is vocational colleges with rare application-oriented participatory institutions. These newly developed materials either from quality or on the amount can not meet the needs of undergraduate training colleges. Therefore, the development of a series of bridging college English courses and specialized vocational English courses English courses should be put on the agenda. Art and design professional English courses development in our college is in such a background.

With the development of China's art industry, domestic colleges and universities have established arts professionals. As most of the art industry originated in Western countries, leading art industry are generally in foreign countries. Such industry status requires colleges and universities to cultivate artistic talents with the ability to obtain relevant information abroad. Students are required to have the ability of learning the original works successfully, and communicate with the original authors and authoring industry professionals and use English in professional positions environment. At present, more and more colleges and universities began to open art professional English courses, and began to focus on the development of professional art research and teaching English courses. Although textbooks constantly enrich in this area, the number of textbooks is very limited, which is also not enough from the results of teaching and research. Most of the professional English textbooks are still written based on students through the college CET and more inclined to prepare for students participating in English or attending graduate exam. As a result, on one hand, the demand for applied arts talents with professional English skills is growing surge, and on the other hand, the reality is more than half of the art schools do not open up professional English courses. Therefore, from the practical application of workplace English professional positions, development for a series of art students' English proficiency vocational English courses is imminent.

2. Vocational English curriculum development process of applied undergraduate colleges

2.1 Form curriculum development team, determine curriculum development approach and make course objectives

The first step of English course development is to set up the course development team. If you want to write a textbook which reflects the rich cultural heritage in the workplace, but also enables teachers teaching practical operation, meeting the students in vocational and professional learning requirements and laying accordingly for future employment and professional development of students basic English, then we must make rigorous selection and formation of curriculum development team. There must be a strong team including experienced experts and professors with curriculum theory and teaching materials preparation, teachers in the first line of teaching, business experience double-qualified teachers, as well some well-known corporate HR managers.

In the development process of English class vocational curriculum of our Academy of Art and Design, we have combined the backbone of my co-teachers in the Art Department of the Foreign Language Department, invited Professor Yang Zheng from Wuhan University of Art and Design, and interviewed a number of design companies design and human resource practitioners Leader. We determine English courses design artistic development approach are: Arts faculty is responsible for professional guidance, Professor Guo Benli is responsible for the overall review of language, Professor Yang Zheng is responsible for the overall artistic profession trial, and the other group members are in charge of the investigation report and curriculum resources collection, preparation of teaching materials and teaching. Programs are targeting at:

(1) Make students understand the general workflow of designer;

(2) Form the right career outlook and have basic understanding of professional ethics and moral values;

(3) Form basic skills to complete their work in English;

(4) Form self-forming ability of career planning.

2.2 According to the syllabus, make a survey on needs of curriculum development status and make investigation report writing

Vocational colleges of applied English course necessary to ensure practicality and vocational courses, while learning must follow the principle of gradual and orderly progress, both to reflect the respective cultural heritage, but also convergence of career and professional development. To accomplish this, it must be investigated visit. Art and design research group to develop vocational English courses make the investigation from three aspects. First, we have launched a survey on art and design students to understand the students' English base, English learning attitudes and expectations of the target vocational English courses; Then we track and visit graduates and related employees to learn about their workplace conditions and work processes and collect their practitioners diary. We also use work process corporate holiday observed under the designer's job to know the designer needs occupational English; Finally, we have interviewed several HR persons in design company to understand the quality of the designer team and understand the business of professional designers expect quality level of English. On the basis of the investigation, we make an investigation report.

2.3 According to the results of survey courses demand conditions, multi-channel collect curriculum resources and course content filtering

Curriculum development should be based on the investigation report, because well survey allows us to grasp the core curriculum and course content, as well as the difficulty of the course, the structure of the curriculum, teaching methods, models and be well selection.

Through various surveys, we collect a lot of useful information on curriculum development and make feasibility report by Chen Chunfeng. On the basis of the investigation report, we arranged a curriculum development tasks, determine the artistic design professional English courses should reflect the work process and the career development process of art designers. Several tasks of a typical work process needing to communicate with people is regarded as a textbook for each module, including candidates - Induction - Design Assistant stage (given the task of designing information-gathering) - Journeyman design stage (general design communication) - designer stage (expressing the design process and product ideas). And to determine the difficulty of the course content and curriculum work by employees in the workplace from diaries and observe the process to work, the difficulty of the course content to be slightly larger than the College English (New Horizon College English) is a two volumes, but certainly better than traditional art and design professional English lower difficulty for students who have some basic English electives, primarily for future foreign work or professional learning to lay the initial foundation. In teaching methods we should focus more on practical aspects of interactive training sessions and speaking, while the course content should be added some interesting anecdotes workplace, regulating vocational courses seriousness.

2.4 According to the theory of vocational education curriculum development and language curriculum development theory, write curriculum content and present materials structure

Any curriculum development programs should be developed with a certain theory. Since it is a professional English curriculum development, there should be a corresponding vocational education curriculum development theory. While the English curriculum is part of language courses, language courses will need to develop the theory of language courses foundation. Therefore, in vocational English curriculum development, we want to combine vocational education curriculum development theory and the theory of English language curriculum development to develop vocational English courses suitable for application-oriented institutions.

Vocational education curriculum development models based on the ability include Russian system, MES courses, and CBE curriculum model and learning areas; In China, Zhao Zhiqun and Yan Zhonghua also proposed the development of vocational education programs combined with the integration of engineering theory. Despite in the various fields, professional or vocational English vary widely, but the purpose of their teaching is consistent, that is, to allow students to have completed vocational English skills needed for professional positions. It corresponds to the post work or professional English learning, therefore, vocational English curriculum development application-oriented institutions on the one hand to follow vocational education curriculum development theory, that the curriculum design process to be based on the work of teaching should be action-oriented, which is according to "conduct field - the field of learning - learning situation," the English curriculum development program; on the other hand, English courses should be in conjunction with curriculum development theory, making the curriculum embodies the workplace. Most representative of the second language learning theory are the following: Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis, the Input Hypothesis, Attention-Processing Model, Social Constructive Model and Michael Long's interaction hypothesis and whole language studies.

Our "Art and Design Workplace English" course is based on Professor Zhao Zhiqun’s vocational education curriculum development theory, guided by work process and action-oriented to select teaching mode. On the content selection and scheduling order, the group combined with English-based art and design research group personnel, the various advantages of a comprehensive theory of language, simplify course difficulty in the case of losing it; According to the theoretical study of whole language, the entire curriculum is designed to complete "design process", and also a complete "career development", as each module has a separate workplace tasks, but at the same time interrelated and continuous process. Each unit includes a fully trained literacy heard of a scene, but also in accordance with the second language acquisition theory, I heard that imitation from the start, the creation of programs to import information from the problem, and get in the workplace are in the process of problem-solving required knowledge and information. According to a second language output theory, we create a large number of language training opportunities for students to have the will and means of knowledge outputs. In the course evaluation system, focusing on formative assessment that concern student cooperative learning, self-learning attitude and effectiveness, the main goal of this course to enable students something to look forward to the future of the workplace, there is willingness to use English in the workplace and preliminary ability, along with basic and specialized ability to learn English.

2.5 Test the curriculum teaching, research teaching methods and curriculum evaluation model, and improve course content.

Although we have considered the initial curriculum development courses teaching methods, and positioned curriculum evaluation, we must take it into action. For example, our art and design vocational courses is completed after the development, the research group agreed that both the structure of the curriculum content and curriculum, teaching methods or course evaluation methods should be better. But through experimental teaching for a semester, the students found the content of the course is still too difficult; the course is difficult to form a good interaction; teachers teaching time is rather long. Therefore, after the curriculum is developed the institution must first select some pilot classes or individual instruction and attention to the process of teaching practice records, collect a variety of feedback information, maintain communication with the students and the instructor, teaching and pilot schools and classes and summarize and evaluate results. On one hand, we can verify the feasibility of curriculum development, and on the other hand, we can found the point needing to be modified, adjusted and supplemented or deleted in practice and improve course content.

3. Acknowledgement

This article is one result of "art design class professional development of English curriculum", key issue of South China agricultural university (Grant NO. HZKJ201204; host by Tianlan Xiong) and “Application undergraduate course for English majors talents training mode reform”, and a professional comprehensive reform pilot project of Guangdong Province (host by Benli Guo).


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